Tinder Profile Review


Jul 11, 2020
Hey, y'all, I'm taking another crack at Tinder and was hoping to get some feedback on my Tinder profile.


I haven't had too much success with Tinder in the past, but if I'm being completely honest, I always had pretty bad profiles. It doesn't help that I'm currently living in a fairly small city, but I'm planning on moving to a more densely populated metro area next year.

Updated bio and pics. Going to prioritize getting a good shirtless pic (I've got a chest tattoo I'd like to show off, and I should look good enough as long as I've got a pump) as well as a good group photo. I'm not expecting the greatest results given my current location, but hopefully I'll at least see some degree of success.
Hey bro, cheers for the post. Here are my 2 cents...

Climbing pic - I would try to take a better photo than this... and definitely don't use it as your first pic! Get a shot of you upside down or something... This one just looks like something anyone could do.
Couch pic - Not bad, but a little boring. You do look good in this one.
Skydiving pic - Ehhhh I like that you sky-dived, but it's not a great photo because it doesn't show much.
Dog pic - Good idea, poor execution. Your face is all scrunched up and your glasses are reflecting some screen and it just doesn't look good. I would try again, maybe have someone take the photo for you. Dog shots are a big up but your face looking good should be #1 priority.
Nature shot - looks pretty good, I would make this your first photo for sure.
Last shot with the columns - Not super flattering. If I'm being completely honest, when I see this photo the facial expression says like, low self esteem and judgmental.

The bio is alright. I would leave out the "sort of" part on the judo champion thing cuz that just discredits what you said. Also I would leave out "nice booties" as your weakness (personally) cuz it just seems like... I don't know, it doesn't fit your current aesthetic. I think you need to be a certified bad boy before you could put that on your profile, but I've seen worse.

I hope this is helpful to you. Making a winning tinder profile takes a lot of work and understanding how to play the game. Also, have you considered wearing contacts? You look like you're kind of skinny, and I think glasses on skinny guys makes them look kind of dorky. In my experience glasses only look good on dudes who are somewhat buff and theres no question that they're cool. Then the glasses make them look refined and sexy. Just my two cents. Good luck on your journey!!
Ok, I'm not going to mince words, this is a dumpster fire. I'll break it down into the biggest 3 sticking points I see:

1. Photo quality:
Your body language looks awkward in the main photo. Your profile is clearly comprised of mostly selfies. This is a major no-no on online dating. You can't get away with selfies unless you're like a 9. Pretty much all of these photos need to be retaken.

You're also alone in all your photos, which gives off loner vibes.

The thing is, the idea behind your photos is actually somewhat good, you have a variety of photos, but the execution is very poor.

2. Looks/Vibe/Archetype:
AspiringMaleStripper is right about the glasses. Glasses generally give off a very nerdy vibe and wearing contacts is more ideal.

Can't read your bio because I'm not logged in or it's not showing up for some reason, but I also agree that "nice booties" is not really something you should have in your profile given your current archetype. I'd even go as far to argue that it's not optimal for a fuckboy. I think it's generally better to screen using photos rather than bio or messages. But I'm a newbie so I can't really give my input on that.

In addition, you need to max out your looks. Read Andy's tinder guide for advice on that.

3. Location
If you want to get laid a lot, you're going to have to get out of your small town one way or another. Moving should help immensely.
Megacrab said:
I haven't had too much success with Tinder in the past
I will be honest:

I wouldn't have expected anything else.
The average woman only likes about 4% of male profiles, attractive women probably less.

I would advise you to first work on your overall appearance/optics/appearance aka looksmax. After that you can have high quality pictures taken and return to online dating. Anything else will not be very successful at the moment.
Megacrab said:
Hey, y'all, I'm taking another crack at Tinder and was hoping to get some feedback on my Tinder profile.


I haven't had too much success with Tinder in the past, but if I'm being completely honest, I always had pretty bad profiles. It doesn't help that I'm currently living in a fairly small city, but I'm planning on moving to a more densely populated metro area next year.

Sorry to brake it down to you like this, but your profile right now is still bad.
Weird poses and facial expressions, bad angles.
I would honestly focus on improving your overall SMV and then come back to online
AspiringMaleStripper said:
pics snip

I went ahead and ripped a frame from a video of me climbing and swapped it out with my old climbing photo; I think it looks a fair bit cooler. I also had a friend of mine take some shots of me with his cat. I'm going to keep working on getting a better animal pic, but I think that the new cat pic will do for now. I'm thinking that I'll probably drop by his place every time I go downtown and see about getting a few more shots with his cats, and hopefully I'll eventually get one that I'm actually satisfied with. Lastly, I went ahead and threw in a pretty decent photo of me with the Grand Canyon in the background. I think I'm going to try to get a good shirtless photo to show off my chest tattoo.

Squilliam said:
You're also alone in all your photos, which gives off loner vibes.
This is a good point, and I think that I'm going to prioritize getting some group photos with my friends during my next couple get-togethers / nights out. Hopefully I'll look good in one of them.

AspiringMaleStripper said:
The bio is alright. I would leave out the "sort of" part on the judo champion thing cuz that just discredits what you said. Also I would leave out "nice booties" as your weakness (personally) cuz it just seems like... I don't know, it doesn't fit your current aesthetic. I think you need to be a certified bad boy before you could put that on your profile, but I've seen worse.

I hope this is helpful to you. Making a winning tinder profile takes a lot of work and understanding how to play the game. Also, have you considered wearing contacts? You look like you're kind of skinny, and I think glasses on skinny guys makes them look kind of dorky. In my experience glasses only look good on dudes who are somewhat buff and theres no question that they're cool. Then the glasses make them look refined and sexy. Just my two cents. Good luck on your journey!!
I think you're right about the bio, so I went ahead and changed it a bit. I think that I'll be sticking with this template for the foreseeable future, since I can pretty easily shuffle it around as the circumstances of my life change and I'll be able to use different things to DHV in the bio (also I have a history of some truly dumpster fire bios, so I'm just happy to have a mediocre one at this point). As for the glasses, I think that you might be right, but I need to choose between working on a sleeve tattoo or getting contacts in the near future (financially). I'll be moving in a year, and I currently have access to a tattoo parlor with some really, really good artists in it - I've seen 5 absolutely god-tier sleeves come out of that parlor - so I'm probably going to prioritize the sleeve for now. I doubt I'll ever find that much proven talent in one place again. Also, I think that I might actually lean into the "athletic geek" aesthetic, and the glasses might be good for that imo. Maybe get a photo of me reading a fantasy novel or dressed up in cosplay. I'm a pretty nerdy guy, so I think that I'd prefer to be pulling girls that are into that sort of thing.

Also, I really appreciate the constructive feedback.

Edit: Link to current profile: https://tinder.com/@basim217