Untangling The Gordian Knot: Fixing MAC's OLD


Jan 19, 2021
Hi all,

For those who have followed my log, this subject matter will need little introduction, as you will have no doubt scrolled through many posts of my tumultuous journey navigating the stormy seas of OLD, cold approach, and chronicling the insane shit-storm that has been MAC's 12 year journey of trying to find a girl!

But for those of you who have not, I am on a very serious self improvement journey to change my life, and am here in this community and Andy's coaching group to get the elite life that I must either obtain or die trying.

Since joining the community, I've lost 43lbs, gotten over my intimacy issues and lost my virginity (see me as a right fatty talking to the GOAT about this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gh2YyVB6Nds), gotten a promotion, went from 0 to 3 dates, improved my style (this was MASSIVE, unless you want to go through horrible pain in your life, just hire Radical now), and made a lot of great new connections. My mind and body are the healthiest they've been in years and I am happier as a person. Previously, I was damn near convinced I was going to die alone and there have definitely been nights crying myself to sleep being tormented by that thought, but from that hell I have moved myself back into the fight. Nowadays, I am of the opinion that if I truly give everything I have got in me, I will turn my situation around and the life that's in my minds eye can manifest in reality. It will come down to my own effort and ability to keep attacking every day, which is actually something I an really good at, hard work ain't a problem for me.....I love it. :)


The more dates I can go on, the more we can get to the outcome I want. That is, marriage, children, and building wealth. I can absolutely do this and will break myself off for it. So we need to start getting me on some dates. Please see my current profile below, which is not working very well, and any advice and support you can offer means the world to me and will be greatly appreciated.


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Looking for a cool girl to chill with. 6 ft 5. Project Manager. 🇬🇧

Guitar, photography, drawing, travel, hiking/nature, learning Spanish, and gym.

Firm but fair.


(1) Seek advice of KYIL community
(2) Book professional photographer and do shoots with actual competent photographer
(3) Lose more weight (Currently 204lbs) and stay consistent in the gym
(4) Arrive at ultimate goal weight of 185lbs and then just gymmaxxx until I am no longer playing on the hardest difficulty
(5) Build actual dating life
(6) ??????

Keep hammering,
Definitely need to retake the guitar one in better style and now you are skinnier
All of them need to be redone except the social pic.

Good clothes
But the picture is too far away. And the facial expression is awkward

Nice guy clothes (not good)
Awkward expression

Could be UK fashion but it seems like ur lacking fashion sense in that picture. Nobody hear wears a suit coat with a chain or ball cap.
Again awkward expression.

Take more pictures where you look like a fuckboy and research masculine poses and facial expressions.

Through heavy editing I was able to salvage #1...

Made your physique more muscular.
Changed the expression
Changed lighting a bit around ur face
And added a thicker beard
Cropped it so you fill the frame.
Manganiello said:
Could be UK fashion but it seems like ur lacking fashion sense in that picture. Nobody hear wears a suit coat with a chain or ball cap.

No we dont here either
I dont like the actual suit itself either regardless of the pairing
The whole vibe in the pic is 'suit & sneakers' which i've never been a fan of even when fashion influencers try and pull it off

You dont need a suit pic at all MakingAComeback to have success on tinder, in fact id probably advise against one unless done in a specific way


This is what you are aiming for as reference, in terms of style and shot. play_time_is_over has the best level of tinder shots that have been posted on the forum imo

I know Andy took them but you can at least use them as a target
Radical said:
You dont need a suit pic at all @MakingAComeback to have success on tinder, in fact id probably advise against one unless done in a specific way

What Radical had in mind:

Note on the beard btw as Manganiello edited a larger one in

I met Mac for a consultation on zoom when he had a longer beard length and based on what i saw its better he keeps it short

This is my general advice too btw

Shorter well defined facial hair is more fuckboy vibe. Like how literally everyone thats posted on this thread has it in their profile pics.

Longer beards have boyfriend/dad/religious connotations and stereotypes. In contrast, sculpted short beards get the benefits of facial hair without that

plus its easier to maintain

Too many guys, seen a few on here and GLL grow out big beards because they like the look and absolutely fail to keep them sculpted

I will probs do a vid on this but no doubt i'll get some blowback from 40 year old men who think their manky biker beard is alpha™
Thanks guys. I will do them again.

I will use the legendary shoot of play_time_is_over . I hope that dude is out there living well man, hope his life is good, he smashed it with those pics indeed.

Crisis thanks for Chadding up this thread with a picture of the upmost Chaddery!

I will book a professional shoot and just replicate the shot the red haired sex machine did.

Must keep it all transparent and onboard, I received a record breaking 5 matches on a recent boost, and following my evening spree of liking 300 hinge profiles, 37 girls invited me to start the chat, territory which is entirely uncharted.

Yes, the profiles will need to be improved, and that is why I am here, I will keep grinding until we have no question about my outcomes being elite - but I must be plain and confess, I am very happy to just be able to text girls and have them respond now. It sincerely feels incredible.

As you are well aware, I want dating experience, and I am not in any way, shape or form 'picky' about who I want to spend time with. The developments lately are positive for me, and inspire to push myself further along the timeline of my self improvement process.

Will book in a professional shoot and pay homage to the red haired sex God, and ofcourse the Killer of Inner Losers who also moonlights as a photographer with an incredibly large penis! Some even say he is rather cool to boot....who knows, he may even lead a guy or two (or 3!) towards being the same way in a future that is not too distant from the now.

Keep hammering,
Sorry totally forgot to say but Manganiello thank you so much for the editing and all the support, I really appreciate it, and it does mean a lot to me!

I noticed I didn't acknowledge this, so my apologies, mistake on my end.

Keep hamering,

LETS GO!!!!!!!

Can we advise how to update my profile?

The homie Rags2Bitches is editing some of my pics btw and will be able to advise



Please advise which pics to use for my updated profile

I like in no particular order:
8893, btw you look the most relaxed here - try and get "this" for future shoots.

but keep in mind they're all good. You will do well on all the apps with these new pics. Also it gives you options to swap out pics every few days/weeks to see what rotation works the best.
Dewm said:
but keep in mind they're all good. You will do well on all the apps with these new pics

he will do better, "well" is a stretch. it's a good stepwise improvement though

edited pics:

1) black hoodie close up
2) guitar
3) one of the content creator photos. def try the one sitting down side angle from far away first, leave it in for a few boosts/couple of weeks then switch out.
4) bar with friend
5) without the hat
6) standing with backpack

run it like this for a bit, then we can tinker. make sure you pay attention to the details, especially on the first photo, so your face is reasonably in the middle and can be clearly seen while swiping.

there are still some obvious weaknesses. too few outfits, some photos look like they came from the same photoshoot, really need to get a girl or an animal in there, preferably both.
need to keep iterating and taking photos as often as possible


Thanks all for your help, I really appreciate it.

Will keep improving, head will be down working my ass off to improve month after month after month.

We are getting better, slowly but surely, I'll turn my situation around one day!

Awesome. I think the "one photo per outfit" role is particularly key. So one future tweak could be removing any photos where you're wearing the same outfit as another. Otherwise the profile looks too staged.

But this is for sure a HUGE upgrade and a very solid profile, not surprised you're getting matches.