Tips on 2nd account


Dec 21, 2020
After reading Andy’s guide I’m doing great on tinder. Progress is always a marathon not a sprint so I have a long road ahead of me.

I’m 33 and I get a lot of matches in the 40 something age range. As with all things there’s always exceptions but I would really love to be fucking in the 18-22 bracket. So I’ve been thinking about setting up a second account with the same pics and putting my age as 19 and hiding it like Andy suggests.

The few younger women I match with love that I’m older but I’m gonna move to a new city later this year and am really looking forward to moving in to my own place. No kids, no wife, my own place, and a job in a big city it will be like shooting fish in a barrel.

Have any of you ever done this? How do you do the phone number verify thing if it’s already tied to my current account? Do you need to make a second Facebook account? Is there a way to have the two accounts logged in on the same phone or should I just get a new phone line?
I've needed two things - a second number and a second email. You can get a free phone number through Google Voice, which is the easiest way I've found to do it.
JaegerBombastic said:
I've needed two things - a second number and a second email. You can get a free phone number through Google Voice, which is the easiest way I've found to do it.

How did it work out for you? Did you start matching with younger women?
Haven’t had experience so grain of salt here but...

It *might* be a good idea to put your age up front in your bio

Still hide the age you set so it doesn’t show up as 19 but just get it out there right away

That way every girl you match with gets honesty up front and doesn’t feel duped when you tell them you’re 33

I could see it even getting you some extra matches from girls that are into older guys because from what I can tell you do look like you could still be in your 20s

Worth getting some insight from some of the guys here in their 30s though. I’m still in my mid 20s so never had that problem
I'm 33 and I've been following Andy's advice -- Tinder age set to 25 and hidden. Nothing about my age in my profile. I set my search range exclusively to 18 to 23 year-olds.

I match with a decent number of girls (my pics still need significant improvement). About half of them ask for my age on Tinder or while texting before we meet. Some don't ask my age until we meet and some don't even ask until after we've had sex. Maybe 20% of matches tell me they aren't interested when they hear my age.

As girls have told me, it's "known" on Tinder that guys who hide their age are somewhat older. So most girls are judging you by your looks already and shouldn't be too surprised when you tell them your actual age.

Here's a in-depth tutorial on resetting Tinder so it doesn't flag you as the same account. You will need a new phone number. I recommend getting a burner SIM from SpeedTalk Mobile. $5 a month for 250 sms messages -- more than you need for authenticating to Tinder and other apps. When you want to reset your account again, just cancel it and get a new SIM from them.
Yeah I would probably do the "Actually 33" thing in my bio. By the time I move I'll be 34. Honesty I love being in my dirty 30's life is so good right now, and were still in the middle of a pandemic I can't imagine how much better it's gonna be next year.

Current fwb is 43 and she said she thought I was mature enough to be 35 at least. After a certain point women love a big strong man it doesn't matter how old they are.

I'm leaning towards just getting a new phone and keeping my current one all while adding a line to my plan. Using new phone for my real age and old phone for my new account.
Also been pretty busy with just the one account so adding a second account would be something I do when I feel like I'm approaching the top of my game in terms of fitness, life, and pictures.
Dewm said:
Also been pretty busy with just the one account so adding a second account would be something I do when I feel like I'm approaching the top of my game in terms of fitness, life, and pictures.

You're taking your middle finger and buttfucking your good-looking self with this mindset.

Why not add the second account and see what happens?
Why not go after the 18-22 year olds that, and I quote you, "I would really love to be fucking"?
Who put a rule that you should reach "X level" in fitness, life, and pictures before going after certain girls?

If you can bang one 43-year-old chick with your current resources, you have the potential to bang one 18-year-old chick. Sure, it might take more effort but I doubt it will be 10X easier when you reach a certain level in fitness/life/pictures.

Just try it man. Worst case scenario you waste some money and get precious feedback on how to move next. Best case scenario your wet your dong with barely-legal bodily fluids.
endless333 said:
Do you use tinder gold/premium on both of the accounts then?

I guess thats the plan. Pay to play if you're a dude. I think in the younger bracket it's a little cheaper.

Crisis_Overcomer said:
Dewm said:
Also been pretty busy with just the one account so adding a second account would be something I do when I feel like I'm approaching the top of my game in terms of fitness, life, and pictures.

You're taking your middle finger and buttfucking your good-looking self with this mindset.

Why not add the second account and see what happens?
Why not go after the 18-22 year olds that, and I quote you, "I would really love to be fucking"?
Who put a rule that you should reach "X level" in fitness, life, and pictures before going after certain girls?

If you can bang one 43-year-old chick with your current resources, you have the potential to bang one 18-year-old chick. Sure, it might take more effort but I doubt it will be 10X easier when you reach a certain level in fitness/life/pictures.

Just try it man. Worst case scenario you waste some money and get precious feedback on how to move next. Best case scenario your wet your dong with barely-legal bodily fluids.
Dang man you're absolutely right. I guess I'll give it a try just to see what happens.