Tinder profile review :)

Thrice said:
need some good examples to follow can you show me the profile that got you 400 matches?

It's pretty much the same as the profile I shared here.

All those pics are still used.

Zug said:
I disagree strongly. IMO, most girls don't feel much about any of their matches.

Ya but you could say that's because the profiles are weak.

My experience with it has been text game works on girls who you run into trouble with while texting. Like she says something you can easily fuck up by saying the wrong thing.

But overall. Having really good text game is just about vibe.

If your vibe is right. And that gets through your texting, youre probably ok.

When I started, I used Andy's script on tinder and did..
~4:1 open to number
~4:1 number to date.

And to be fair I think my number to date ratio was bad because I texted horribly back then.

But as time went on I just learnt a way to vibe and hold interest while I'm setting up logistics.

A lot of that tho.
Has to do with the girl.
Some girls are just bored and won't come out.

I've also had dates with girls who matched and then later turned down friends of mine from tinder and bumble.

My conclusion was my profile was just more her type, because the texting wasn't that different.
Manganiello said:
Thrice said:
need some good examples to follow can you show me the profile that got you 400 matches?

It's pretty much the same as the profile I shared here.

All those pics are still used.


wow thats a very simple profile, when i read you had 400matches i thought you had flashy pictures with you travelling or riding cars or something

it dosent seem so differen from mine i dont know why i suck so much it must be either my face or the area
Thrice said:
Manganiello said:
It's pretty much the same as the profile I shared here.

All those pics are still used.


wow thats a very simple profile, when i read you had 400matches i thought you had flashy pictures with you travelling or riding cars or something

it dosent seem so differen from mine i dont know why i suck so much it must be either my face or the area

Simple. Let's do a breakdown so we can all learn something! This is actually a great comparison since you are both good looking to have success, so the only real difference is photos.

Manganiello's profile
- Varied facial expressions: neutral, concentrated, smile, confident smirk
- Every outfit and background is different. Clear that photos were taken on different days and at different spots.
- Photo 3 has someone else in it = he has friends
- Two photos indicate he has interests: playing guitar, drinking with friends

Girl's conclusion - this is an attractive, cocky, well-rounded guy with a great smile

Thrice's profile
- Singular facial expression. Eyes look dead inside. Sad. No smiling photos.
- Nearly every outfit and background looks similar. Looks like you did one singular photoshoot in the park (= low value, no variance of activities)
- No photos have anyone else in them = no friends
- Your only interest seems to be skateboarding. No girl knows anything about you other than that you did a photoshoot in the park

Girl's conclusion - this is an extremely attractive guy, he could be a model. But he seems sad, almost like a loner. He doesn't seem to have any friends or interests. Maybe it's fake?
Thrice said:
it dosent seem so differen from mine i dont know why i suck so much it must be either my face or the area

On top of what Pancake said, do you spend 200-300 euros a month on the apps? Manganiello's experiment was eye opening to me because the dude was boosting a lot.
Crisis_Overcomer said:
Thrice said:
it dosent seem so differen from mine i dont know why i suck so much it must be either my face or the area

On top of what Pancake said, do you spend 200-300 euros a month on the apps? Manganiello's experiment was eye opening to me because the dude was boosting a lot.

Ya I was spending a lot.

If a guy is spending this much time and effort to have a log on KYIL. He should be spending money on the apps.

I haven't used tinder seriously in a long time. Because it's totally trash in Korea (28 guys to 1 girl ratio)... But I bought the lifetime premium subscription for bumble and it's paid for itself multiple times over.
Interesting about the bumble premium lifetime thing. I have 3-4 matches that I can’t see cos I don’t have premium. I don’t wanna pay the $200 if imma get banned
pancakemouse said:
Thrice said:
wow thats a very simple profile, when i read you had 400matches i thought you had flashy pictures with you travelling or riding cars or something

it dosent seem so differen from mine i dont know why i suck so much it must be either my face or the area

Simple. Let's do a breakdown so we can all learn something! This is actually a great comparison since you are both good looking to have success, so the only real difference is photos.

Manganiello's profile
- Varied facial expressions: neutral, concentrated, smile, confident smirk
- Every outfit and background is different. Clear that photos were taken on different days and at different spots.
- Photo 3 has someone else in it = he has friends
- Two photos indicate he has interests: playing guitar, drinking with friends

Girl's conclusion - this is an attractive, cocky, well-rounded guy with a great smile

Thrice's profile
- Singular facial expression. Eyes look dead inside. Sad. No smiling photos.
- Nearly every outfit and background looks similar. Looks like you did one singular photoshoot in the park (= low value, no variance of activities)
- No photos have anyone else in them = no friends
- Your only interest seems to be skateboarding. No girl knows anything about you other than that you did a photoshoot in the park

Girl's conclusion - this is an extremely attractive guy, he could be a model. But he seems sad, almost like a loner. He doesn't seem to have any friends or interests. Maybe it's fake?

100%. I support this conclusion...

The quality of the photos is a side-note. What's vastly more important is what are you saying about yourself IN the photos?

Ask yourself what conclusions you can make from looking at the photo as if you don't know anything about yourself. That's what girls are doing, and that's what moves the needle.

Great photo quality is just a nice bonus, which is funny to say because this is how I make my living - so you know it's true coming from me.
There's interesting discussion but lemme go back to the original topic.

Take more pics. Discard the worst pics and replace them with better ones that tell about your personality, hobbies and what makes you unique compared to the other guys. You managed to take really damn good pics + you got the looks so I believe you can do it.

BDSM connoisseur. Can you look yourself in the mirror and say you're a BDSM connoisseur? I think your pics should tell it to the girls, not your bio unless you use some creative ways about it. Put some pics from some BDSM -related events you've visited and you're granted attention from the people who recognize the scene. Or pics of you with your toys. Or some pieces of clothing that girls will connect to BDSM.

The fact that it's polarizing isn't bad - it's good if you're willing to trade.
Manganiello said:
@Paid Renegade I literally stopped using his texting guide and actually explained quite thoroughly why in a post I made over a year ago. (Too lazy to dig it up, but if you really want I'll find it for u).

It's here: viewtopic.php?p=29174#p29174. It was so good read that I wanted to share it here. It totally aligns on the little experience I have with using both Andy's old and the more recent openers. Both of his openers got me laid but so did getting her number & agreeing on a date in 5 messages, then kissing her in the bar & carrying her home. It's about efficiency. Experiment yourself to find what's the best.
pancakemouse said:
Simple. Let's do a breakdown so we can all learn something! This is actually a great comparison since you are both good looking to have success, so the only real difference is photos.

Manganiello's profile
- Varied facial expressions: neutral, concentrated, smile, confident smirk
- Every outfit and background is different. Clear that photos were taken on different days and at different spots.
- Photo 3 has someone else in it = he has friends
- Two photos indicate he has interests: playing guitar, drinking with friends

Girl's conclusion - this is an attractive, cocky, well-rounded guy with a great smile

Thrice's profile
- Singular facial expression. Eyes look dead inside. Sad. No smiling photos.
- Nearly every outfit and background looks similar. Looks like you did one singular photoshoot in the park (= low value, no variance of activities)
- No photos have anyone else in them = no friends
- Your only interest seems to be skateboarding. No girl knows anything about you other than that you did a photoshoot in the park

Girl's conclusion - this is an extremely attractive guy, he could be a model. But he seems sad, almost like a loner. He doesn't seem to have any friends or interests. Maybe it's fake?

Great tecnical insight from you Pancake as usual, yeah i have some work to do

Crisis_Overcomer said:
Thrice said:
it dosent seem so differen from mine i dont know why i suck so much it must be either my face or the area

On top of what Pancake said, do you spend 200-300 euros a month on the apps? Manganiello's experiment was eye opening to me because the dude was boosting a lot.

just tested this and got about 17 matches with one boost, so true

Manganiello said:
Crisis_Overcomer said:
On top of what Pancake said, do you spend 200-300 euros a month on the apps? Manganiello's experiment was eye opening to me because the dude was boosting a lot.

Ya I was spending a lot.

If a guy is spending this much time and effort to have a log on KYIL. He should be spending money on the apps.

I haven't used tinder seriously in a long time. Because it's totally trash in Korea (28 guys to 1 girl ratio)... But I bought the lifetime premium subscription for bumble and it's paid for itself multiple times over.

so true, just did a test and got 17 matches after my profile died after the first newbie push, i have no problem paying 8 euros for a boost, hookers and antidepressants are more expensive anyway LOL the only problem is that i live in a small town, i live in Parma, 5 of those 17 matches are in Milan, another five in Bologna, at least 3 matches are in small town that dont have a train station at all, even 2 matches are just 10km but i would still need a car
Manganiello said:
I literally stopped using his texting guide and actually explained quite thoroughly why in a post I made over a year ago. (Too lazy to dig it up, but if you really want I'll find it for u).

Hey man, I tried searching for this but couldn’t find it. Would it be possible to share? I’ve got a good curiosity based opener and usually it leads on to “What do you do for fun?” But Andy’s guide suggests asking where in the city they live. That’s a stupid question because it doesn’t qualify her in any way, and then you go from that to “let’s get drinks” which is highly autistic. So I’m trying to figure out a better conversation flow.

Tbh I’m thinking if there are interests in common I could already just ask them out instead of wasting time? But you have the benefit of experimenting with large numbers and I’d like to learn from that.
foducossy42 said:
Manganiello said:
I literally stopped using his texting guide and actually explained quite thoroughly why in a post I made over a year ago. (Too lazy to dig it up, but if you really want I'll find it for u).

Hey man, I tried searching for this but couldn’t find it. Would it be possible to share? I’ve got a good curiosity based opener and usually it leads on to “What do you do for fun?” But Andy’s guide suggests asking where in the city they live. That’s a stupid question because it doesn’t qualify her in any way, and then you go from that to “let’s get drinks” which is highly autistic. So I’m trying to figure out a better conversation flow.

Tbh I’m thinking if there are interests in common I could already just ask them out instead of wasting time? But you have the benefit of experimenting with large numbers and I’d like to learn from that.

Here's link :


But it's a general rant about screening and how the advice on KYIL is mostly for newbies.

Doesn't cover texting much.
So I'll share it here:

My current texting script


Message 1
Hey (NAME).
Nice to meet ya 😁
What are you doing now?

She replied

Message 2:
Nice. I'm just about to meet some friends. (Or whatever you're doing in one sentence, no need to create a fake thing if your doing something normal).

What do you like to do for fun?

Her reply.

Message 3
Cool. I like to do X, Y, Z.

So I don't like texting a lot on the app. Connections are best made in person. What's your #? Let's get a drink and see if we like each other.

She sends it you


Hey Name
It's that guy from Bumble 😁

Her reply.

1. How's the night so far? OR
2. Picture of food your eating/coffee, whatever. And then Hoes your night so far?

Her reply.

Cool. Let's grab that drink. When are u free?

Her answer.

Thursday is good. Let's meet here at 8:00pm. That work?

Her reply

Cool see you then :)

Morning of the date.
"hey still good for 8?"

... That's all you really need.
Manganiello said:
So I don't like texting a lot on the app. Connections are best made in person. What's your #? Let's get a drink and see if we like each other.

Thanks so much mate for the link and explanation.

Yeah similar to Andy’s but not sexual, and no asking about her location. I think it’s good, simple and girls do respond well to me asking what they like to do for fun. Nice transition to number/date too.

My experience in London is that “what are you doing now” doesn’t work — these girls rarely reply quickly on Tinder. So I will need to have a stronger opener than yours.

I have had great success opening with “I have a confession to make…”. I just haven’t figured out what confession to share. The drop off after my answer to “what is it?” is very high. I almost feel like I should just deflect with “I never said I was gonna make that confession to you… maybe if you’re good :p” followed by “What do you do for fun?”. Welp time to Boost and run some experiments.
foducossy42 said:
Manganiello said:
So I don't like texting a lot on the app. Connections are best made in person. What's your #? Let's get a drink and see if we like each other.

Thanks so much mate for the link and explanation.

Yeah similar to Andy’s but not sexual, and no asking about her location. I think it’s good, simple and girls do respond well to me asking what they like to do for fun. Nice transition to number/date too.

My experience in London is that “what are you doing now” doesn’t work — these girls rarely reply quickly on Tinder. So I will need to have a stronger opener than yours.

I have had great success opening with “I have a confession to make…”. I just haven’t figured out what confession to share. The drop off after my answer to “what is it?” is very high. I almost feel like I should just deflect with “I never said I was gonna make that confession to you… maybe if you’re good :p” followed by “What do you do for fun?”. Welp time to Boost and run some experiments.

If your getting dropped by a lot of girls after your open it's mainly because

1. your profile is weak and your not a top choice among many matches.
2. Your opener is too late after the match.
3. Your open is autistic and turning people off.

The creative openers doesnt make any girl say "Omg I thought he looked average at best, but omg he texts like such a cool guy! Let's meet him!"

Doesn't happen.

If some girl you swiped on, matches you, and barely passed your looks threshold. Had some cool crazy exciting line to say "hi" you still wouldn't care.

Your basically getting responses out of curiosity not attraction. TOTALLY different.

Curiosity just baits a reply. If there's very little interest it's not going to change that.

It's not rocket science.

Look good.
Talk like a normal person.
Get the number quickly.
Get the date quickly.

... Could be London is different.

Just saying the 2 cities I've been in, it's made no difference. And I'd bet real money that it's the same most places.
Manganiello said:
Your basically getting responses out of curiosity not attraction. TOTALLY different.

You’re right man thanks. Was thinking the same, I’m just not fuckboy enough — aesthetically nice face I’ve been told, but not stirring the emotions with the pics. New photos coming soon, had a shoot with new fashion. Thanks so much for all the help so far, though I will probably need some help later on to pick and order the photos. One day I’ll contribute back to the community I hope!
foducossy42 said:
Manganiello said:
So I don't like texting a lot on the app. Connections are best made in person. What's your #? Let's get a drink and see if we like each other.

Thanks so much mate for the link and explanation.

Yeah similar to Andy’s but not sexual, and no asking about her location. I think it’s good, simple and girls do respond well to me asking what they like to do for fun. Nice transition to number/date too.

My experience in London is that “what are you doing now” doesn’t work — these girls rarely reply quickly on Tinder. So I will need to have a stronger opener than yours.

I have had great success opening with “I have a confession to make…”. I just haven’t figured out what confession to share. The drop off after my answer to “what is it?” is very high. I almost feel like I should just deflect with “I never said I was gonna make that confession to you… maybe if you’re good :p” followed by “What do you do for fun?”. Welp time to Boost and run some experiments.

Other open loop ideas you could use instead:

"I have one question for you"
"Now you've got me wondering something"
"OK, now I'm curious about one thing"
"OK you're gonna hate me for this but..."
Manganiello said:
foducossy42 said:
Hey man, I tried searching for this but couldn’t find it. Would it be possible to share? I’ve got a good curiosity based opener and usually it leads on to “What do you do for fun?” But Andy’s guide suggests asking where in the city they live. That’s a stupid question because it doesn’t qualify her in any way, and then you go from that to “let’s get drinks” which is highly autistic. So I’m trying to figure out a better conversation flow.

Tbh I’m thinking if there are interests in common I could already just ask them out instead of wasting time? But you have the benefit of experimenting with large numbers and I’d like to learn from that.

Here's link :


But it's a general rant about screening and how the advice on KYIL is mostly for newbies.

Doesn't cover texting much.
So I'll share it here:

My current texting script


Message 1
Hey (NAME).
Nice to meet ya 😁
What are you doing now?

She replied

Message 2:
Nice. I'm just about to meet some friends. (Or whatever you're doing in one sentence, no need to create a fake thing if your doing something normal).

What do you like to do for fun?

Her reply.

Message 3
Cool. I like to do X, Y, Z.

So I don't like texting a lot on the app. Connections are best made in person. What's your #? Let's get a drink and see if we like each other.

She sends it you


Hey Name
It's that guy from Bumble 😁

Her reply.

1. How's the night so far? OR
2. Picture of food your eating/coffee, whatever. And then Hoes your night so far?

Her reply.

Cool. Let's grab that drink. When are u free?

Her answer.

Thursday is good. Let's meet here at 8:00pm. That work?

Her reply

Cool see you then :)

Morning of the date.
"hey still good for 8?"

... That's all you really need.

Seconded. I'm under the impression that's what Andy does... it's been a long time since I read his texting guide so I might be wrong.

But yeah... with great text game you might be able to "convert" a couple more girls, but it takes a lot of work and imho it's much more fun to be able to relax and not try and still get girls. Plus you won't be in your head thinking girls only liked you because of your game and not because they just liked you.

Let your photos pull the weight, and be okay with most girls not replying... even with perfect text game, most girls won't reply.
MILFandCookies said:
I'm under the impression that's what Andy does... it's been a long time since I read his texting guide so I might be wrong.

Andy starts with “Hey sexy” and after asking what she does for fun, asks her which part of the city she stays in.

After that he hits her with “I’m not looking for anything serious but if you’re up for a drink, a flirt and to see what happens, drop your num.”

The problems with this are:

- hey sexy is incongruent with most male Tinder profiles
- hey sexy turns off many girls as you are just another walking dick to her
- asking where she lives doesn’t qualify her, and what happens if she lives a little far away? The next message is to ask her out, so the conversation flow is weird plus girls are generally willing to travel quite far for a date so distance doesn’t matter.
- Doing the pre filtering for DTF girls reduces the quality you get out on dates, and there are DTF girls who just don’t want to telegraph that so quickly as they feel like the guy may expect sex (they want to be able to back out if they aren’t feeling it, which is why when out on a date, we invite them over for a drink or to see the view from our rooftops or our Pokémon card collection, instead of inviting them over for sex).

Manganiello ’s version looks similar yes, but has cut out the bad stuff, and the “let’s get a drink” line seems better.
foducossy42 said:
MILFandCookies said:
I'm under the impression that's what Andy does... it's been a long time since I read his texting guide so I might be wrong.

Andy starts with “Hey sexy” and after asking what she does for fun, asks her which part of the city she stays in.

After that he hits her with “I’m not looking for anything serious but if you’re up for a drink, a flirt and to see what happens, drop your num.”

The problems with this are:

- hey sexy is incongruent with most male Tinder profiles
- hey sexy turns off many girls as you are just another walking dick to her
- asking where she lives doesn’t qualify her, and what happens if she lives a little far away? The next message is to ask her out, so the conversation flow is weird plus girls are generally willing to travel quite far for a date so distance doesn’t matter.
- Doing the pre filtering for DTF girls reduces the quality you get out on dates, and there are DTF girls who just don’t want to telegraph that so quickly as they feel like the guy may expect sex (they want to be able to back out if they aren’t feeling it, which is why when out on a date, we invite them over for a drink or to see the view from our rooftops or our Pokémon card collection, instead of inviting them over for sex).

@Manganiello ’s version looks similar yes, but has cut out the bad stuff, and the “let’s get a drink” line seems better.

Ah yeah I forgot about those differences. Fair enough.