Wearing shoe lifts?


Oct 2, 2023
So i’m a pretty short guy (5’8.5”) which is kinda short to do night game on which is a problem especially cuz i’m far better in person at interacting, the problem is i read on r/seduction that night game is practically useless if ur below 6’0”. I can wear lifts to 5’11” and i already do in fact, but only to classes. Any other short guys who wear lifts can help explain to me how they get away with wearing lifts on bed.
First of all, dude you are 5'8.5" the average in the US is 5'9" as far as i know, you are not short, you are average. Or is someone with an average salary in the USA considered poor? If you were 5'4" or so, I would understand your problems, come on.

I don't want to say that height is unimportant, that's not my point, but in my experience is, it is only a bonus if you are generally attractive in the first place. No woman will turn round her head after a 6'4" average Joe, but definitely after a 5'9" Chad.

If you want, wear 1" lifts and make sure you don't wear shoes that are too flat. Anything more than 1" will be strange to run.

I know dozens of womanisers between 5'8" and 5'10" and dozens of hopeless incels over 6'1" and more.

I also really never see a 6'4" average joe with an extremely attractive woman. Most of the time, couples are more or less looksmatched and the man is the same height or taller, but I've never seen a generally unattractive man get women just because of his height. At least here in Germany, but the USA is weird when it comes to dating anyway.
rohanp said:
the problem is i read on r/seduction that night game is practically useless if ur below 6’0

Problem 1 is that you spent your time on Reddit which is a horrible source to learn anything related to seduction


It’s 2023 baby, people are more superficial than ever and if you feel more confident being 5”11 then 5”9, you rock those insoles like a king

When people ask about your insoles, just tell them you need insoles for better movement or back support or whatever, own that shit.

As long as you are like average height which you are for most US states you're fine. You are only under by like half an inch. You'll look 5ft 9 to most girls anyways. My brother is 5ft 6 and wears boots that push him to 5ft 8. I have ones that boost me from 5ft 10 to 5ft 11.

Maybe try getting a nice pair of fashionable boots. You'll look taller and its fashionable.

I have never worn insoles so I can't give much opinion on them, but maybe some 1-inchers should do since its quite easy to exaggerate your height by like an inch on apps. More than that can be sus.
kratjeuh said:
Problem 1 is that you spent your time on Reddit which is a horrible source to learn anything related to seduction

This can't be overstated enough. Reddit is useless AF for anything seduction related. This is like asking incels for advice on how to spice up your bedroom. I love Reddit, go to the lawn care subredddit or hair loss subreddit for some of the best advice on the planet. Seduction...absolutely not.