Weed/Edibles Can Help You Have Some of the Best Sex of Your Life

Squilliam said:
Terminator said:
I used to love weed, but since I can't use it anymore, I'm wondering if anyone has tried CBD if it has the same effect without the intoxication?
I also can't do weed anymore (raging addiction yay), so I'd be curious to know the answer to this.

I am gonna go out on a limb and say no though. CBD is not psychoactive, so I doubt it. There's nothing that will replace that fuzzy sensitive feeling you get from weed.

Probably so... I think I will try it when I get a a hold of it. I can report back.
Anyone in Amsterdam? I am going to be there for a couple of days next week. 5 years ago I was there and got taken to school by the legendary space cakes you can find at the cafes. Never again.

Probably going to give joints a try - if anyone has any good tips for how to not mess it up I'd love to hear it. I am not aiming to get completely stoned - just mildly for purposes of enjoyment without being incapacitated. :evil:

As for sex, me and my gf toyed with the idea of consuming edibles again to amplify the experience. Unfortunately, it seems like every single time we tried, it was a tad too much. I'd end up with this CRAZZZZZZZY thirst and dryness of the mouth and lips which no amount of water would quench. I'd also forget anything I thought or said a few seconds later. Right now I am experimenting with this karezza technique which involves no orgasm - let's see how that goes. So far it has been great.
Thebastard said:
Probably going to give joints a try - if anyone has any good tips for how to not mess it up I'd love to hear it. I am not aiming to get completely stoned - just mildly for purposes of enjoyment without being incapacitated.
Try a spliff with some hashish in it, should get you more of a relaxed buzz opposed to a mild psychedelic experience. Get White Choco or Polm in a coffeeshop.