Tristan's Dating Log


Jun 15, 2020
Sup boys I'm back.

Just got out of a 3 year relationship, finally...

So yea, I'm pretty rusty with this shit and could use some help.

I want to get back to where I was with online dating so I don't need to rely as much on day/night game since those are pretty time consuming.

Main focuses are Tinder/Bumble/Facebook Dating (actually not that bad of an app and I got most of my matches there surprisingly)

I'll be honest, I thought I would do a lot better with online dating since I'm using the same pictures I did to get 19 lays in one year. But that's not the case so I have to switch things up. Right now I'm not nearly lean enough to take new pictures but will be early next year.

The other secondary focus is trying to build some sort of social circle where I can snag girls as well. I have friend that's been inviting me to parties and hopefully that translates to some lays and meet more and more girls as time goes on. Going to invest some time into this on weekends. One of my friends has been doing this and tinder supplements this for him and he supposedly gets laid quite a bit.

Lastly, I met with Radical, very chill dude. We'll probably go out to some bars and malls and shit to get our confidences back up to where they were since we're both a bit rusty.

Here are my pics if you want to rip em apart, they're pretty dated right now and I understand I need a far better main picture. I might start to get that now if I can and see how they turn out.

Bio is very vanilla cause I'm not trying to screen at the moment: "I sometimes put my blanket in the drier to make it warm"


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These are some other ones to maybe consider.

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Hey Man, great to have you here and congrats for taking back control over your dating life.

What I suspect is happening is that more and more guy getting jacked on the app make you less valuable in the market.
To be honest, these photos paint you as a "Gym Bro"
Nothing else than big arms and that's it (aside the small turtle, that is sweet and one like that is good to have, it's almost as good as a puppy dog one) There is no "lifestyle" (the skiing one could actually just be jacked dudes and it's not easy to see you clearly)
Also, please don't get triggered - in the majority of photos the angle makes you look short, if you aren't naturally that tall, consider always the angle and the "background items" comparison.
Consider adding "layers" of personality and a variety of "backgrounds" - what story could tell these photos about you?
Those are good points man.

I’ll focus on that in future photos and focus less on gym shit because I think you’re right. Girls care less about hooking up with jacked dudes it seems. Times are a changing.

So focus on making myself look taller.
Show more of who I am. Less photos of me where the muscle is shown off. Create a story - this part I’m confused on, how would I do that exactly.. what would this look like?

Do you think the turtle one is usable?
dashedhopes said:
Show more of who I am. Less photos of me where the muscle is shown off. Create a story - this part I’m confused on, how would I do that exactly.. what would this look like?

Well, this is a good training for you also for cold approach - what story tells your mind by looking at your photos?
(ASSUMPTIONS) To me is that you have an elite body - but on another side tells me you are a gym bro that spends so much time at the gym and all the negative stereotypes with that ( gym selfies more than a woman, vanity, fragile ego) etc

Welcome back man. I remember your log from when I first joined, and I am subbed to your YouTube so I've seen your updates. I've seen you online several times and was wondering what is big man upto.

As ever, Master Radical's law rings true: self improvement is cycles, guys enter into LTRs, and inevitably come back to the hustle.

Reminds me of something The Dom once told me:

"You will ALWAYS have to work hard"

That is the truth of life. The truth about success.

Welcome back man. If you log, I'll read.

Was great meeting you man.

Yeah with you out of the LTR and me shaking off this 6 month monk mode stint we will drag our way back to where we were before

1 killer new main pic in a great winter outfit will do you fine

Got shots of you playing rugby or kickboxing?

Either would add some variety in like a 3rd spot picture
dashedhopes said:
Adding some more here for options.

Thanks for all the kind words my guys.

I haven't stopped working hard and lots but neglected myself for sure.

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These are pretty dog shit though idk.

I'm going to need to take a ton more photos.

Maybe I should just say fuck this bulk and get shredded.

Ok there is some meat to play with here
Defo the rugby and paddle boarding and the baby would add a lot to you, chicks over 26 would absolutely get wet seeing you as you manage the baby
Which of the Rugby ones do you think is better?

Long hair grizzly tristan or short clean cut tristan lol
the clean cut because you are at the center of the team with team mates looking at you while you smile, making it look like the leader of big strong men, a mega high value demonstration
Okay I’m going to try to dig for the originals of those photos and get them posted and probably restart tinder since I’m going dry at the moment.

I finally have a date with a girl for Saturday with a cute Asian from Facebook dating of all places. Btw, Facebook dating is definitely worth it. I get the most matches on there for some odd reason but bit of an older crowd for sure.

Last night I was such a bitch. I was walking home sweaty as fuck just thinking about life and as I’m walking close to my apartment this super hot blonde walks by, locks eye contact and smiles at me and I just walked by like a Pussy. I need to get laid and bring my confidence up for sure. Should just be a hair trigger approach and boom that could’ve been a number or even a pull to my apartment lol.

With the Asian girl I’m definitely going to pull the come back to my hot tub. I think that’s a good way to bring a girl back for sure since I’ve never had a hot tub before while dating 😂 this girl also mentioned she’s just being casual on dating so I think I have a good chance at a lay if the date goes well.

Wish me luck kings, first date since going single.
Tbh I don't like any of the ones you're currently using.

My fav pics are the cat + Santa Cruz shirt (shows some trendy fashion knowledge); the rugby one where you're carrying the ball (more of an epic action shot than the other); the pool pic; skiing; waterfall; Polo dress shirt (not necessarily in that order).
arcade_fireee said:
Tbh I don't like any of the ones you're currently using.

My fav pics are the cat + Santa Cruz shirt (shows some trendy fashion knowledge); the rugby one where you're carrying the ball (more of an epic action shot than the other); the pool pic; skiing; waterfall; Polo dress shirt (not necessarily in that order).

Fuck. Now I have altering opinions 😂 I guess I’ll need to test both sets
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Tristan! Holy shit mate, it's been a long time. How's your YouTube channel going?

"I sometimes put my blanket in the drier to make it warm"

Eyyyyyyy I do the same thing.

Hey man!

Yea bro, been a while.

Channel could be going better but I just hired my editor back. Filming Sunday. Have another date planned for that day now.

Life’s good dude. Just gotta get back on that grind!

Hope you’re doing well, seems like you’ve been growing steady.
Okay so until I get chiseled and lean I likely won't get too many better pictures.

This is the line up for now.


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I was using this one for my first but it's brutal imo.

Thoughts on that lineup?

Should I remove any?

Switch any up?

I have more options on the first page.


I went on 1 date and the girl was really nice. Filipino Christian girl and she's really into me. We went to a ninja tag obstacle course thing lol, was fun.

Seeing her again on Wednesday to play volleyball and I'll see if I can get her to come over but I honestly don't think she will.

She invited me to a party so I felt inclined to invite her to my friends and she asked, is this your neighbor? Which makes me think she's thinking about logistics. Idk maybe I'm thinking too much into it.

Hopefully going day gaming with @radical but I'm super fucking busy this week but going to try and make it work.

This week is my birthday so I'm going to a rave on Friday and then an apartment party at my buddies where I'm bringing that girl.

I'm really hoping I can score one of those nights but we'll see. Either way, should be fun.

I hired my editor and he's currently working on stuff so he'll be done soon and I'll be pumping out shorts very soon as well as longer style videos. Watch an Alex Hormozi video that hit home a bit about ditching savings and just investing in yourself. I'm going to make a conservative effort towards this and see if there are extra ways that I can save time for myself to do more shit on the side (maid, grocery delivery etc..) in addition to hiring a videographer when I need one to really up the content game.

Nothing stopping me now.

Feels good to put my thoughts down randomly about my life kind of like a journal.

Hope you guys are all killing the game
I really like the rugby pic of you that Dom mentioned, and the pic of you dressed up in the restaurant is a nice contrast to the athletic ones (although it would be even better if you were looking at the camera).

Good luck dude!
New priority is getting lean.

Cut starts tomorrow.

I'm taking this girl to a party Saturday night and I made out with her last night which was fun.

3rd date and hopefully a lay. She's already agreed to come over to watch a movie that night so as long as I'm not a pussy and my killer instinct is intact I should get my first new lay in like 3 fucking years. Will feel good.

My online results are shit but I'll have some momentum going into cold approaches with Radical. We went to a shitty mall downtown tonight but we're going to a better one next time and we'll both be killing our anxieties haha.

He helped me pick out a good outfit as well so I'm just going to wear that for all approaches. I want to start approaching in more gyms too.
What do you guys think is a reasonable sex goal I can set for myself that is congruent with my lifestyle at the moment of trying to advance in my career while simultaneously improving my own income streams?

I'm single again but I'm no where near as horny as when my sex drive was peaking in my early twenties. Definitely don't need to prove anything but I think something like 6-8 hours with 1-2 girls per week is doable, maintainable while still advancing towards my financial goals.

Maybe 1 new girl per month until I have a really good double rotation? I think that's the main thing I'd like to strive for.