When did you move out of your parents' house?


Nov 6, 2020
When did you move out of your parents' house?
When do you think someone should move out of their parents' house?
When you only can (because I assume it's your dilema). I am truly astonished with the amount of friends my age I have who live with their parent. You cant live with parents and expect to get laid really lol. You cannot really focus on anything more important until you are getting laid.
So times are tough right now. I know several people that had to move back to their parents. Just have to man up and ride the tough times out.

As an American some of the veterans I talk to are getting ready for civil unrest in the coming months. I already have supplies stocked up and am cool with my neighbors.
I got kicked out at 23 though I wanted leave really, really badly as well. Life was a horror film back then. In my view, leaving any time up to 25 years old is good. It really depends person to person. By the way, there are cool maps you can look for: https://i.imgur.com/6ZFTC0V.png

I can't believe in Greece the percentage is over 50% :O
Depends on too many factors. There is no good age to move.

-Ability to pay the bills? How would a place in your budget looks like?
-Need to save for a project or not really?
-How many people in the appartment? Villa, or small flat?
-City or village? How do you like the place you live in? Better careers opportunity elsewhere?
-Relationship with family?

I moved at 20 because my country laws/taxes were not ideal for my line of work. Never came back.
BouffeQ said:
Depends on too many factors. There is no good age to move.

-Ability to pay the bills? How would a place in your budget looks like?
-Need to save for a project or not really?
-How many people in the appartment? Villa, or small flat?
-City or village? How do you like the place you live in? Better careers opportunity elsewhere?
-Relationship with family?

I moved at 20 because my country laws/taxes were not ideal for my line of work. Never came back.

It really does depend on a lot of factors.

My neighbor owns his own business doing home renovation. He's in his mid 30s and has been self employed for about 5 years. He still lives with his parents. Also even though he's probably hitting 6 digits per year his mom is henpecking him. The overall work is intellectually dull but it pays the bills.

In this scenario most American girls wouldn't want him because it's a blue collar dirty job and he's still living with his parents. But in my book at least he's not in a work situation where he has to play office politics and the best he can do is rise to middle management. If he wanted to settle down he could appoint a CEO, open up another "sexier" business, and move out. I have an "in" with the guy and can help him achieve his financial goals.

Another buddy of mine works in ambulances, doing paramedic work. He recently moved back in with his folks. I've known him since I was a kid* and only bumped into him about a year ago.

He has no debt (not even student loans), 2 paid off vehicles, and used to own a certain luxury status item. He's not a genius but he isn't stupid either. When you're in your 20s if you can stay out of debt, not go to jail, or get a girl pregnant that's setting yourself up for success for the rest of your life. Sounds like a winner to me.

As with my neighbor I can help my buddy achieve his financial goals. You don't want to be in your late 30s when your energy levels decline pulling off 70+ hour weeks with the graveyard shift every now and then. So if you're trying to save up money for a business, building up your business brand, or paying down loans move back in.

*IMO everybody needs at least 5 people that they are tight with for a decade.