What' s wrong in my dating pictures


Mar 31, 2023
Hi everyone. I' m trying online dating but currently my results are quite bad.
In the region I live, the only dating app full of girls Is Tinder. Other ones like Bumble and Okcupid have literally 4-5 profiles in 100km radius. In the place I live Instagram can be good for getting laid. I'm trying both Instagram and Tinder(for now free) but results are low, i need to contact a huge number of girls before i find one that wants to date me
I'll upload six pics that are on my Instagram/tinder. Can you tell what's wrong in them? Thank you all
skitele said:
Hi everyone. I' m trying online dating but currently my results are quite bad.
In the region I live, the only dating app full of girls Is Tinder. Other ones like Bumble and Okcupid have literally 4-5 profiles in 100km radius. In the place I live Instagram can be good for getting laid. I'm trying both Instagram and Tinder(for now free) but results are low, i need to contact a huge number of girls before i find one that wants to date me
I'll upload six pics that are on my Instagram/tinder. Can you tell what's wrong in them? Thank you all

First of all you're in the right place.

#1 is move to a city. If dating is a priority for you, you're playing it on ultra hard, Survivalist Permadeth mode if you live in a rural area. Make it easier for yourself and move to a city.

Second, Andy's created solid (free) resources to help guys like you solve this issue. I'd apply his advice first before asking for more feedback. To me your photos look too posed, and also they don't tell a story about you, who you are, what you do, or why dating you would be exciting. Following this guide will help you change that:

Oh, and I also wrote this guest post for Andy. Read it too. It'll also help you take better photos that'll make girls wetter than coconut juice: https://killyourinnerloser.com/paparazzi-factor/

Hope it helps ;)
For starters:

1. Lack of variety/excitement: Two of these are you sitting at home in front of a computer. That’s a really boring shot, in general pics of you alone at home are bad idea. A picnic table is a passable setting, but two of you in the same outfit presumably at the same table is a bad idea. Some shots you could add are a shot doing a hobby, a shot in an urban location, a shot of you with a dog, a shot of you in a group, etc.

2. The poses are not great, smile seems forced in all of them. Only way to fix this is to snap a bunch of shots and eventually you’ll get a decent smile.

3. Lighting, you want the light to illuminate your face. There is too much shadow on your face in most of these.

4. Fashion, it’s okay in some of them and not as good in others. I recommend experimenting with different necklaces, watches, facial hair (mustache is pretty bad in the last 2 pics, shave it completely or do something else with it.) and clothing. Copy other guys who are popular on social media.

Look at Andy’s Tinder guide part 1 and follow as much of the advice as you can, he covers most of this. Building your profile is something that is worth sinking a lot of effort into, even though most guys never will. These pics make you look like an average guy, with a boring life and you are doomed with OLD like that. You might be neither, but that is how you are presenting yourself. I think you have potential, but you need to present yourself as sexy and exciting as you possibly can. It takes time and effort.
Thank you very much for these feedbacks.
I'll work hard to fix these flaws!
P.S. when i say other dating apps are almost empty i mean also in the biggest city of the region, around 800.000 people. I live in a town 70km from and I go in the city once or twice a week for university lessons.
As the others have said, apps won't work well in your area and these photos aren't great - but you could get some much better ones without too much effort.

You could try using just 1, 3 and 6 as placeholders until you get some better ones. Once you have 6 serviceable photos you could also see if Hinge has many users in the larger city you mention.

A couple of things I didn't see mentioned:
- You have good hair but you need a haircut. Look up styles which could work with your face shape and see an expensive barber/stylist to get it cut.
- The camera quality and resolution of the photos you posted won't cut it. You either need a good DSLR or mirrorless camera or a modern smartphone like an iPhone 12 or newer or Pixel etc. I paid for a photoshoot and also bought an iPhone 13 which takes decent enough photos in Portrait mode.