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Wombats project 30


Mar 5, 2023
What is Motivating this:
I broke up with a great girl and then realized I have a terrible time dating, not getting lots of likes and blah blah blah. I started working out and tracking my calories but after a few months of this I haven't made a lot of progress. I have slowly been coming to the realization that my life is going to pass me by, and I need to start going for my goals now, and as fast as possible. I have also started to realize that I have more issues than I was admitting to, so I want to work on those. I have also realized that I should be obsessed and entirely dedicated to self improvement. It makes sense that if I was more obsessed with self improvement, then I would improve more, and don't I want that? So I am going to work on making myself as motivated and obsessed as possible, in addition to achieving my goals this month.

Now I have been keeping track and doing most of these things every day for the last week.

Things I want to do this month everyday
  • Time Every meal, this is useful for my binge eating disorder
  • Eat 2k calories a day
  • 1 hour a day of self improvement work/reading
  • 10 minutes of meditation
  • 5+ Pomodoro style work session a day
  • Gym/Run 5 times a week
  • Go to all classes
  • Track screentime/media consumption, and keep it below 30 minutes a day
  • Read a motivation book or listen to something motivational

I want to keep making my path of self improvement more and more focused. The more I am focused on it and the more I catch myself slipping, the more I will gain.
Things I didn't do today
  • 10 minutes of mediation, I did 5, but I will do the rest of the five after this
  • I was poor at timing all of my meals today, but I did make an attempt to time them all
  • 5 pomodoro's. I did the equivalent amount of work but I should have set a timer, or alter my goals

Things I did do today
  • Eat 2k calories, I am going out tonight so I hope I can keep it below, but I will try very hard
  • 1 hour of self improvement
  • I ran 6.5 miles at a very fast pace
  • Tracked yesterdays screen time, and today's media consumption will be 0!
  • I started a motivation journal, to write and read in every morning. This will help me keep motivation in my forebrain.

    I need to be dedicated to improving myself. While my life may be comfortable, it could be so much better. I have no reason to not dedicate myself. I have no reason not to spend my energy in becoming the best man I can be. I have no choice.
Today was a very low day as I had went to bed at 5 am because of a party the night before. I was also frustrated at myself as I had probably ate 1500 calories at that party, when I only had 300 to eat.
Things I didn't do today
  • Time Every meal, I timed one poorly and didn't time the other
  • Watch 1 hour 30 min of content
  • I didn't do any school work.
Things I did do today
  • I ate below 2k calories!
  • Gym, I had to force myself to go and I only did 1 exercise. I normally don't go on sundays and it was a bad day so I am proud I even made it there. I think next week I will make it there much easier.
  • Track Screen time. I tracked yesterdays and todays. It was higher than I would like, but I will improve.
  • 1 Hour Self Improvement
  • Utilized my new motivation journal, it felt very powerful and inspiring. I hope it doesn't lose its potency.

I realized that I basically ate 2200 calories all of last week, so I am going to shoot for 2000 this week.

I need to keep consistent. Persistence, habits, obsession, and constant reevaluations will help lead me to success.
Nice one man, good things to work on.

As it looks like your cutting are you tracking macros on those 2k calories? 2k calories of refined carbs will lead to vastly different fat loss/ physique results to 2k calories of high protein and low glycemic index carbs.

What I find works well is keeping NET carbs (total carbs-fibre) at 100g max a day with protein at 180g+ and ensuring no carb sources have a higher glycemic index than low 60's. So for example can eat brown rice, basmati rice, whole grain pasta in moderation but no bread or potatoes as they are high GI.

It can also help to add in Berberine with higher carb meal to help blunt the insulin spike to help keep your body in fat loss mode all day with the cardio you're doing.
Thanks Hedon for the advice. I keep a diet of about .8-1 grams/pound of protein, low fat and about 200 grams of net carbs. I only eat low GI foods just out of coincidence.

Things I did today
  • Time Every meal, I timed every meal very well.
  • Eat 2k calories a day woohoo!
  • 1 hour a day of self improvement work/reading,
  • 10 minutes of meditation
  • 5+ Pomodoro style work session a day
  • Gym, It wasn't a great gym session. I want to write out an excuse as to why but it's best if I don't let myself take excuses. I will do better next time.
  • Go to all classes
  • Track screentime/media consumption, and kept it below 30 minutes a day
  • Both read my motivational journal and watched a motivational video.

So far I have done everything today, somethings I wish I would have done better tho. I wish my gym session was better. I wish my work sessions were more organized. I wish my meditation was more focused. I wish I timed my snacking as well. Throughout all of those I think a common theme is I wish my actions were more intense/efficient/ with intent. I think if I timed my self improvement time with a clock as I do my work sessions I would be more efficient and mindful of the outcomes.

I want to add some more things to my list:
  • Not getting in bed except for sleep and sex. This helps make my bed a place for sleep, so I can improve my sleep.
  • Enforce a strict bedtime of 9:30 except for hanging out with friends and girls. I have a strict wake time, I should also have a strict bedtime. It would really help my circadian rhythm

Goals and actions need to be a little scary. Lots of improvement comes from making scary goals.
I hope to start to lower that strict bed time to 9, but for now I would like to start there and slowly inch to that time
Wow I almost didn't make a post today. Today hasn't gone well. Lots of things have thrown me off my routines but I look forward to getting on them tomorrow. I really need to work on getting back in the routine of things when something takes me out of the routine.

Things I didn't do today
  • Time Every meal
  • Eat 2k calories a day woohoo!
  • 1 hour a day of self improvement work/reading,
  • 10 minutes of meditation
  • Track screentime/media consumption, and kept it below 30 minutes a day
  • Both read my motivational journal and watched a motivational video.
  • Asleep by 9:45/ not getting in bed throughout the day.

Things I did do today

  • Ran 7 miles.
    5+ Pomodoro style work session a day
    Go to all classes

Fuck it was a bad day.
Today was a better day. I run a club about quitting social media and we all set goals and try to work on them through the week. Today was my week meeting and it always serves to reinvigorate my ambition. Last few days have been bad. I realize getting intoxicated really serves to throw me off of my routines, and so does trying to fuck. Tinder takes up way to much time, so I set a limit today at my club meeting. I think I should stop snacking too.
Things I did today

  • 5+ Pomodoro style work session. Not strict enough but I did work a bunch.
    Go to all classes. There was one and I attended online lol
    Time Every meal, I tried but it was difficult.
Things I didn't do today

  • Eat 2k calories a day
    1 hour a day of self improvement work/reading
    10 minutes of meditation
    Gym/Run 5 times a week

    Track screentime/media consumption, and keep it below 30 minutes a day
    Read a motivation book or listen to something motivational
Things I did today
  • Time Every meal, I timed every meal very well.
  • 1 hour a day of self improvement work/reading,
  • 10 minutes of meditation, might have gotten 5 but I will get some more tonight.
  • 5+ Pomodoro style work session a day
  • Gym
  • Go to all classes
  • Track screentime/media consumption, and had 0 media consumption
  • I read my previous motivation writings and that helped.
Things I didn't do today
  • Eat 2k calories a day, I probably got 2400 but I didn't count too obsessively
At my club meeting one of the memories was like "Bro every week you say you had a bad week" and then he asked me about it and partially made me realize that I am unhappy with not meeting the pretty hard goals I set for mysel every week. I think this is unhelpful as I when I get sad about not meeting goals it can catalyze me to be sadder and not achieve more of my goals. I think I need to start being more gracious of the accomplishments I do have, like the fact I even go to the gym or workout 5 days a week, have routine study habits, wake up early, run a club, barely consume media, have the wonderful friends I do have and more.

I need to start being gracious of the wins I do take. Take the wins I have, and be obsessed with getting more.

Also in terms of calories I need to just eat 2200 this month for sure. I think my current goal should be to stop binge eating, as it hampers my weightloss progress too much.
Things I did today
  • Time Every meal, I timed every meal very well.
  • 1 hour a day of self improvement work/reading,
  • 10 minutes of meditation cumulatively
  • 5+ Pomodoro style work session a day, but actually just worked through the breaks.
  • Gym
  • Go to all classes
  • Eat 2k calories a day
  • I read my previous motivation writings and that helped.
Things I didn't do today
  • Track screentime/media consumption, and had 0 media consumption, I am watching a movie stoned rn.
Saturday I got high on shrooms and it kinda fucked me up. Sunday I had to study all day for my finals. Today I am just getting back in my groove. I need to not drink or smoke at all for 2 weeks. It throws me off my rituals.

Things I did today

Things I didn't do today
  • Track screentime/media consumption, and had 0 media consumption
  • Time Every meal, I timed every meal very well.
  • 1 hour a day of self improvement work/reading,
  • 10 minutes of meditation cumulatively
  • 5+ Pomodoro style work session a day, but actually just worked through the breaks.
  • Go to all classes
  • Eat 2k calories a day
  • I read my previous motivation writings and that helped.
Yeah, a bad past few days.
Things I did today
  • Time Every meal, I timed every meal very well. Except my final snack.
  • 1 hour a day of self improvement work/reading. Read a book on binge eating.
  • 5+ Pomodoro style work session a day. I had a final.
  • Gym
  • Go to all classes
  • I read my previous motivation writings and that helped.
  • I had very little media consumption today. I read a good amount.

Things I didn't do today
  • I ate 2600 calories, I was planning on 2200, but I messed up a little bit.
  • 10 minutes of meditation cumulatively

I had a revelation on my shroom trip blah blah blah lead to yesterday/today I tried to get back with my ex. She is comfortable in her current situationship and also had some good points about how our relationship had issues. Definitely an L for me, except for the fact that this is great motivation to improve even more.

I need to start going on 1 date a week at least to find the LOML. And get some pussy duh. I need to work on my binge eating, get my diet in check, get even more ripped. I need to be a star in school. I need to be a star at my new job. I have faith I can do all this. Just baby steps 1 at a time. Good habits make great men.
Things I did today
  • Time Every meal, I timed every meal very well.
  • 1 hour a day of self improvement work/reading,
  • 10 minutes of meditation cumulatively
  • Go to all classes, lol just 1 final.
  • I read my previous motivation writings and that helped.
  • Track screentime/media consumption

Things I didn’t do today
  • Gym, stuff got in the way. It is finals week, and I have not been in that habit. I am going tomorrow.
  • I ate 2300 calories today instead of the planned 2200. I accidently didn't count a beer. But I did do a very good job eating.
  • 5+ Pomodoro style work sessions.
  • I had very minimal media time. Although I sometimes find myself scrolling this site and Idk how I feel about that yet.
  • Binge eat

My club meeting went amazing and I probably socialized with friends for 4+ hours. It was awesome. Amazing day!

Keep motivated. Keep being obsessed. Keep being those kids that would show up to the baseball fields and practice by themselves for hours because they wanted to play college ball. Keep being obsessed with improving. Be killer because the alternative is be killed by passivity. Build frameworks, strategies, skills, and habits that breed success and quench failure. Set more binge eating goals. Get my binge eating to once a week. When I read this next week write about this for accountabilities sake. Also make a night time routine and start at 9 pm every night. Good night yall, stay obsessed, because there is no reason not to be.
Things I did today
  • Time Every meal, I timed every meal very well.
  • 1 hour a day of self improvement work/reading,
  • 10 minutes of meditation cumulatively
  • Gym
  • Read my previous motivation writings.
  • Track screentime/media consumption
  • Had less than 30 minutes media consumption
Things I didn’t do today
  • 5+ Pomodoro style work session a day.
  • Binge eat
  • Eat 2200 calories
I got back from vacation. I fell through on a lot of my habits but today has gone extremely well. New term is starting up and I am doing well with my job. I am really look forward to it and I am very hopeful.
Things I did today
  • Time Every meal, I timed every meal very well.
  • 1 hour a day of self improvement work/reading,
  • 5+ Pomodoro style work session a day.
  • Gym
  • Eat 2000 calories
  • Read my previous motivation writings.
  • Track screentime/media consumption
  • Had less than 30 minutes media consumption
Things I didn’t do today
  • 10 minutes of meditation cumulatively . I really want to work on this. I think it could be very helpful to me.
  • Binge eat
Today went really well. Although right now I am feeling rather lonely. I want to find a new friend group as it seems the one I am in is kind of dying. Any thoughts?

Things I did today
  • Time Every meal, I timed every meal well. Although I had a slip up during dinner but overall my eating has been really healthy.
  • 1 hour a day of self improvement work/reading,
  • 5 minutes of meditation cumulatively , along side lots of mindfulness
  • I worked 6 hours today, I need to start doing it in Pomodoros. I will tomorrow.
  • I walked an hour this morning, and I did exercises while waiting for code to compile.
  • ate 2000 calories or so. I went to a restaurant for dinner but I was careful.
  • Read my previous motivation writings.
  • Track screentime/media consumption
  • Had less than 30 minutes media consumption
Things I didn’t do today
  • Binge eat
Last week I wrote that I wanted to see how much I binge ate in the week. It was a lot. I was back at home and just let myself give in. I realize now when I go home I have had this belief that I can binge there, but that's not true. Anyways I am very down right now. I just feel like I have failed in a lot of my goals this term and I haven't seen enough progress. I think the only next step is to continue forward.

I just had a thought that has made me feel a little better. Someone a few weeks ago told me to look at where I am at and be proud when I was feeling sad, and I think this is a fitting moment. I went to the gym for an hour, read a self improvement book, practiced lots of mindfulness, worked hard for 6 hours @ 25/hour, read more when I ate and got home, am writing on a self improvement website right now, ate a healthy calorie deficit, have a great job with a great future ahead of me, have a great gpa. I have so many things that so many other people don't have, I shouldn't feel so bummed when I don't have as many friends/hookups as I want right now. They will come in time if I keep up with the same level of progress I have made in all these other fields. Just keep at it.
Today went well. I think the caffiene can make me really anxious. Tomorrow I am going to remember to take theanine with it to see if that reduces anxiety.
I wish I had worked more today but I was all stuck in my brain and shit.
Still worked, exercised, read, practiced more than most anyone I know. That feels nice.
Things I did today
  • 1 hour a day of self improvement work/reading,
  • 10 minutes of meditation cumulatively, WOOHOO! I have been meditating and practicing breathing everywhere today because I have been so anxious. I want to start practicing it whenever and where ever I go
  • 5+ Pomodoro style work session a day.
  • Walked an hour/Did 2 sprints. I find these help with anxiety.
  • Eat 2200 calories`
  • Read my previous motivation writings.
  • Track screentime/media consumption
  • Had less than 30 minutes media consumption
Things I didn’t do today
  • Binge eat
Yesterday went well. I logged in here to post but got sidetracked reading posts and forgot to reply. I think I will reply at 9:15 every night. It till help me establish a nighttime routine.
Things I did today
  • 10 minutes of meditation cumulatively
  • I worked 8 hours
  • ate 2100 calories
  • Track screentime/media consumption
  • Had less than 30 minutes media consumption
Things I didn’t do today
  • Read my previous motivation writings.
  • Gym, I only went 15 minutes
  • Time Every meal. Some meals I didn't eat that mindfully
  • 1 hour a day of self improvement work/reading, I only got 30 mins
  • Binge eat
Things I did today
  • Time Every meal. I didn't time them great and I didn't feel like a master of self control but I am much better. Tomorrow I would not like to eat any candy. Today I didn't finish all of my food at a restaurant which is like the 3rd time I've ever done that in my life. Really a good night.
  • 10 minutes of meditation cumulatively
  • 5+ Pomodoro style work session a day.
  • Gym
  • I ate healthily
  • Go to all classes
  • Read my previous motivation writings.
  • Track screentime/media consumption,
  • Had less than 30 minutes media consumption. Woohoo
Things I didn’t do today
  • Binge eat
  • 1 hour a day of self improvement work/reading. Fuck I have been busy. I might read some more tonight after studying.

I am going to be on the radio tomorrow for my club, I am very excited about that. I have done a really good job today.

Don't be an emotional mess. I realize throughout my life I've been an unprepared wreck at times, and I am done with that. It's embarrassing to think other people have seen me like that and I don't want it to continue. Today I had my shit together, and I want to make a habit of it.
Things I did today
  • 10 minutes of meditation cumulatively
  • Ran
  • Go to all classes
  • Read my previous motivation writings.
  • Track screentime/media consumption
Things I didn’t do today
  • Binge eat
  • Time Every meal, I timed every meal very well.
  • 1 hour a day of self improvement work/reading,
  • 5+ Pomodoro style work session a day.
  • Eat 2200 calories
  • Had less than 30 minutes media consumption
Things I did today
  • 5+ Pomodoro style work session a day.
  • Gym
  • Go to all classes
  • Ate a normal amount
Things I didn’t do today
  • Track screentime/media consumption
  • Had less than 30 minutes media consumption
  • 10 minutes of meditation cumulatively
  • Binge eat
  • Read my previous motivation writings.
  • Time Every meal.
  • 1 hour a day of self improvement work/reading. I didn't have the time.

Today has been a productive day and it has felt good but I am disheartened by some of the things I didn't do. I think I have gotten less serious. Albeit the night before was rough, which can make the next day a lil rough. I think tomorrow will go well. I am very excited for it.