Trainer recommending a bulk, don’t I have more fat to lose?


Nov 11, 2022
Not too pleased with her tbqh, I joined coaching through her by recommendation of a friend but she is very much not pushy if people miss goals, she’s very vague if I ask for specific recommendations (it’s helpful to me to just be told exactly what to do sometimes for choice anxiety), and I think her clientele is also mostly women. I was on a cut for two months eating 1800 kcal daily which I typically overshot, now up to 2400. Should I stay the course with her? Any other comments/suggestions also appreciated.

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Progress pic (apologies that the pose and perspective are inconsistent):

Myelinated said:
Not too pleased with her tbqh, I joined coaching through her by recommendation of a friend but she is very much not pushy if people miss goals, she’s very vague if I ask for specific recommendations (it’s helpful to me to just be told exactly what to do sometimes for choice anxiety), and I think her clientele is also mostly women. I was on a cut for two months eating 1800 kcal daily which I typically overshot, now up to 2400. Should I stay the course with her? Any other comments/suggestions also appreciated.

I'd part ways with her if it were me. I have a trainer. I tell him what I want & gives me a plan to make it happen. Naturally, what I want is what most men want when trying to get in shape. Nothing against women trainers (I'm sure there's some great ones out there), but I think there's a reason why most people stick with the same gender for personal training. Usually it's because we share similar priorities when it comes to how we want to look.
Drop her immediately.

Why do you feel you need a trainer, by the way? Why not set yourself up with an exact routine and meal pan that you can follow to the letter, thus removing choice anxiety?
pancakemouse said:
Drop her immediately.

Why do you feel you need a trainer, by the way? Why not set yourself up with an exact routine and meal pan that you can follow to the letter, thus removing choice anxiety?

How would I know if it’s good or not?
Myelinated said:
pancakemouse said:
Drop her immediately.

Why do you feel you need a trainer, by the way? Why not set yourself up with an exact routine and meal pan that you can follow to the letter, thus removing choice anxiety?

How would I know if it’s good or not?

We'd tell you, or you could do basic research.

The vast majority of trainers are wholly uninformed about even the most basic principles of exercise (nutrition less so, but nutrition is easy), so you're actually paying to be steered in the wrong direction.
pancakemouse said:
Myelinated said:
How would I know if it’s good or not?

We'd tell you, or you could do basic research.

The vast majority of trainers are wholly uninformed about even the most basic principles of exercise (nutrition less so, but nutrition is easy), so you're actually paying to be steered in the wrong direction.

The fundamentals are the only truth. Just memorize more or less how many calories the food that you eat has, eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains. Count up about 100-120g of protein. Lots of people overeat protein and just piss it all out just to have to buy more protein powder.

Stick to a beginner cookie cutter workout routine. You don't need to overthink anything.
Myelinated said:
pancakemouse said:
Drop her immediately.

Why do you feel you need a trainer, by the way? Why not set yourself up with an exact routine and meal pan that you can follow to the letter, thus removing choice anxiety?

How would I know if it’s good or not?

I initially replied to this making the same annoying mistake my college professors made when teaching a material. The professor has thousands of hours of practice with the material, and they make the fallacy of assuming that the material is common sense to everyone.

The truth is you won't know if it's good or not until you try it. Definitely do your own research. Once you do this long enough, you'll realize that your body responds best to specific things, you just have to find what those things are. Trainer or no trainer, you still have to learn the material. Without a trainer though, it's free on the internet.
I will coach on a lowkey lvl you for free if you want, did it many times for friends in real life. When the goal is overall attractiveness and the question is bluk or cut, the answer is always cut. Lower body fat percentage almost always means more attractive face and that's what it's all about.

So that you have some confidence and believe what I say, here is my current winter shape:

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