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What are your vices, and why do you do them?


Jul 24, 2020
Ditto on the caffeine. I consume about 7/8 cups of coffee equivalent in a day, sometimes 10+.
boblikestacos666 said:
Ditto on the caffeine lol. I stopped drinking coffee and now take 400 mg in pill form.

I've tried the pills and it just doesn't do it for me. Nothing like that instant energy you get from sipping on a redbull or actual coffee.
Porn and masterbation - stopped this problem when I finally started to cold approach girls, and I thought I put this problem to rest. Even had a gf with good sex back then. But I never expected this to bite me in the ass now. Feelings of depression, hopelessness, and the thought that I can't approach girls during quarantine broke me, and now for the past 3 weeks, I am watching porn every night again and fapping at least twice each day due to my needs and the frustration that I can't approach girls with the regulations in place. It doesn't help that I want to get laid badly, too. If anyone is struggling with the same thing, let me know. I badly need accountability here.

Youtube - when I was lost, I binged watch Youtube. Now, it's still a habit I do with work around, so it's not too quiet. This is limiting me to reach 100% work speed and productivity. Also the reason I sleep at 1 am (too slow to finish tasks for the day) and wake up at 6:30 am everyday, making me lack sleep except for Saturday night. Gotta stop it.

Eating Chips - when I'm too stressed, I mindlessly eat them. Puts my home workout routine to waste.
SIGMA_1234 said:
Porn and masterbation - stopped this problem when I finally started to cold approach girls, and I thought I put this problem to rest. Even had a gf with good sex back then. But I never expected this to bite me in the ass now. Feelings of depression, hopelessness, and the thought that I can't approach girls during quarantine broke me, and now I am watching porn every night again and fapping at least twice each day due to my needs and the frustration that I can't approach girls with the regulations in place. It doesn't help that I want to get laid badly, too. If anyone is struggling with the same thing, let me know. I badly need accountability here.

Youtube - when I was lost, I binged watch Youtube. Now, it's still a habit I do with work around, so it's not too quiet. This is limiting me to reach 100% work speed and productivity. Also the reason I sleep at 1 am (too slow to finish tasks for the day) and wake up at 6:30 am everyday, making me lack sleep except for Saturday night. Gotta stop it.

Eating Chips - when I'm too stressed, I mindlessly eat them. Puts my home workout routine to waste.

The past four years I've wasted on YouTube, porn and League of Legends. It got to the point where I didn't even enjoy doing any of these things but I just did them out of habit and indolence. Strangely, over-indulging over lockdown has kinda blunted any appetite I had for them at all. I just want to get outside and do something with my life.
Reddit - I spend too much time addicted to reddit, not sure what I'd do to fix this. I use it as a time filler.

Singleton hobbies - my hobbies are home gym and music. Music I have a band for, so I get social interaction, but it's not on since COVID. Else it's just me sitting in my room playing piano/guitar. I do it because I love making sounds.

Low abundance mentality - this is a mindset. Not sure how to change this without any abundance, that's why I do it.

SIGMA_1234 said:
If anyone is struggling with the same thing, let me know. I badly need accountability here.

Where are you from? I'm up for being your accountability partner. Been doing NoFap since November. Slipping a lot recently, but up until a couple months ago I had a 4 month streak and it felt good.
improvements said:
Where are you from? I'm up for being your accountability partner. Been doing NoFap since November. Slipping a lot recently, but up until a couple months ago I had a 4 month streak and it felt good.

I'm from the Philippines. I heard you're from the UK, right? I used to do NoFap, too. Longest streak was a month, not much any longer. After that time, I had more confidence to approach girls because I felt hornier and more testosterone flowing in me.

Here's what we can do: I'll add a masterbation & porn log in my main log, and you can add one in yours, too. We can bookmark each other's logs and keep each other accountable whenever someone logs.
Smoking is definitely my number one. I've tried (and failed) to quit several times now.

I also drink coffee in the morning. I used to drink a couple of pits worth per day. No caffeine in the evenings has definitely helped me with getting more sleep.

Lastly is probably that I'm a bit TOO content by myself. Outside of seeing my GF and FWBs I don't go out much. All of my friends are living the married (wife has their balls in her purse) life. So definitely want to work on being more social.
Oversleeping on my days off. I slept a combined total of 12 hours yesterday lol. But then end up fucking myself by sleeping 5-6 hours when I have to go into work the next day.

Eating shitty food. Think ice cream, other desserts, wings, diet soda, etc. Having a nice diet coke, iced coffee, or full throttle really seems to make whatever I'm doing more enjoyable.

Laziness and putting things off that I should have done years ago.
Masturbation and fapping (not to porn though occasionally when its available and have no sex partners I have the occasional bingey binge.

Coffee. Very rare now. Maybe once a month. Historically a huge vice though,

Kratom. Very rarely have the pleasure because its no longer available in the places I frequent.

Validation from women. Working on this round the clock.

Youtube binging. Joe Rogan. Sometimes binge watching tv serials like Spartacus

Junk food (kind of unavoidable when I am on the ship).

Here's the thing...

I rarely have more than 1 or 2 of the above vices at a time.

But there is always one or two. Never 0. Youtube (or tv on the ship) + any one of the above.
Food - I just love food. Especially sweets. Luckily I (mostly) balance it with my lifting habits.
Video Games - I use them as my escape. I almost tear up at all of the hours I have wasted playing games, all the different skills I could have be practicing.
Mental masturbation/analysis paralysis - I never just do it. I always waste so much time researching the "best" way to do something, way above and beyond what I really need
Ralstig said:
Video Games - I use them as my escape. I almost tear up at all of the hours I have wasted playing games, all the different skills I could have be practicing.

Oh fuck. I remember the times where I would spend the whole weekend on my PS2, Wii, and PC. Spending hours upon hours of video games. It was also my escape, and I couldn't get back the time I lost back then. Now, I can't spend more than an hour on a game, so you ain't alone here. I can only spend it on my online business now.

Ralstig said:
Mental masturbation/analysis paralysis - I never just do it. I always waste so much time researching the "best" way to do something, way above and beyond what I really need

Yup, you aren't alone here, either. Chris from GLL said it best:

"Perfectionism rewards you early in life but leads to underachievement later in life."

Taking action and allowing yourself to such was the biggest antidote to this problem of mine.
My main vice is probably taking on overly ambitious projects, getting half-decent at them, then quitting halfway through. I'm the epitome of 'Jack of all trades, Master of none'. The way I've combated this problem is I've started writing out my goals onto index cards and putting them onto a corkboard above my desk. I then make bi-weekly index cards that have all of my to-do's for accomplishing a particular task within an overall goal (i.e. If I'm learning blues on the piano, I'll write "play C-major blues pentatonic scale perfectly 10x in a row") and I'll put down a checkbox for each day of the week to create a sense of urgency for myself as I'm checking a box after each day (i.e. Mon[ ], Tu[ ], Wed[ ]). This system has served me pretty well so far.
Porn. My sex drive is way too high, I have to get my nut in. I try to limit it to no more than once a week though, or else it interferes with my motivation to go out and talk to real chicks.
I use certain drugs and caffeine for school. The funny thing is I'm tapering off this week because I want to give my body a much needed break.

It's kind of hard to stop using them because I'm still young and I want to push myself as hard as possible. It's my opinion that hard work is 90% of the key to anything, any kind of supplements will push you 1% further.

I do want to go cold turkey for a couple weeks in the future.
Brain chemicals. I sometimes do recreational drugs, but I know the emotions and thoughts I experience are artificial forms of what I could create myself in a sober state of mind.

I myself- practice avoidance, (social anxiety, approach anxiety) Basically I'm ADDICTED to comfort and safety, I am also a binge eater, so being on keto for 5 months, I kicked my sugar cravings AKA Christian Cocaine😈

What goes up must come down. That being said people with lots of trauma and abuse and loneliness turn to drugs, porn, sex, food, internet, tv, etc... anything to escape from their mental prison.

I always weigh the pros and cons and the depression and Anxiety and longterm effects that will inevitably ensue. If you can be mindful, that any "comedown" or "craving" you experience is coming then you can be more prepared for it.

With the exception of "THE UNHOLY TRINITY" - Crack-Cocaine, Meth, and Heroin.
(66%) chance you are addicted and fucked for life if you shoot that shit in your veins.
(66% chance it Immediately changes the chemical composition of the dopamine and how it is processed in your brain)

Addicts are only addicts because they are trying to numb their pain and hide from their trauma. And let's be honest drugs are not the only addicting or commonly abused thing, just the most accepted.

Did you know, Cocaine, Sugar, and Cheese, both light up the same reward areas of the brain.😱
(the former is just harder, with more side effects)

So at the end of the day, the vices we practice and the ones we seek out are only masking a bigger, darker and much more serious issue.

Candy, lol. Every now and then I go through an entire bag of sweets, then feel like shit after, then swear I'll never do it again. Then do it again.

I also believe I was an unknowing (mild) alcoholic before corona. But the closure of nightlife fixed that.

I'm addicted to caffeine too but I can quit whenever I like, don't really have cravings. Just need it to function and keep headaches away.
Fuck it

I needed a video idea so i'll do this question for it

Hell of an old thread to revive though lol
I get lazy at times and don't do the important task at hand

i know it's important but i still waste time

i panic and feel terrible , horrible ..


this is an epitome of a bad habit

i need to get rid of this ! ASAP !