Toast's Tinder đź‘»Ghost Chroniclesđź‘»

Manganiello said:
Wtf 70?

What day of the week was this?
And this in Paris right?

Yea in Paris, pretty sure it was last week's Monday.

6 months ago I was getting likes in the 130s per boost, so not sure why I'm having less nowadays. Maybe the Tinder algo penalized me for taking 3-4 months off the app during summer. Or maybe less people use the app locally right now compared to March this year.
Reservoir said:
Manganiello said:
Wtf 70?

What day of the week was this?
And this in Paris right?

Yea in Paris, pretty sure it was last week's Monday.

6 months ago I was getting likes in the 130s per boost, so not sure why I'm having less nowadays. Maybe the Tinder algo penalized me for taking 3-4 months off the app during summer. Or maybe less people use the app locally right now compared to March this year.

That's quite a lot. Like that almost makes it seem like there's another level. I thought I was doing pretty good with 20-30 matches per day. But damn. 130 likes on 1 boost?

I still get maybe 4 #s per day. But idk I'm getting maybe one lay per 70-80 matches (still early in the process). Is that similar for you?

Why don't you just boost like 3x per day if you're doing that well???
Reservoir said:
130s per boost
Is that from a super boost or a regular boost? I've gotten those kinda numbers on a super boost but these days I'm barely scratching 2 fatties a boost.
Reservoir said:
Are you experimenting with times you use your boosts at ?

11pm seems to be a nice sweet spot for me currently. The other day I used a boost at 9pm and got 15 likes, then used another one 2 hours later and got 70.
Ive only boosted twice so far but i generally boost during when tinder says its peak time. So like 6-10pm
i think my first boost was around 7
2nd was around 830. ill try a later boost next time maybe like 930

My profile is definitely subpar at this point. I need to do another photoshoot and maybe it will increase match ratio.

Ill keep reporting my numbers like this cuz it takes relatively no effort on my part and its interesting

One girl who i have a date set up for this Sunday unmatched me. Most likely a catfish as her profile had 2 pics, was unverified, and she had no pics where she showed her face. Like mirror pics with phone in front of face as well as a shot from behind. She was asian so i got baited. We shall see this sunday
Manganiello said:
That's quite a lot. Like that almost makes it seem like there's another level. I thought I was doing pretty good with 20-30 matches per day. But damn. 130 likes on 1 boost?

I still get maybe 4 #s per day. But idk I'm getting maybe one lay per 70-80 matches (still early in the process). Is that similar for you?
I'm no longer tracking stats, but I probably have something similar, yea. The ratio fluctuates a lot throughout time.

Yea, I mean, there's always a next level, isn't there? I got myself super lean, did maybe 20 photoshoot sessions, retouched some pics, tested loads of pics on photofeeler to find the best ones. That work paid off. And yet if Instagram influencers posted their photos on tinder they'd probably get way more likes than I do, because their pics are on another level. Population density is also different in Calgary vs Paris, so who knows how much that affects our respective results.

Manganiello said:
Why don't you just boost like 3x per day if you're doing that well???
Lol, theoretically I could have dates every single day if I go ham on the boosts. But there's only so much hedonism I can handle before I get my fill. Using tinder is very rewarding to the brain, so is having drinks + sex with strangers (not to mention the constant texts/notifications and the feeling of excitement generated by the act of looking forward to meeting a chick). After a series of dates I start becoming apathetic to it all and I get distracted away from my dayjob and responsibilities. So I need a break to feel refreshed again. It's like having pizza everyday, it's fun initially but you'd get tired of that shit pretty fast.

Dewm said:
Is that from a super boost or a regular boost? I've gotten those kinda numbers on a super boost but these days I'm barely scratching 2 fatties a boost.
A regular boost. Lol that sucks but surely you could improve in that department with some effort if you put your mind to it.
Dewm said:
Reservoir said:
130s per boost
Is that from a super boost or a regular boost? I've gotten those kinda numbers on a super boost but these days I'm barely scratching 2 fatties a boost.

Sounds a bit off. Have you posted yours up on your log? Can give it a view
Radical said:
Dewm said:
Is that from a super boost or a regular boost? I've gotten those kinda numbers on a super boost but these days I'm barely scratching 2 fatties a boost.

Sounds a bit off. Have you posted yours up on your log? Can give it a view
I had a while ago in an older thread but can post what I’m working with now.
Dewm said:
Radical said:
Sounds a bit off. Have you posted yours up on your log? Can give it a view
I had a while ago in an older thread but can post what I’m working with now.

Cool, just be aware uploading pics is an issue atm. Can do previews from host sites only
Had a date set up for 7pm for drinks at a bar
Girl re scheduled for 730
at 715 she said "You're going to hate me. Something unexpected came up and i dont get paid till friday. Can we reschedule?"
I said "yah, I hate you. jk. I'll text you next week to set something up"
Fully expect her to flake/đź‘» again.

Boosted at 730-8
got like 1 like
4 matches as of writing this post
shit boost

Gunna see if a later boost nets better results like Reservoir said.
probably will boost closer to 9-930 tomorrow

One old match converted to a number.
Date set up for saturday at 6

Need to add better pictures as well.

Funny thing was while swiping during my boost my old plates profile who ghosted came up. Would have super superliked had i not spent them all on cute asian chicks.

Stats so far:
3 boosts
74 matches
25 replied
7 numbers
1 date
1 Flake
1 đź‘»
Boosted today at 9-930

Boost netted 10 matches
1 like that was not fat lol

A lot better conversion then when i swiped earlier in the day at like 7 or 8. Whenever it was

3 or 4 of them conversed back
none converted to numbers

issue I'm having is that even though im setting my distance to 20miles im matching with girls 50+ miles away. Im sure its possible to get girls to drive that far. Ive done it before with cold approach, but it seems more unlikely

Date for last Friday with a cutie 21 yo flaked. Said she's "maybe free Friday" expect ađź‘»

2nd girl was down for dessert tonight, but i had to try and set a date for another day as i was busy that day
Manganiello shamed me for doing this cuz it was a cute Asian girl.
My plate keeps me sexually fulfilled so I'm no so hungry rn to flake on my friends for a girl who would most likely ghost anyway.

3rd girl I'm supposed to have a boba date on Saturday. Shall see if she's actually down to take public transit 45ish min from Oakland to meet me. I think she's a time waster cuz she wants to practice English, but ima try anyway cuz this boba spot is tasty and ya never know.

Stats so far:
4 Boosts
88 Matches
10 Numbers
1 Date
2 Flake
1 đź‘»
No P in V
Toast said:
issue I'm having is that even though im setting my distance to 20miles im matching with girls 50+ miles away. Im sure its possible to get girls to drive that far. Ive done it before with cold approach, but it seems more unlikely
any big city will always have girls using passport / global. The radius of your search and hers will overlap like a Venn diagram. That’s why they’re so far away. When I lived in SF I found it hard to meet with someone in Oakland lol. I never put my radius above 10 miles. One time I matched with a girl in San Jose and she didn’t wanna come to me so it just wasn’t gonna happen. I’m not traveling for potential pussy only for a sure thing!
Dewm said:
Toast said:
issue I'm having is that even though im setting my distance to 20miles im matching with girls 50+ miles away. Im sure its possible to get girls to drive that far. Ive done it before with cold approach, but it seems more unlikely
any big city will always have girls using passport / global. The radius of your search and hers will overlap like a Venn diagram. That’s why they’re so far away. When I lived in SF I found it hard to meet with someone in Oakland lol. I never put my radius above 10 miles. One time I matched with a girl in San Jose and she didn’t wanna come to me so it just wasn’t gonna happen. I’m not traveling for potential pussy only for a sure thing!

Issue is im running out of chicks in that 10mile radius. So i have to extend it.
Ive had girls come from marin and richmond for a date, but that was cold approach. And the girl from richmond just worked out here so it worked out.

Just gotta keep trying i guess. Its not impossble for a girl to come from oakland, but im 100% not leaving my 3 block radius to go and date lol.
Toast said:
Dewm said:
any big city will always have girls using passport / global. The radius of your search and hers will overlap like a Venn diagram. That’s why they’re so far away. When I lived in SF I found it hard to meet with someone in Oakland lol. I never put my radius above 10 miles. One time I matched with a girl in San Jose and she didn’t wanna come to me so it just wasn’t gonna happen. I’m not traveling for potential pussy only for a sure thing!

Issue is im running out of chicks in that 10mile radius. So i have to extend it.
Ive had girls come from marin and richmond for a date, but that was cold approach. And the girl from richmond just worked out here so it worked out.

Just gotta keep trying i guess. Its not impossble for a girl to come from oakland, but im 100% not leaving my 3 block radius to go and date lol.

Haha I hear you. I was the park date guy over covid. There’s amazing parks like Dolores, McCaren, or Golden Gate yet I would be like yeah meet me at this soccer field lol.

The one time I broke my rule to meet a 20yrold was Redwood City. Date was awful and didn’t go anywhere I say I learned my lesson on that one but I keep making the same mistakes.
Dewm said:
The one time I broke my rule to meet a 20yrold was Redwood City. Date was awful and didn’t go anywhere I say I learned my lesson on that one but I keep making the same mistakes.
Ya i drove to Haight which is only 15 min from my house. Tried to pull to her place cuz she lived there but it didnt work out. After that its like logistics for pull over anything else.
Little update with matches.

Boost yesterday got me 12 new matches today
1 girl converted to number
accidentally converted a fat chick into a number cuz i didnt look at her profile before starting the convo cuz i was mass texting matches.

1 chick is being difficult and doesnt want to drive to meet me.
said she would come out to dance. I said there is a bar with a dance floor. 100% will 👻👻👻 tomorrow

Other chick is 1+ hr away but comes to SF on the weekends. Asked if i ever left the city. Said i did and asked to meet on Saturday. Said she would hit me up if she's in the area. Another 👻👻👻

Stats so far:
4 Boosts
102 Matches
11 Numbers
1 Date
2 Flake
1 đź‘»
No P in V
TimmyTurner said:
How many boost's y'all doing in a week, 5?
Im only at 4 boosts so far.

Most of my matches come post boost in the next day or so. In the 30 min or so of boosting im generally only getting 5 matches. The rest come after the fact.

Im too cheap to boost 5x per week lol
Boosted today from 9-930

Matched with maybe 5 people during the 30 min of swiping.

Dates lines up for friday both ghosted
1 contact i reached out to never got back to me
1 contact set up for saturday isnt free till next week

Converted another number. Date lined up for tomorrow
she wants to grab a drink and play pool. Not my cup of tea or ideal date in the slightest. I know a bar that has a pool table so ima bring her there and just hope its full and then go for movie pull without wasting time playing pool. Might even screen her and see if shes dtf and then bounce and not play pool. Idk ill have to think about it
100% do not want to waste an hour drinking and playing pool

Another chick converted into a number. Possible date for tuesday. Will message her on Monday to get đź‘»

Stats so far:
5 Boosts
111 Matches
11 Numbers
1 Date
4 Flake
1 đź‘»
No P in V