What would you do with a MINIMUM 10K capital and a MAXIMUM 100k Capital?

Could open a Roth IRA and throw $500 or a few grand into it.

Could invest in SPY, VOO, or VTI which are large ETFs should get around 7-9% return on your money yearly.

If you are interested could be a nice down payment for a house. Get a 15 or 30 year fixed mortgage.

Rent goes up 5% every year with a mortgage you know what you'll be paying.

If you are willing to do the research could also invest in something like Bitcoin & Tesla/other tech companies. The potential return would be higher than an S & P 500 ETF, but none of this comes without risk.

Could also do a combination of all of these. I would save some as an emergency fund. Max out my Roth IRA for the year. Start investing in Bitcoin & Tesla Stock. Along with putting down a down payment for a house and getting a mortgage.

All depends on you. Do your own research.