Tinder pictures critique + any useable photos?


Apr 2, 2022
These are some of my first photos from my iPhone + tripod and with the combination of shooting alone. I am obviously not going to use these anywhere, as they scream loner + terrible quality. View attachment 7 View attachment 6

Now this is when I got my Nikon D3500 + 50mm f/1.8g Lens and started to shoot with Rice. What I am missing so far is a group photo/friend photo I don't know if this friend picture is useable because terrible quality. Some of the DSLR pictures you might notice if you zoom in the quality isn't that great, it's because I am cropping them on photoshop to tinders maximum width so they don't compress them further. But here is what I have so far. Are any of these useable?

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Hey dawg these are cool. I like the open jacket one. I reckon mixing them in with 1. Group shot 1 hobby shot and a shot of you smiling would be good
Got these two photos from me and Rices shoot on Sunday at what I thought we're the best ones. I wanted to get a laughing shot/smiling shot at my apartment because it has a pool table/billard, but it was closed for maintenance. We walked downtown trying to find a good rooftop shot to copy Rags2Bitches profile picture but no luck. Just took these shots to change out my watch one in a better background + lighting with my new haircut, it was last minute sun was setting after we could not find a good rooftop, and I wanted to at least getting something. I still need more activity photos, hope to get one of me smiling + with friends, I think that is where I might be falling short 5/6/2022 View attachment 1
Good stuff man, I really like your pic with the open jacket ! The last one you posted is great too.
I like the leaning against the pole photo the most (your profile photo on the forum), you look like a model here in my opinion and the expression is really cool. The open jacket 1 is also solid.
Very photogenic face

For future shoots I suggest having your body face away from the camera, and your face towards, rather than the other way around.

Body towards, face away = body language is warm but face is shy. Low status
Body away, face towards = body language is cold but face confidently looks at viewer. High status
september said:
Very photogenic face

For future shoots I suggest having your body face away from the camera, and your face towards, rather than the other way around.

Body towards, face away = body language is warm but face is shy. Low status
Body away, face towards = body language is cold but face confidently looks at viewer. High status

Going to try that next shoot, thank you for the feedback. I would have never have thought of that
Finally got e-mailed the employee photo I had requested that was taken with a DSLR. If somethings on the image look scuffed, it's to protect identities, things that I can't reveal. On tinder + bumble the image crops so it is just me + the other man raking concrete.
Hate to say it, but I don't think it helps for any type of dating to have a photo of yourself working a "low status" job (I have a similar one)

Especially with an unsexy uniform and being barely visible in it and just... it looks like you're raking cow shit, it's a really unsexy stock looking picture overall lol sorry to say

Really in general you don't need to mention or involve your job at all if it's not something high status. And for getting laid as opposed to long term, the only jobs that really help are like, promoter, influencer, photographer etc - 99.9% of regular jobs don't make you any more attractive, they just make you seem more real, but you don't need to emphasize being real until after the girl's attracted to you. Ideally your photos tell the story of an attractive you, and seeming real is just a beneficial side effect
september said:
Hate to say it, but I don't think it helps for any type of dating to have a photo of yourself working a "low status" job (I have a similar one)

Especially with an unsexy uniform and being barely visible in it and just... it looks like you're raking cow shit, it's a really unsexy stock looking picture overall lol sorry to say

Nah you're good, I appreciate the feedback. A friend had mentioned like that something similar before to me, but I didn't think anything of it. My initial thoughts we're that it was something masculine. But after hearing that, I can understand what you're saying. I won't include it, my current profile is open jacket, bubble tea, holding the camera without visible face and the most recent watch one
september said:
Hate to say it, but I don't think it helps for any type of dating to have a photo of yourself working a "low status" job (I have a similar one)

Especially with an unsexy uniform and being barely visible in it and just... it looks like you're raking cow shit, it's a really unsexy stock looking picture overall lol sorry to say

Really in general you don't need to mention or involve your job at all if it's not something high status. And for getting laid as opposed to long term, the only jobs that really help are like, promoter, influencer, photographer etc - 99.9% of regular jobs don't make you any more attractive, they just make you seem more real, but you don't need to emphasize being real until after the girl's attracted to you. Ideally your photos tell the story of an attractive you, and seeming real is just a beneficial side effect

I thought this was true for a long time, but I got way more love for my construction job than any of the jobs I’ve had since getting my Bachelor’s. The manual labor thing is pretty hot to a subsection of women.

I wouldn’t use the stock photo though. Get a really nice candid of yourself in your work gear where you look both happy and muscular, and I think that’ll do the trick.
Mimbe393939 said:
These are some of my first photos from my iPhone + tripod and with the combination of shooting alone. I am obviously not going to use these anywhere, as they scream loner + terrible quality. PHOTO2.jpg FINAL PIC + Brightness.png

Now this is when I got my Nikon D3500 + 50mm f/1.8g Lens and started to shoot with @Rice. What I am missing so far is a group photo/friend photo I don't know if this friend picture is useable because terrible quality. Some of the DSLR pictures you might notice if you zoom in the quality isn't that great, it's because I am cropping them on photoshop to tinders maximum width so they don't compress them further. But here is what I have so far. Are any of these useable?


SunKissed (1).jpg


Photos 4 and 7 from your first post are really good. These will not need to be updated for a long time.

I really don't like the open jacket one, in general shirtless photos are hard to pull off without proper context, and your one lacks it.
Photos 4 and 7 from your first post are really good. These will not need to be updated for a long time.

I really don't like the open jacket one, in general shirtless photos are hard to pull off without proper context, and your one lacks it.

Thank you for the feedback, I agree not much context/story to paint in the open shirt one. Still not done optimizing, will keep going.
Mimbe393939 said:
These are some of my first photos from my iPhone + tripod
Hey Mimbe393939 , what's your take on the quality of that phone tripod, and if you'd recommend it, where did you get it?