Weed/Edibles Can Help You Have Some of the Best Sex of Your Life

Jan 9, 2022
Just wanted to make a quick public service announcement for anyone that doesn't already know this (I didn't experience it until I was in my thirties): smoking weed or eating an edible before sex will, in the words of my brother, "make it feel like you are cumming the entire time". It will also slow down your perception of time so that the entire session seems to last much longer; it will make you more present by decreasing your awareness of anything not immediately in front of you; and if you eat or smoke a decent amount you might even get mild visual hallucinations that with some creativity will allow you to easily transform the women you are with into many different women-think banging Mystique from X-men-or even mythical creatures. Oh, and if you have any erectile dysfunction it can help with that too (the extra pleasure you'll feel from being high will make your dick extra hard). All in all, I highly recommend!
This is so true. Weed + sensory play was the best sex of my life. I was orgasming for hours straight and I was so stimulated by the end that I had intense like, phantom orgasms throughout my whole body that were so intense I couldn’t even talk.

When you do feel like you’re orgasming, try to relax your body. This will send the orgasm sensation to other parts of your body, and it’s amazing.
tdan187 said:
Are most people like this though? I mean lots of people get high. Does it make it so amazing for everyone I wonder? Or is this an anomaly.

I'm curious about this too, because it felt so good the first time I tried it I couldn't believe no one had told me what I was missing out on!

I actually joked with my partner that we had bad friends, because a true friend would never have let us remain ignorant of something so amazing.

Then again, even our friends who introduced us to weed a few years ago had for some reason never had sex while high (despite smoking every night before bed) so maybe it is more of a secret than I realize...

tdan187 said:
I really wonder actually what sex is like for other people

Me too.

tdan187 said:
for me it used to suck or be very whatever. Now it's literally the best thing I ever felt in my entire life. It's like when I first discovered porn.

What the fuck is up?

I'm curious what changed and what you started doing differently that you think might explain the improved experience?

For me it was going into sex with a much more relaxed, dominant and almost meditative mindset, where I am intensely focused on the present moment, making sure we are both relaxed (I literally do slow deep meditative breathing during sex), making sure I am always doing something I enjoy (instead of obsessing over her pleasure and whether she's having a good time), always using lots of dirty talk and telling her to say all the things that I love to hear (she loves and worships my big cock, no one fucks her better, she's loves being my dirty little whore, how it's the best feeling in the world to be a good girl for me, how much she loves me, etc), and where I feel I can keep going or stop at any point, because I'm not too attached to the outcome and am just enjoying the moment (I don't even care if I cum most of the time, honestly).
The old Stoner boner lol

Yes weed does feel that good. A lifetime ago I made some amazing weed cake. Had a slice with a girl. Was in bed for 6 hours. It felt like an age and a few seconds all at one time.

Don’t go chasin the dragon.
tdan187 said:
Stopping porn and masterbation completely was another huge part of it.


Stopping masturbation and porn is the #1 thing a guy can do to have better sex.

And on the flip side, masturbating/watching porn is the #1 thing a man can do can do to ruin any sex that he is having.

hush said:
Does it make "normal" sex worse in comparison?

Yes, unfortunately it does to some degree, so I'd suggest using weed/edibles during sex sparingly like tdan187 mentioned.
unfortunately weed is not good for me, everytime i tried i just felt sick, i didn't feel high, also the friends that gave me the blunt to try noticed that my face was changing and becoming white, something that does not happen to happen to them when they smoke, i might try edibles though, once i find a girl of 😅
Ritalin and weed felt absolutely incredible in my experience, although it made it much easier to overheat (and lose my erection after doing so), and almost impossible for me to cum at times
I have been looking into decent sex compounds for years but so far nothing has really helped.

That said me and my gf have been experimenting with weed edibles (cookies/brownies) I can say it is looking ostensibly promising. I mean most of the times we eat a bit too much and end up basically knocked out. I think we only fucked once after high but I can't recall too much about it. Definitely more sensual but I don't remember being able to come (which would have been a good thing in that circumstance).

I think the quality of the weed could be a factor too - I doubt what those cookies contain is top-end pot. I also never smoke weed so that isn't a option.

I've been wanting to try nicotine pouches + viagra but I am trying to get off nicotine so probably won't try that.

There was some libido peptide called pt-141 or something but I never felt compelled to try.

Kratom during sex makes it interesting in some cases though almost impossible to cum.
Thebastard said:
I have been looking into decent sex compounds for years but so far nothing has really helped.

Ever tried sex on 🍄?

I've loved it every time, but have only been able to actually have sex right when I was at the edge of beginning to hallucinate.

If you do take enough to actually hallucinate/trip you just have to ride it out and have sex when you come back down to reality.

And weed can help you stay calm and have a smoother/more relaxed come down
Manly Cockfellow said:
Thebastard said:
I have been looking into decent sex compounds for years but so far nothing has really helped.

Ever tried sex on 🍄?

I've loved it every time, but have only been able to actually have sex right when I was at the edge of beginning to hallucinate.

If you do take enough to actually hallucinate/trip you just have to ride it out and have sex when you come back down to reality.

And weed can help you stay calm and have a smoother/more relaxed come down

Never tried that but it is for sure on the to do list. Just need to find a good source when the time and opportunity cometh.
An update of sorts. Had sex last night with a weed edible. I was concerned I would just fall asleep as has been the historical case with these badboys. Yet this time the dosage turned out to be cock-on.

It was pretty fucking good. We had sex an hour earlier while waiting for the weed to kick in and while good, this was on a different level. Only issue was I felt I was going to cum too quick and this sensation was there the whole time.

I am thinking perhaps of combining kratom and weed edibles. Kratom pretty much stops me from cuming. I need to check if it is safe though. Anyone tried that?
Hmm I seem to recall one of Chris GLL's articles where he interviews a girl who was talking about much better phenibut made sex.

Definitely not ballsy enough to try PT-141. Viagra I take pretty much every time I have sex though, probably a psychological thing.
jakeD said:
Although @Squilliam also told me in his thread that he has way better sex on weed too.
My experience is quite varied. I would say generally speaking it makes me way more sensitive to touch and other sensory input, which feels really nice while you're cuddling and being touched. And orgasms just feel amazing. You know that period of the orgasm where you hit the point of no return right before you ejaculate? IMO, it's the best part of the orgasm. Weed in my experience makes that part last 3x as long, and sometimes I'll have full body orgasms. But my neurotransmitters feel hella depleted afterwards.

As Newton said, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Although, one time I took edibles before sex and I couldn't cum. I would say smoking is more ideal, because it doesn't last as long. If you're gonna do edibles, make sure the dosage isn't too high, else you might find it hard to cum. But I suppose if you have PE issues that might not be such a bad thing. I've mostly had the opposite issue due to a chronic compulsive masturbation habit.

But I've had to give up weed in general because I can't smoke without going off the rails and wanting to get high 24/7.
I think orgasm and pleasure on weed IS higher, but it lowers my drive and aggressiveness. Those aren't areas where I have an overabundance, so lowering them for more pleasure isn't a good trade off. Also it makes me just kinda sleepy too, so taking it late at night is even more problematic. I can see a future where its a net positive, I had one recent experience where I was mildly high and my dirty talk was much better than normal and I was just completely in the moment. I think the other issue with weed is HOW high are we talking. Mild to moderate..sure, super high? No way.
I noticed recently that I feel a little bit worse after I smoke and the weed wears off, almost like a mini-version of Ritalin rebound (which is when you feel depressed and anxious and angry all at once after the Ritalin wears off)

I swear to God my favorite drug of choice lately has been meditation

That shit makes me feel better while I'm doing it AND afterwards, when I'm just going about my day. Some days I even meditate for three hours, and that makes me feel so calm and confident and present

Shrooms also make me feel a nice happy, loving, calm and present glow afterwards, usually for a few days, though I don't always feel happy and loving and calm during the trip

And just to be clear, the only times I've had sex on 🍄 was when we both took very small amounts, like probably less than 2g each, maybe even closer to 1g

Anything more than that and we just want to lay there and watch the visuals, and ride it out on the emotional rollercoaster
Had a HORRIBLE experience lately where a certain smart-ass decided to stack kratom and weed edibles with results he hopes to never encounter again.

These 2 compounds can certainly compound each other, potentiating such that you really need less of each. That was the big mistake.

The dehydration and dry lips/mouth was almost intolerable. Then the usual 'too stoned' effects like 5 second long memory, the sense of it taking 45 minutes to take a leak. Couldn't get a woody either. Nasty.

Lesson learned. Weed edible + blue pill only from now on.
I used to love weed, but since I can't use it anymore, I'm wondering if anyone has tried CBD if it has the same effect without the intoxication?
Terminator said:
I used to love weed, but since I can't use it anymore, I'm wondering if anyone has tried CBD if it has the same effect without the intoxication?
I also can't do weed anymore (raging addiction yay), so I'd be curious to know the answer to this.

I am gonna go out on a limb and say no though. CBD is not psychoactive, so I doubt it. There's nothing that will replace that fuzzy sensitive feeling you get from weed.
Haha, I've had sex on weed and it certainly didn't "feel like you are cumming the entire time". If only. Seems like it affects everyone differently - might also depend on the strain, etc.

Nonetheless, I do enjoy it and it kind of turns me into a fuck animal. I normally like pretty rough sex but it goes to a different level on weed. Sometimes girls have to tell me to stop/slow down cause I'm going too hard. :evil: