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SamJ_ said:
MakingAComeback said:
At the rave, it was a tough experience, I was so so fucking convinced every single girl in there would rather be shot in the face than interact with me in any way.

Honestly this is your biggest issue. NOT your looks. You are a good looking guy. But you dont have enough confidence Because you have no experience, but that's okay. You don't need experience to have confidence, confidence should be internally based, not external imo. Have you ever tried interviewing random girls about stuff for your YouTube channel? Not even trying to hit on them, but just asking them questions about random, fun stuff. Just curious because that's how a lot of YouTube channels take off. Plus it could get you more comfortable talking to women.

For sure big man. Thanks for saying that bro, but I really don't see it myself, I have really low self-esteem but I am working hard at it. I do not think my looks are even in the normal range, because that is not the response I receive in the world, average or good looking guys get one or two girls interested in them in their life, they don't have to fight so hard man. It's OK, I will make myself better.

Also, absolutely brilliant idea for videos - I will do this for sure. When I go back to London, and when I move there, I will do that regularly.

I will keep hammering and get better every day.

MON 02/08/2021

-Intermittant Fasting
-Movement & Stretching
Digital Marketing (3hrs)
-Cold Approach
-Video Work: Shoot 1 Video Today (Edit & Upload Tomorrow)

Keep grinding,
MakingAComeback said:
SamJ_ said:
Honestly this is your biggest issue. NOT your looks. You are a good looking guy. But you dont have enough confidence Because you have no experience, but that's okay. You don't need experience to have confidence, confidence should be internally based, not external imo. Have you ever tried interviewing random girls about stuff for your YouTube channel? Not even trying to hit on them, but just asking them questions about random, fun stuff. Just curious because that's how a lot of YouTube channels take off. Plus it could get you more comfortable talking to women.

For sure big man. Thanks for saying that bro, but I really don't see it myself, I have really low self-esteem but I am working hard at it. I do not think my looks are even in the normal range, because that is not the response I receive in the world, average or good looking guys get one or two girls interested in them in their life, they don't have to fight so hard man. It's OK, I will make myself better.

Also, absolutely brilliant idea for videos - I will do this for sure. When I go back to London, and when I move there, I will do that regularly.

I will keep hammering and get better every day.

MON 02/08/2021

-Intermittant Fasting
-Movement & Stretching
Digital Marketing (3hrs)
-Cold Approach
-Video Work: Shoot 1 Video Today (Edit & Upload Tomorrow)

Keep grinding,

Looking forward to your videos! Honestly I wouldn't judge your looks by your results, especially with approaching it's more about confidence and self esteem. And even the best guys on here often take several hundred approaches or more to get laid. gotta play the numbers game.
Thanks man! Yeah, it's true, it's not important either way as I am too much of a hardheaded cunt to give up on any goal I sent anyway. Just can't give anything up.

Numbers will keep stackin up.

MON 02/08/2021

Cold Approach (DONE)

Said hi to 2 girls, first girl said hi back which felt AMAZING, second girl looked down at my bulge and tossed her hair back LMAO. They were both Indian girls, who are normally pretty aggressive in laying down the law if you try to talk to 'em. But these two made me feel good.

I bottled saying another word, I have to get my heart back, still deep in the dungeon of life. I am just going to keep going out and saying hi. I will work hard on stopping them and talking but right now just need to get a tiny bit of traction.

Running Totals: Cold Approach
No of approaches: 15
Numbers: 0
Dates: 0
Intimate encounters: 0

Running Totals: Dating Apps

I think I am going to stop bothering with OLD now, because I can't get any traction at all, lol.

Shall I leave it for 3 weeks until my next photoshoot?

MakingAComeback said:
Thanks man! Yeah, it's true, it's not important either way as I am too much of a hardheaded cunt to give up on any goal I sent anyway. Just can't give anything up.

Numbers will keep stackin up.

MON 02/08/2021

Cold Approach (DONE)

Said hi to 2 girls, first girl said hi back which felt AMAZING, second girl looked down at my bulge and tossed her hair back LMAO. They were both Indian girls, who are normally pretty aggressive in laying down the law if you try to talk to 'em. But these two made me feel good.

I bottled saying another word, I have to get my heart back, still deep in the dungeon of life. I am just going to keep going out and saying hi. I will work hard on stopping them and talking but right now just need to get a tiny bit of traction.

Running Totals: Cold Approach
No of approaches: 15
Numbers: 0
Dates: 0
Intimate encounters: 0

Running Totals: Dating Apps

I think I am going to stop bothering with OLD now, because I can't get any traction at all, lol.

Shall I leave it for 3 weeks until my next photoshoot?


Nice! Never ever quit. Also as far as the "bulge" thing goes, try to curb that a little when ur approaching. Girls are gonna think ur a perv if you are visibly aroused when you say hi to them. Just being honest lol, but yeah I know it does happen and has happened a couple times to me lol.
MakingAComeback said:
Thanks man! Yeah, it's true, it's not important either way as I am too much of a hardheaded cunt to give up on any goal I sent anyway. Just can't give anything up.

Numbers will keep stackin up.

MON 02/08/2021

Cold Approach (DONE)

Said hi to 2 girls, first girl said hi back which felt AMAZING, second girl looked down at my bulge and tossed her hair back LMAO. They were both Indian girls, who are normally pretty aggressive in laying down the law if you try to talk to 'em. But these two made me feel good.

I bottled saying another word, I have to get my heart back, still deep in the dungeon of life. I am just going to keep going out and saying hi. I will work hard on stopping them and talking but right now just need to get a tiny bit of traction.

Running Totals: Cold Approach
No of approaches: 15
Numbers: 0
Dates: 0
Intimate encounters: 0

Running Totals: Dating Apps

I think I am going to stop bothering with OLD now, because I can't get any traction at all, lol.

Shall I leave it for 3 weeks until my next photoshoot?


Nice, keep it up! I know you'll achieve all your goals if you just never ever quit
Keep it up bro - I could see the logic in leaving the OLD until you get better pics, but I'll let someone more experienced chime in. You could get lucky or also just building the habit but I did not get ANYTHING until KillYourInnerLoser and JaegerBombastic helped me revamp my pics
enjoyablehat said:
Keep it up bro - I could see the logic in leaving the OLD until you get better pics, but I'll let someone more experienced chime in. You could get lucky or also just building the habit but I did not get ANYTHING until @KillYourInnerLoser and @JaegerBombastic helped me revamp my pics

Appreciate you so much man. This is one of my brothers from private coaching and he is a fucking legend in the making.

I will keep hammering!

Couldn't do my evening check in last night as my bro needed help with his next music video and I had to do that for hours.

MON 02/08/2021

-Gym (DONE)
-Core (DONE)
-Intermittant Fasting (DONE)
-Movement & Stretching (FAILED, did 30 mins and then had to help my bro)
Digital Marketing (3hrs) (FAILED, had to go help my bro)
-Cold Approach (DONE, 2 approaches)
-Video Work: Shoot 1 Video Today (DONE)

Keep hammering,

TUE 03/08/21

-Movement & Stretching
-Digital Marketing (3hrs)
-Cold Approach
-Video Work
-Intermittent fasting (36hr water fast)

Keep grinding,

this is prob the best photo i’ve seen of you so far.

some of the weight loss starting to show in your face + good angle for you. head facing away 10-15 degrees looking back at the camera. not doing anything weird with your mouth. eyes aren’t wide open. hat + shirt + necklace work well.

i’d send this to your photographer prior to the shoot
Rags2Bitches said:

this is prob the best photo i’ve seen of you so far.

some of the weight loss starting to show in your face + good angle for you. head facing away 10-15 degrees looking back at the camera. not doing anything weird with your mouth. eyes aren’t wide open. hat + shirt + necklace work well.

i’d send this to your photographer prior to the shoot

Thank you big man, that is super positive news! For sure, this is some good learning, and I will keep hammering weightloss and go all the way.

Today was a solid day overall, though I made 1 mistake:

TUE 03/08/2021
-Gym (DONE)
-Core (DONE)
-Movement & Stretching (DONE)
-Intermittent Fasting (36hr water fast...still on it)
-Digital Marketing Study (DONE, 3hrs)
Cold Approach (DONE, went out later @ ~6:45pm, foot traffic was super low, had no girls to approach. In truth, there were two girls who I could have approached, but I would have had to run to stop them and completely change direction - a tall order atm)

Got some life admin done, got my Oura ring sized up.

Currently in a bit of wave of hunger, which typically passes after an hour, but the mental focus and clarity during fasts is incredible and super healing, you release BDNF when you go long periods of time without eating, super good for the mind, not to mention autophagy and stuff like that.

I am pissed I didn't do any approaches today, I really must build my mind, and must build a brain that can approach like a machine. I am going to have to get some more volume in here, so I will try to make some plans to head out Friday and Saturday night to do some approaches then.

It will come together, I visualised my life today, being totally ripped, with romantic and sexual abundance, and of course, massive financial success. It will happen, because I will make it!!!!

Hmmm. Maybe record some of your approaches with a USB pen drive camera? If its legal of course. And blur out faces etc if you need that to be compliant etc. Maybe it can help us pin point any glaring issues.
Thebastard said:
Hmmm. Maybe record some of your approaches with a USB pen drive camera? If its legal of course. And blur out faces etc if you need that to be compliant etc. Maybe it can help us pin point any glaring issues.

Thanks legend, I will, and I can do even better than that - when I come see you in the next few weeks, I will approach 10-20 girls live and raw!

BTW, I am going to respond to you on Signal today, as you can see, I am working my ass off in self improvement.

MakingAComeback Remind me/us how you're doing your intermittent fasting. I'm curious.

For the past month I've been on one meal a day (well, perhaps a more correct term would be a 2 hour eating window) for most weekdays, and then on one day every 2 weeks I just don't eat. In combination with this, and avoiding simple sugars (<30 g per day, though ideally 0), I've been maintaining a daily mass of 72 kg at my height of 179 cm (6 weeks ago I was 79 kg).

I ask because I wonder how you feel on it? Generally being leaner is great, though I'm looking to optimise as there are still times where I feel rough and wake up weak.

Incidentally on the days where I do attempt cold approach, I usually do so in a fasted state now. Makes me more indifferent to "bad" results (which of course, are highly subjective).

WED 04/08/21

Cold Approach: Out for an hour, said hi to one girl, we were walking past one another - she just ignored. I kept going and tried to find other girls to say hi to, but it wasn't really happening. There were 1 or 2 other opportunities to approach girls but they required more courage than I have atm.

Will have to build this brain.

drz said:
@MakingAComeback Remind me/us how you're doing your intermittent fasting. I'm curious.

For the past month I've been on one meal a day (well, perhaps a more correct term would be a 2 hour eating window) for most weekdays, and then on one day every 2 weeks I just don't eat. In combination with this, and avoiding simple sugars (<30 g per day, though ideally 0), I've been maintaining a daily mass of 72 kg at my height of 179 cm (6 weeks ago I was 79 kg).

I ask because I wonder how you feel on it? Generally being leaner is great, though I'm looking to optimise as there are still times where I feel rough and wake up weak.

Incidentally on the days where I do attempt cold approach, I usually do so in a fasted state now. Makes me more indifferent to "bad" results (which of course, are highly subjective).


Hey man. I do 16:8 5 days per week, and two days per week, I don't eat at all, effectively creating a 36hr water fast effect.

I feel great on it, getting healthier, leaner, and fitter.

Must cut down to abs.

Keep hammering,
MakingAComeback said:
WED 04/08/21

Cold Approach: Out for an hour, said hi to one girl, we were walking past one another - she just ignored. I kept going and tried to find other girls to say hi to, but it wasn't really happening. There were 1 or 2 other opportunities to approach girls but they required more courage than I have atm.

Saying hi is a great start. It def is a real battle with your own mind when it comes to approaching. But I think saying you don't have enough courage is maybe not the best way to look at it. It's okay to be scared when approaching, most of my first ones I had basically a panic attack to the point of chest pain and shaking sometimes every time I approached and often fucked up or slurred my words and had to repeat myself. It's okay in fact you can even own it in the approach and say I dont do this very often so I'm nervous. The more you expose yourself to the anxiety-increasing situations, the more you will get used to them. But there really is no way to give yourself a mental pep talk beforehand to reduce the anxiety, the only way is to just do it WITH the anxiety and know it's gonna suck at first.
For sure big man.

Forgot to add:

Running Totals: Cold Approach
No of approaches: 16
Numbers: 0
Dates: 0
Intimate encounters: 0

Running Totals: Dating Apps
Matches: 15 (Forgot to add, in London I did 10 boosts in one day LMAO and I got 15 matches)
Responsive Matches: 1
Dates: 0
Intimate encounters: 0

In my city, I had legit 0 matches for many many weeks.

Out again tomorrow!

Radical love the jeans you reccomended, got two pairs, one black one blue.

Got 4 slim fitting t's from Zara in diff primary colours.

Ordered 2 more pendants, in the 22" chain. Got the Saint Christopher one in gold, as well as a cross in silver.

Ordering the shoes, jackets, and hat this weekend.

It will come together.

Will put some outfits together, and will send you some pics to yay or nay.

Also, went to get my ring size done, they gave me a measuring string, and I have to take it back to the store tomorrow to get the size. Thereafter, I'll get some rings.

It's getting better. Body progress pic on the 10th. And I will start planning my photoshoot next week.

Keep hammering,