Who has therapists?


Nov 11, 2022
I’m in the market for a new psychologist, probably psychiatrist as well. What did you look for, what worked and didn’t work for you when you were looking? Are you completely honest with yours? What aspects of your life did you want to triage with them first? Is yours a man/woman? I just want to hear some stories to maybe help guide myself to finding a good one.
I've worked with two different psychiatrists.

I would not recommend a psychiatrist unless you think you have a diagnosable mental health condition. Other than that, just go to a therapist.

I recommend this guide:
Agreed with Pancake, I would say you shouldn't need to see a psychiatrist unless your mental health issues warrant medication. The primary difference is that psychiatrists take a more medication based approach, whilst therapists are more for talking through your problems in depth. Psychiatrists can serve this purpose to an extent but it's generally not their primary responsibility.

So really, the only reason to go to a psychiatrist is if you think you might need medication. Even then, you might decide that you don't want to take medication.

As for finding a good therapist, don't hesitate to shop around. The first therapist I saw was not a good match at all, but the one I started seeing after that was lovely.

So don't hesitate to drop a therapist if you feel like there isn't chemistry. You should feel comfortable.
Good answers from the other guys to your first questions so Ill address the later.

Myelinated said:
Are you completely honest with yours? What aspects of your life did you want to triage with them first? Is yours a man/woman?

When I did therapy I knew specifically what I wanted to focus on. I went into the first session explicitly telling her what I was dealing with currently, how it was effecting the rest of my life from a systems thinking perspective, and what aspects of my past I thought were contributing to the problem. This gave my therapist a lot to work with so she could ask the questions that could guide more discovery or give me exercises I could immediately start doing. I was very open to other topics coming up or other aspects of my psyche being examined, but this gave us a very good direction. I did sessions about 1 or 2 times a month for about 6 months. I had worked through what I wanted, felt good about it, and told her that I was going to stop but would do therapy again in the future if I felt the need for a tuneup.

As for the honesty part, I was very honest with her. It's relatively easy for me to be vulnerable because I know the only way to work through things is by expressing them. I knew she was there to be a mirror for me. So if I was lying to her, I was lying to myself. And that does not solve anything. You should trust you therapist to be on your side while also calling you out on your bullshit (in a kind and loving manner). If you don't feel that, keep looking for one you can feel that with.

I'm a highly self aware person, study a lot of psychology on my own, meditate, journal, and am part of a men's group that meets regularly. So it was very easy to know exactly what I needed from therapy. Your mileage may vary. If you don't know what you're there for, THAT'S OK. It's their job to help you discover that.
Myelinated said:
I’m in the market for a new psychologist, probably psychiatrist as well. What did you look for, what worked and didn’t work for you when you were looking? Are you completely honest with yours? What aspects of your life did you want to triage with them first? Is yours a man/woman? I just want to hear some stories to maybe help guide myself to finding a good one.

Mine is a guy therapist. Initially we spent a lot of time unpacking my life story, and getting me to understand how much of my difficult upbringing wasn't my fault.

I see mine every 2 weeks and it's been invaluable. Having a professional work alongside your issues to tackle them in a healthy way is 100% worth it.

Like everyone else said, though, find one that works for you. Being able to connect with your therapist is extremely important.

You got this.
Myelinated said:
I just want to hear some stories to maybe help guide myself to finding a good one.

It's recommended to have 3-4 sessions with a new psychologist, before assessing whether or not they are a good fit for you (as it may take some time to build the relationship).

Mine helped me through my break up. Helped me a ton.

I have a close circle of mates who are always happy to listen to me and/or give advice.

None of the advice my friends gave me came anywhere close to being anywhere near as good as the psychologist's advice.

Right now, I am not seeing him. However, I will definitely be going back to him in the future.

I remember hearing Mikhaila Peterson say "We need to make therapy cool. Therapy IS cool". And she's right.

I wish all of my friends had a psychologist because I know how much it helps.

Do it man. Go all in, try your best to open up fully and be as open, honest and vulnerable as possible. It will help you, whatever challenges you are tackling.
I'm working for the past 7 months with a therapist and it's been very useful. Talking about relationship with women mostly. Helped me with dealing with my previous breakup and I second what everyone said.

I realised that the most important characteristic that you need to look for in a therapist is how you feel about them. Do they make you feel comfortable sharing deep, shameful stuffs ? Can they truly be non judgemental, no matter what you tell them ? Can you trust them ? Your relationship with them is what makes the therapy works, more than they're actual practice (CBT or psychoanalysis or something else).

As the other said, don't hesitate to shop around, some therapists offer a 1st consultation for free. But you need to ask yourself some questions. Regarding your issue, would you feel more comfortable confiding in a man or a woman ? Older or younger ? Maybe you need someone that might look like a parent or someone completely different, or it doesn't matter. Only you can know this kind of things.

Good luck in your search, if you have more questions, shoot