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what would you take to gain lean muscle mass?


Jul 31, 2020
I want to get lean asap preferably with oral supp. Rather avoid dark web and any recommendations are appreciated.
I would take 200 less calories than your maintenance, lots of protein, Casien and Whey shakes, omega3, vitamin D and good quality, heavy weightlifting.
I cant tell if you're trolling or not?

If you're not trolling then you're very uneducated and need to address that in depth before doing anything else.

If you are trolling come up with something funnier next time because this is just kinda sad
all conventional advice from everyone in the PED community says to lift seriously for several years and do lots of research before you start getting pharamacological help. what makes you think you shouldn't take that advice? are you prepared to get blood work done? do you have any idea how you'll interpret the blood work, and know what adjustments to make depending on what you see? do you have the right training and eating habits to not completely waste the drugs you plan to take? what's your plan for coming off cycle safely and without losing your gains or getting fat right away? what about getting your testosterone levels back to normal afterwards?

here's a link to get you started on your reading.
So, do you want to get lean, or gain lean mass? Because it's not the same and seems like you don't really know what do you want.
Fruithat123 said:
I want to get lean asap preferably with oral supp. Rather avoid dark web and any recommendations are appreciated.

Few things:

1. You can't get lean while gaining weight. Sorry but even with PEDs and fat burners, if you're in a calorie surplus regardless of recomping (gaining muscle to lower fat percentage)

2. You want to get lean asap... Terrible mindset to have and is what causes a lot of people to fail. Expecting quick results. Fat loss, weight gain and building muscle should be a long term goal built around developing good habits over a long period of time. IE.. Getting enough protein, staying consistent with training and training with intensity. These should be developed before EVER considering the use of PEDs.

3. Also.. oral steroids are terrible for you. They're liver toxic, you most certainly can't and shouldn't drink alcohol while on them and they're not that great of PEDs for cutting in general. Unless you're talking about anavar on a prep or something.

I know tons of people that have taken gear that look like shit because they don't give a fuck about diet, training or both and just think it's this magical drug that will make you jacked no matter what. If you were to take anything that would help it would just be simple test enanthate, the good ole' fashioned way, in the butt. It's healthier and you can take just enough to put you higher than normal range without fucking yourself up with side effects.

But yea, I'd train consistently for 4-5 years before even considering PED use because you're just going to get upset with the lack of progress if everything else isn't on point.

Then again, if you're just doing this to get girls and look good, then I wouldn't use them at all. You can reach your genetic limit and look better than 95% of guys if you're not fucking around.
Can lock the thread now tbh

No better answer than that from dashed

Also I go stomach fat with subcutaneous injections