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Tinder pics


Sep 9, 2022
Hello mates,

Quick word about me. I'm a 23yo guy living in a small city of around 150k people. Recently broken up by my ex girlfriend so I'm trying to get my confidence back on these apps.
I've been on and off tinder for about 2 years, installing the app and using it for one or two month before deleting it and restarting a bit later.

My goal is to meet and have one or more FWB. I'm pretty shy IRL so I'm still not able to directly go toward girls in bars/club setups but I'm doing okay when meeting a girl from tinder in a one on one setting.

I'm a terrible texter so I always try to meet them asap but since I'm here it means I'm not getting what I'd like to get.

I've last downloaded tinder about 40days ago and bought platinum 2 days ago. Currently at 48 likes and 74 matches but either I'm not really attracted to my matches or I can't get to meet them.

I'd love to have your feedback on my profile, what photo I should replace/remove/add and what I should improve on

Pictures I'm currently using :

I've also got some other pictures that I could use :

Thanks a lot !
You're a good looking man and you have a good sense of how to dress. With an optimised profile, you could be killing it.

The main issue is that your profile gives of too many nice guy vibes. Most of your backgrounds are allright, but not quite ideal yet. For example, I think you look your best on your fifth pic, but you aren't wearing a watch and this feels like a pic taken in your backyard.

Imo I would keep 5,3,4,10 for now. 3 and 10 are probably keepers for long term. 5 can be improved as mentioned above, 4 is decent but think beach, pool party, ... for an even better one.

I'd advice you to get 1 urban style pic where you're looking away from the camera looking serious or having a smirk + an action shot of you doing a sport or another cool hobby
With what you have now, I’d say 5,3,1,9,10. Your style is extremely solid imo, and your pretty good looking, but could definitely do with edgier expressions / poses in pics.

You probably will get the best returns by improving your texting. I’m not the best source on this but I’d recommend starting with this:


PWF is also a good source but I hate the organization of the website / style of articles.

You have good numbers in terms of
matches / likes, probably better than you think. Most of the guys pulling larger numbers are in MUCH denser cities. You could massively improve your results by moving, but as someone who also lives away from a major city center I totally get why it might not be practical or worth it, especially if getting laid isn’t an all or nothing goal.
Yes I think my texting game is what's really pulling me back.
I've tried to use Andy's template but got unmatched pretty quickly

Thanks for the reviews guys
Damn dude your pictures are WAY better than mine. I'm surprised you're not killing it. I'm super new to this but I'm pretty sure it's your texting game that's off. Tbh, I'm not too sure about Andy's texting template. I made 3 fwb's doing my own thing with texting. The rest of his guide is amazing of course