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What if u had unlimited gym?


Nov 24, 2021
Okay not really unlimited.

Work at a gym. I can hit it up before, after and during work.

I was gonna just do 3 days a week push/pull.
But can I make more gains doing something else? 5x using all the machines etc?
I'd do high frequency training, honestly.

Work towards 2 a days. Morning session / Evening session.

Can be done if you're fit, but take it easy and ease the fuck into it.

Stan Efferding has a great template for this, which he got off Flex Wheeler. Yes, they're on gear, but high freqeuncy training works for natties too. I do it myself, albeit full body 3 x a week.

Otherwise, I'd do a mobility and stretching session daily.

Ben Patrick's shit is legit, ATG programs. Zero can be done alongside lifting, I do this myself.

On one end, there's Alex Hormozi: https://www.muscleandstrength.com/articles/gain-35lbs-in-6-weeks-naturally. Greg Nuckols wrote that routine for him when he said he had unlimited time and wanted to do as much as possible. Two workouts a day, hours spent in the gym each day. I've actually done this routine twice but had to bail midway through both times because it was so difficult to maintain.

On the other end, there's High Intensity Training (HIT) advocates like Mike Mentzer, Drew Baye, Jay Vincent, etc. who claim that "less is more". Their assertion is that all you need to do is bring muscles to complete failure ONE time, and doing anything more is extraneous. They also claim that resting for more days between workouts will give muscles time to recover and grow (because you don't actually grow muscles in the gym, you just send signals for them to grow):

Jay personally says he works out for only about 30 minutes two or three days a week, but he does it extremely intensely:

I'm kind of leaning towards HIT at the moment, but I need to do more self-experimentation to figure out what's what.
MakingAComeback and pancakemouse interesting that MACs suggestion Stan and Pancakes suggestion Alex both have similar volume routine. The 12 week gains Alex got was insane.

6 days a week
2 workouts a day
Accessory and varied training
Huge feeds. 600g-800g of carbs.

Jay makes a good point that training 1 set to failure achieves the same thing. I don’t think I can apply the training to failure because I haven’t trained in a while, my form will be off and I need to prioritise video work.

I think I’ll start out 3x a week get form down and then just see what I can achieve in 8 weeks. Big thing is getting food down. Being in a gym everyday is super motivating, just seeing hotties and people working out.

Plan going forward.
1. Get health info from MAC
2. Work all the actions from MAC first
3. Get a meal prep routine going (2 weeks)
4. 3 days a week lifting (next week)
5. Form check over (3-4 weeks)
6. Commit to routine log 8 weeks of hard training
To answer on the only subject I've got an expertise on :

-Twice a day seem too much for me, but after all what matter is the "max recoverable volume" for each muscle groups if you want to divide these numbers into 2 workouts do as you please. But you're going to lose time, changing clothes/warm-up/unchanging clothes twice a day also.

-Frequency for muscle growth seem to be the most anabolic factor while it come to which training style you're adopting.
You can ever do more. Research nucleus-overload if you want to make 1 muscle group grow really fast.

I personally prefer the PPLPP because you've got a 2x frequency, and no training day get you tired for the next training day. I prefer it over the full-body, because I never get a nice mind-muscle connection during FB workout, but it's a matter of personal preference. But if you plan to workout 3 times a week, I'll lean toward FB

-At the end, I will balance what I said with : all of this discussion for me is some nerd bodybuilding science, and it doesn't matter. It's just about optimizing 0.5%-2% of your muscle growth. Just train in your recoverable volume (https://rpstrength.com/training-volume-landmarks-muscle-growth/), as much intensely as you can recover.

pancakemouse I've read Mike Mentzer book because I really like his physique, but I try to find evidence that his training style worked for natty, and I didn't get any, you can research on the internet about guys training like him for months for only loosing muscles. That doesn't mean you shouldn't train with intensity, but I personally lean toward more weekly volume.
Good plan Adrizzle.

Get foundation of health and funtion sorted, working on your systemic biology for a while will pay great dividends.

I also am on nucleus overlaod training as Ovnidos references above, this was a game changer for me. I had always done traditional Push Pull Legs type stuff, but this really changed my physique and got things growing.

Self experimentation tho isn't it as pancake says above.
This is a dead thread but what the hell, I'd strongly suggest training muscles like Side Delts, Rear Delts, Traps, Calves (boo), Biceps and possibly Triceps. A LOT! They can take ridiculous amounts of volume so you can train them as many as 5 days a week, possibly multiple times a day, and they're also muscles that are ignored(besides arms) or undertrained quite often, by doing this you could really sharpen up your overall look. Also train your neck, aesthetically the neck is hugely important as it is almost always on show and a thicker neck almost always make someone appear more masculine and attractive.
I used Reverse Pyramid Training, which leans towards the HIT end of the spectrum, for about a year when I was really getting serious about barbell training. By the end I was squatting 175kg for 3x3, Benching 100kg for 3x3, and Deadlifting 185kg for a single.

I was training 3 days a week - each lift once a week, with some BB accessories after.

After gains slowed right down I hired a powerlifting coach and did longer block periodisation programs which restarted the gains.

After 10 years of weight training, I'd be lucky to PB my squat more than twice a year now. Not that it's my focus though, snatch and clean & jerk are.