Tristan's Dating Log

Got another date planned for Sunday night.

This one I'm really excited because she's British, doesn't drink and likes the exact same stuff I like: cliff jumping, business, sports, lifting etc.. If this one pulls through it's going to be hard to not get oneitis and catch feelings lmao.

She came from bumble, that app until now has been so dog water.
dashedhopes said:
My online results are shit but I'll have some momentum going into cold approaches with Radical. We went to a shitty mall downtown tonight but we're going to a better one next time and we'll both be killing our anxieties haha.

I’m interested to know what results you get because you qualify them as shit.

In my eyes you are a really attractive guy. I wouldn’t say your profile is perfect because it’s a bit too focused on your body but definitely a lot better than I’m used seeing.
dashedhopes does have good enough pics to get dates (as he is getting already) - and yes he is being a little harsh on himself imo

Shaking off the rust from an inactive period includes rebuilding your confidence kratjeuh and belief in what you can get out of dating. If anything i consider that the most important thing you need to regain to get back into a golden era
kratjeuh said:
dashedhopes said:
My online results are shit but I'll have some momentum going into cold approaches with Radical. We went to a shitty mall downtown tonight but we're going to a better one next time and we'll both be killing our anxieties haha.

I’m interested to know what results you get because you qualify them as shit.

In my eyes you are a really attractive guy. I wouldn’t say your profile is perfect because it’s a bit too focused on your body but definitely a lot better than I’m used seeing.

I think I might be undercutting myself just because I used to get laid left right and center in the same city but now maybe my standards a bit higher so I don't get as many dates and stuff but if I want to up the matches and quality of the matches then I need better photos for sure.

Here's a video of my current results

- (privated video, should be live in a minute)

Honestly if I wanted to get laid with a 5 or 6 I could probably message every single girl in here and probably get laid tomorrow if I wanted but I'm not really a fan of doing stuff with girls that I find boring or that I can't learn something from.

This is what I would have done 3-4 years ago when I was single just to boost my overall lay number but I honestly could give less of a fuck about that.
dashedhopes said:
Here's a video of my current results

damn yeah the quality of these girls is horrible. Your pics need majorly improved. You gotta fashionmaxx too. Get Cam to help you with that.

I'd put that professional-looking one first (your current YouTube avatar).
Radical said:
@dashedhopes does have good enough pics to get dates (as he is getting already) - and yes he is being a little harsh on himself imo

Shaking off the rust from an inactive period includes rebuilding your confidence @kratjeuh and belief in what you can get out of dating. If anything i consider that the most important thing you need to regain to get back into a golden era

Radical Is such a G

Glad I met you bro.

But yea, you're probably right. I've definitely developed higher standards and not getting laid for a little bit is annoying haha.

Just need to shake off the rust
arcade_fireee said:
dashedhopes said:
Here's a video of my current results

damn yeah the quality of these girls is horrible. Your pics need majorly improved. You gotta fashionmaxx too. Get Cam to help you with that.

I'd put that professional-looking one first (your current YouTube avatar).

Its a whole diff world trying to fashionmaxx a bodybuilder mate. I need Zara, Topman, COS etc to open up a line for jacked dudes

Its possible but just way harder to find good fits
arcade_fireee said:
dashedhopes said:
Here's a video of my current results

damn yeah the quality of these girls is horrible. Your pics need majorly improved. You gotta fashionmaxx too. Get Cam to help you with that.

I'd put that professional-looking one first (your current YouTube avatar).

You're right man.

Once I get much leaner I'll be taking a TON of pictures.
Radical said:
arcade_fireee said:
damn yeah the quality of these girls is horrible. Your pics need majorly improved. You gotta fashionmaxx too. Get Cam to help you with that.

I'd put that professional-looking one first (your current YouTube avatar).

Its a whole diff world trying to fashionmaxx a bodybuilder mate. I need Zara, Topman, COS etc to open up a line for jacked dudes

Its possible but just way harder to find good fits

Yea. about 75% of the things you can wear, don't fit me since I'm relatively short and have massive shoulders and need to get a 2XL sometimes which then makes the shirt/jacket baggy everywhere else and it looks shit.

But that's why I'll be getting leaner.
If you can come down to L on the shoulders i think it'll get way easier to find stuff

We did ok in Jack & Jones and with Topman even at XL tbf
dashedhopes said:
Radical said:
Its a whole diff world trying to fashionmaxx a bodybuilder mate. I need Zara, Topman, COS etc to open up a line for jacked dudes

Its possible but just way harder to find good fits

Yea. about 75% of the things you can wear, don't fit me since I'm relatively short and have massive shoulders and need to get a 2XL sometimes which then makes the shirt/jacket baggy everywhere else and it looks shit.

But that's why I'll be getting leaner.

Have you tried getting them tailored? This is a situation that it would be beneficial to spend the money for tailoring on all your clothes. Expensive? Maybe. But at least they will fit you exactly.
Bman said:
dashedhopes said:
Yea. about 75% of the things you can wear, don't fit me since I'm relatively short and have massive shoulders and need to get a 2XL sometimes which then makes the shirt/jacket baggy everywhere else and it looks shit.

But that's why I'll be getting leaner.

Have you tried getting them tailored? This is a situation that it would be beneficial to spend the money for tailoring on all your clothes. Expensive? Maybe. But at least they will fit you exactly.

yea that's something I've thought about too but my weight and size changes VERY drastically.

Once I reach a goal weight that is sustainable then I may very well do that. Good call.
Yeah he'll most likely need some tailoring but id only advise doing it after the cut
dashedhopes said:
Once I reach a goal weight that is sustainable then I may very well do that. Good call.

(I have heard that) a sustainable weight is supported by a sustainable diet. You seem pretty regimented and committed, but is your diet easily followable for you long-term?
If not, or even if it is, have you heard of Remington James? He has lots of videos that give you basically ways to have "cheat meal"-like food without it having the diet-wrecking calories/macros of a cheat meal. I'm excited to experiment with a bunch of his recipes for my family this Thanksgiving.
NightRoller said:
dashedhopes said:
Once I reach a goal weight that is sustainable then I may very well do that. Good call.

(I have heard that) a sustainable weight is supported by a sustainable diet. You seem pretty regimented and committed, but is your diet easily followable for you long-term?
If not, or even if it is, have you heard of Remington James? He has lots of videos that give you basically ways to have "cheat meal"-like food without it having the diet-wrecking calories/macros of a cheat meal. I'm excited to experiment with a bunch of his recipes for my family this Thanksgiving.

I'm very experienced at dieting but for the past 2-3 years I've been trying to build muscle and gain weight in hopes to step on stage.

I'm realizing it's probably a stupid goal that's going to hurt many other things in my life (health, ability to do certain exercises cause my feet hurt under the weight, my face is fat etc..)

The goal will be to get to 8% body fat and just maintain that forever.

And yea I've heard of remington james. He's a bit of a clown but I have no issues losing weight and finding macro friendly meals.

I kind of have to be to get to this sort of conditioning. No one gets to this level of body fat without a strong mindset.

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dashedhopes said:
kratjeuh said:
I’m interested to know what results you get because you qualify them as shit.

In my eyes you are a really attractive guy. I wouldn’t say your profile is perfect because it’s a bit too focused on your body but definitely a lot better than I’m used seeing.

I think I might be undercutting myself just because I used to get laid left right and center in the same city but now maybe my standards a bit higher so I don't get as many dates and stuff but if I want to up the matches and quality of the matches then I need better photos for sure.

Here's a video of my current results

- (privated video, should be live in a minute)

Honestly if I wanted to get laid with a 5 or 6 I could probably message every single girl in here and probably get laid tomorrow if I wanted but I'm not really a fan of doing stuff with girls that I find boring or that I can't learn something from.

This is what I would have done 3-4 years ago when I was single just to boost my overall lay number but I honestly could give less of a fuck about that.

Thought this through and I can see why you’re results online are that much worse than in real life.

Being this jacked makes you polarizing as hell. Iirc I saw a post of pancake which stated that most girls aren’t attracted being this strong, but the girls who are fucking love you. This is a good sign.

When you’re out I can imagine that it’s really obvious to you which girls like and you have an easy time getting those girls.

On the +side you also catch attention which results in more volume.

But what really helps you in real life is that you can break the negative assumptions people have of bodybuilding. You can show that you’re not egotistical and only obsessed with your body. You can show banter whereas people assume bodybuilders are strong but boring dudes. This is really difficult to show in an online dating profile.

I wouldn’t worry to much about the online results if I were you. If you do want to optimize the profile, I’d try to go for the rugby pic + 5 other pics where you don’t show your body (only long sleeves) because you’re that big. Even with a coat on people can see you’re hella strong but this combats the perception that you’re a show off
Honestly, you're probably bang on. But again this is all just theory.

Until I get some better pics, I won't know for sure. Again, going to lean down, get my face and hair looking prime then get some monster 1st pics.

But yea, I'm not like a stereotypical bodybuilder at all. Most are fucking weird, insecure weirdos with no personality.

That girl flaked tonight but it seems like she just has her priorities straight with work and what not.

She seems still very keen on hanging out so we'll see.