[TUTORIAL] How to find your Tinder Photo Hidden Score.

Mar 19, 2021
Edit: I've made the video private until I can edit out some personal info.

Hey guys,

If you are not aware tinder ranks your photo's based on a scalar "score" value. This score is hidden away but is actually accessible to anyone with a computer. You can use these scores to get an exact measurement of how well your Tinder Photo's are performing.

View attachment 5

I only know that rank is the order Tinder will display your smart photos. The rank is most likely defined by the score, giving you a very accurate measurement of a photos success.

Video Guide:


Tinder Photo Score: Tutorial

  1. Open & log in to Tinder on your browser. Make sure you are on your matches page. Hit F12 or ctrl+shift+i to bring up the inspector. Make sure you are on the "Network" tab. View attachment 4
  2. Refresh the page, and from the list click one with the word "profile" in the front. Make sure you are accessing the "Response" tab on the right.View attachment 3
  3. Copy the data (ctrl+a then ctrl+c) and paste it into the website: https://jsonformatter.curiousconcept.com/ This will format the data to be more readable. Hit process, then either download or copy and paste the text into notepad (or any word processor. This data contains information about your profile.
  4. Inside notepad, ctrl+f and search "profile". It should take you to your profile data, where you will be able to find your photo data. In these, you can find the url to each one of your photos. Save these url's somewhere (either in notepad or paste to your browser in separate tabs). If you have 5 photos, you should have 5 urls. Paste them into a browser to ensure they're working.View attachment 2
  5. Go back to Tinder, and repeat step 2 & 3 but select the entry with "matches" instead of "profile". This matches data contains information about all your matchesView attachment 1
  6. The final step is to copy your photo URL from your profile data and Ctrl+F (find) the url in the matches data. That will take you to the first instance in your match data where someone swiped that photo. This is where you find the meta data of the photo itself. Repeat this step for each of your photo URLs. Record the results, post them for us!

Any issues, watch the video or let me know.

Side Notes:
You may not be able to find data on a photo if you don't have enough matches. The matches in the JSON sometimes return your matches photo data and not yours.

Some things to clear up in the video: arrays start at 0 so a rank of "2" means it's your 3rd best photo.
You probably need to dumb this down even further for me

EDIT: I, a non computer nerd, managed to follow this. Good tutorial
For newbies, it shouldn't be forgotten that what matters most is taking good pics & talking to girls, above all else (still working on this).

Though, I'm loving the fact that people in this forum are actually nerding out matching data & values in Tinder with programming.
Awesome, thanks man.

Makes much more sense to me now why I couldn’t find it before, not all of the matches have this data saved.

I tried it out but unfortunately don’t have enough of a sample size. I just reset a few days ago. My last picture got the most swipes, I know this is just because those girls are swiping through every photo though
please make video private and keep this within this community. Before tinder devs start acting like bitches
jackBruh said:
@play_time_is_over Did you have smart photos enabled when you got the data?

Let me answer that, even tho it was not a question directed at me.

The score thing is still present, even when the smart photos are turned off. I've discovered that while having SP turned off afterall.

Tho, there should be a disclaimer in that thread, that the score thing is not really clear on how is it counted and why is it present for some photos, and until we have any idea on how it works exactly we should not do mental masturbation over the scores.

play_time_is_over said:
It's unlisted for now, doubt it will get much traction.
The scores used to be present for every photo in your profile once, I've first found a mention of that in a thread from like 5 years ago. It's been obviously removed since then. My assumption is the current scores are part of premium side of tinder, having to do with premium features, like attaching messages to your likes etc.
Still, i don't think there is much possibility for it gaining any traction. It certainly did not 5 years ago and just faded into the oblivion, then was removed for no particular reason, probably just because it was not really needed for anything.