Tinder Profile Review

Hey bro, just my .02

I think the first two and the last one are way better than the middle ones. I wouldn't use the middle ones because I feel they bring down the overall quality of the profile. I would say that adding in a girl or some group-friends-party photo would be the next best step

Please remove the plush by the handcuffs if you describe yourself as dominant. Pic 3 & 4 don't match a dominant guy.

When I read your bio,I have the feeling you watched 50 shades of grey and want play some role play and learn new things, it don't match with dominant for me.

But let's see what the experts say ;)

So firstly, as you said, too many sunglasses pics haha. :D

I wouldn't use the 1st pic because the lighting is kinda bad and the vibe feels too "gray" IMO + sunglasses...

2nd pic is good, very good. It should be your profile pic, but obviously it's going to screen girls hard for BDSM.

3rd pic could have been okay if the quality was there. Besides, I don't know how you managed to make it fit in Tinder because of the non-portrait orientation.

4th pic is okay but too similar to your last pic, which is better as it's showing your muscles. ;)

So, I think you can use 2 and 5, but you obviously need to get new pics to complete your profile. Good luck !
IMO Last pic is best, I'd lead with that one. First one isn't bad but crossed arms can seem "standoffish", and the last pic doesn't look full on nice guy. BDSM feels a touch too dark, but I don't have a ton of experience with that type of profile so I'm not a perfect resource.

I actually like the 3rd pic, I tend to throw a "chaos pic" in at the end that's generally low quality but doesn't make me look bad. You can't see yourself well in this pic, but you don't look explicitly bad, so I'd keep it for variation and put it in last. Love your shirt in the 4th pic but your posture seems just slightly worse than in other pics.

Overall I'd say cut 4th pic, go 5-2-1-3
You guys are awesome. I have a list of improvements and ideas now. This is a great community.

1 good
2 bad pic, gives huge cringe vibes
3 bad pic
4 very bad pic, it makes you look very short as the railing is likely to be very high. Don't take pictures that hurt you.
5 okish
Thank you for the feedback. Can you tell me exaclty why pic 2 is cringy? Everyone else likes it but I always wonder if it attracts more BDSM or more 'I'm board I'll fuck with this weirdo" time wasters.
First Cow said:
Thanks a ton to everyone who helped out with my last tinder profile review - made some changes and to great effect. This is the profile I have now. Please tear it to pieces - what is good, bad, can be done better, should be removed or moved/said differently? Thank you. And I know, too many sunglasses photos.

Profile 22 Oct 2022.png

Great physique and fashion sense.

BDSM photo on point.

You're just standing around or walking in most of the other photos though. Not doing anything. Have only 1 of those kind of photos max, as your first photo so girls can see what you look like. You need to be doing something in the rest though.

As for the karaoke photo, it won't crop right for Tinder. It's in landscape. Always shoot in portrait mode for dating apps so you can use them on Tinder (you'll also be able to use them on Hinge and Bumble.... Tinder is just the pickest with aspect ratio)

Keep the BDSM shot and one of the walking/standing shots, but then take a few activity shots.

I've attached random examples of clients I've worked with who are doing something in the photo I took for examples.

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