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Few hrs of coaching, done!

Managing my community, and pushing my clients to high performance, top 1% consistency, and seeing them crush goal after goal, is just normal

I see people achieve, ever day

See this log - it just surpassed 700,000 views......

And we're just getting f**king started

I'm in my usual coffee shop, got the number of the cute barista this morning, and got a lead off Tinder, of a tourist who is meeting me for coffee in 2hrs

I crushed gym yesterday, and today, will do my ice baths, cadio, ATG movement work

And put 12hrs solid into biz

To mark this log getting 700,000 views, and to help you understand that this log, will be the greatest self improvement journal of ALL TIME, here is a community post I made in IronWill today, to push and expand all my tribe's mentality



Winning, that alluring mistress, is seduced by the one who is truly relentless...

Winning visits the warrior

She is seduced by him

By the one who knows in his heart, that success is his destiny

That he is going to win it all

The game of life

For all the marbles

Winners, show up

Invest in themselves

On the surface, you may not even discern it

But within......and if you've learned anything from working with me, you'll know it's always within......

Their consciousness, their mindset and mentality, it is magnetised to f**king excellence


The sun shines on these people

The horizon glimmers to them

Victory is always their destiny

Like Atlas, they carry the dreams of humanity on their back


In the darkest times of my life, when hope was long, long, long gone, when the road ahead, seemed like it was impossible to travese, when I had no fucking clue how I would drop 120lbs, how I would reverse severe, clinical mental and physical illness, how I would overcome my demons and climb the self improvement mountain, again, after beating my AA the first time, having to do all that, again, ten years older, more broken than ever

Who the FUCK could do this?

What kind of super human could do this?

It was that moment, I decided in my heart and soul, that no matter what, I will NEVER GIVE IN


Let it kill me, I would tell myself

But I am not going to stop

No excuse will sway me

No obstacle will defeat me

No barrier will keep me away

No matter how high the castle walls may be, or how long the march to get to there, no matter how impregnable it is supposed to be, and even if nobody like me has ever succeeded before

Even if they had all been defeated before

I knew inside my core

I will be the one

And after me, no one will ever doubt again

Because they will know, the job CAN BE DONE

Unbelievable success, is possible

Your dreams, are possible

It just takes a absolutely unbreakable mentality

To be a winner, is a lifestyle choice

If nothing else has seemed to ever work for you in your life, one thing you can count on now, tomorrow, and forever and always, is that the following, always work, for all people, from anywhere:

-Work Ethic
-Unbreakable & Cast Iron Commitment

In this fight, of life, for the former unachiever to win, they MUST attack

Absolutely viciously

Blood, sweat, and tears

That is what it takes to go from the bottom, towards success.....

This is a decision, you can make TODAY

So, where is your MINDSET?

If you want what you say you want, then you will need to start showing up consistently, and showing some god damn excellence......

No one works harder than us

No one works smarter than us

No one is more committed, more dedicated

And no one can match the dedication and effort we put into every. single. second of our life.

To realise our human potential, is the ultimate victory

The ultimate "FUCK YOU"

The ultimate underdog story, rags to riches, nothing to something

Outworking God's plan

Being the one who was dealt the impossible hand, and who climbed to the very top, the tippy top

I have been this insanely motivated, day in, day out, from the fucking moment I decided I was going to become somebody three years ago

Not a DAY goes by where I am not making myself better or improving in some way

Not a god damn DAY

It is the honour of my life to be able to serve you

So today, when this message hits your consciousness, I want it to influence your self talk, ideas, and subconscious brain

I want you to decide, in your heart of hearts, that you are FUCKING DEAD ASS SERIOUS

That is all I ask of you

Bring your commitment, and seriousness.

I will do the rest.


MakingAComeback said:
Cold Email Updates:

I used Chet Holmes’ Dream 100 strategy, and sent the initial emails, as well as follow up seqeunce, both on emails and social channels.

This did not yield the outcomes I seek.

The good: I executed, did the emails daily, did the follow up got out of my comfort zone and learning a thing or two

The learnings: Poor results. 0 engagement.

It's hard to draw any real meaningful conclusions on the viability of cold email for myself and my business, as this was quite a small sample size (100 people), and it was also my first pop.

So instead, I will just chalk this down to being an experiment, and an exercise in action taking. I will ask for some insights and thoughts on what may work better for my own new business development process/lead gen.

I need to become better at lead generation, as it is an area that is very weak for me. I am sure I'll figure out something that works, and also, that I will do, daily!

If anyone wants to chime in, or share their own experiences, perhaps you've been there yourself - I welcome all feedback.

Dating Updates:

Been on 6 dates recently. CUCKED each time.

1: Serbian woman. Looked far worse than her pics. Total dullard, boring as watching paint dry. Within 5 mins of meeting, I wanted to escape. Date was so boring. I used it as game practice, stimming emotions, and creating sparks. She did agree to the pull, but in her hard, thick Eastern European accent, let me know “Ve von’t be doing anythink”. Stomach turning. I made an excuse, and just paid for the tea, and ended the date. She wanted to continue to talk to me. No thanks. Unmatched and removed number.

2: 5th Year Medical Student: Her pics looked nice, but she was far worse in person. A total midget at 163cm, I am not at all attracted to short women, and I should have discerned this as the info was on her profile. Damn. She didn’t reveal she was a med student. I avoid these women. SMDs. Half Persion, half German. Did what I could, but there wa nothing between us. I didn’t feel much attraction, in truth, and neither did she. She declined the pull, and went home and told me she felt more of a friend vibe. I unmatched her.

Sat 9th – 3 dates 1 Day

3: Ukrainian Chick: I went on this date, because I thought she was Polish. I usually get on well with Polish women. She had a Polish number, but she was….Ukranian. Heart sank when I first greeted her and I heard her thick EE accent. We agreed to meet for coffee, and upon meeting me, she decided “Ve get coffee and ve valk”….FUUUUUU. She is trying to control the frame off the bat. Not happening. I say, no, lets get a coffee and sit inside. I have already purchased mine, so she buys hers. After the awful date before, I decided to not pay for drinks, and now get to the dates early, buy my own drink, pay for it, and wait for the gal to get her own, and pay for her own. We chatted for a while, she was not receptive to any minute touch, at all. Draw back at all attempts. We finish coffee, and she wants to go for a walk around Budapest. I know her game. She is just value extracting, like a typical trash ass EE woman. Wants me to be her tour guide and show her the best spots, before cucking of course. I am wise to it, and just head to the bridge ~5m away, try to sexualise and escalate further, to create the right dynamic. She is doing some gross frame battling, telling me we can walk around for one more hour, little cuck tells like this. Like, bitch, my time is valuable, do you think I am talking orders from your cockroach ass? It sickens me and I have to contain my palpable disgust. I have had many bad experiences with these women, and I avoid them entirely. She tells me we will now go for good, I hard decline, and say no, I don’t want to do that, I want to go home and drink wine, let’s go. She says “maybe next time”, which in hoe language, means, I will never see you again. We bid each other farewell, which she does at a distance of about 10 feet (weird ass) and I just shrug and walk 5m back to my apartment. A win, was that 0 was spent on her this date. Which I enjoy.

4: Gal from Ohio: She messaged me first on Hinge, and is a fairly decent looking, if a little bigger, gal. She is fun to talk to thank God, and while she declines the pull, she does kiss me. She agrees to a 2nd date. More on that below.

5: Mentally Ill Uggo: Shes way fatter than her pics, and has severe mental illness. Diagnosed BPD. Has auditory and visual hallucinations. She is a truly sick fuck, who sees demons and has to stay in a psyche ward a few times a year. Again, I use it as practice. She pulls, after some debate and back and fourth. She refuses all escalation and awkwardly so. I do not like this and I just don’t want her there. She tells me she’ll leave, waits a bit for he bus, and then dips. I wish her well, send a nice message on Tinder (she didn’t exchange), and then remove her in the morning. This chick, openly talked about how she bangs drug dealers for free drugs all the time, and has never paid for coke or weed, though she does drugs a hell of a lot. Such a mess of a human.

Sunday: 2nd date w/ Ohio girl

6: Coffee, pull to mine, escalate. Kissing. She tells me she is on a solo trip with her son and has a no sex rule. She tells me a few times “I have to go”, but I roll with it, chill, flow, and bring her back. She makes out hard and heavy and gets steamy, and then declares “I have to go” a few times. I give up after 5 rounds of this and she insists she is going to leave to buy her son some socks. She texts me a few hrs later asking me to come meet her for a mulled wine. I ignore it to spend the evening with Paw. She then calls me, she’s out and clearly a little tipsy. I can barely hear wtf she is saying, and just play it off, and wish her well. She texts a few hrs later again, telling me she regrets her no sex on vacation rule, and how next time she will make it up to me. She was in Budapest for 2 days, so again, girl talk for, thanks for the validation and attention, I will never see you again.

Long chat with Paw, for 3hrs, about our dreams, vision, and burning desire for success.

I deleted the dating apps off my phone, and will just go on the dates I have scheduled, flakes permitting, and ask the girl in my loca coffee shop out.

This weekend, was so draining, I was tired to the bone, man, date after date, the highs, the lows, the push back, the endless push and hustle to get success, and the draining dates to nowhere with women I don’t like at all. It drained me so much. It stressed me TF out.

But this is success.

To win in life, you must put in this work, for years.

I will not use the dating apps for the rest of the year, and just see the one lead I have now, and ask the waitress out in person.

I will pick dating up in Jan, but I gotta be honest, I do not enjoy dating in Budapest and these women do not move me, I don’t vibe or resonate, and the last 6 dates, were not fun for me to be honest.

Nonetheless, there can be no whining, nor am I inclined to.

Winners don’t whine.

And whiners never win.

It’s just sales. It’s a numbers game. Work on your product, work on your pitch, run the numbers. Some, you win. Some, you lose.

True victory comes to the consistent guy who is SERIOUS about his goals.

A guy who is SERIOUS, is literally unstoppable.

The universe bends to his will.

I am putting my hustle in with business today, will hit the gym, and keep suceeding in my life.

Best wishes,

Good god, no wonder you had such thoughts. I recall that type of Ukrainian devochka very well. I would say the majority of them are like that though not like 90% or something like that. There are some decent, sex-positive ones. In fact most of my European lays were from UKR. They also seem to be more such ‘dominant’ varieties OUTSIDE of Ukraine which I thought was interesting. You’d think it would be the opposite in some cases.

Screening helps a lot with preventing these excruciating dates, particularly with EE women in my experience. Obviously do what you want but to me, losing some girls in exchange for not having to suffer that kind of experience you mentioned is more than worth it.

As for the email stuff, I actually do have something to bring to the table.

I ended up wasting 5 grand on this list building service (which in my opinion turned out to be a total joke and scam) where they use solo ads and CPA traffic to generate ‘qualified’ leads. Of course no matter what autoresponder they set me up with, the stats were almost all close to 0 because of the torrent of spam complaints. This whole process took most of the first quarter of 2023 and may have prolonged my dark alcoholic period besides.

What is interesting is they admitted other clients they were working with had the same issue (which is when they finally admitted what was actually going on to me despite me instinctively knowing it from the beginning and calling them out). In the end email is no longer the golden goose it once was, despite ‘gurus’ pointing to it as the tried and tested method that outperforms google/facebook.

What I do find interesting as a marketing technique would be the more old school methods like direct mail and calling. I think with your approaching experience, the latter might be a good option as painful as it might be. I certainly never had the stomach to try that.

And yeah word of mouth, warm leads as others have said.
Thanks bros for the posts.

Had a day yesterday afternoon, actually. A tourist from Norway I matched with, who wanted to see me fo a bit before she jet off.

Her schedule, was packed, but the texting, seemed good and flirtatious, so I wanted to see if I could make anything happen.

She was a good looking girl, but the vibe, whilst pleasant enough, and a fun date in general, lacked sensuality and sexuality. In fairness, a 12 o clock coffee date, isn't necessarily pre destined to be a steamy affair.

Nonetheless, packing her schedule with sight seeing and experiences, was obviously at the top of her list. Date went on for 38 mins, and she said she had to go to see the next lot of sights.

All good. Did my best, and ran some decent enough date game.

I actually enjoyed the experience. She was pretty, and quite a quality gal, overall. Not an issue at all.....

7 dates to nowhere, now, which is a bit annoying. As The Bastard says above, this may be time to start screening a tad harder.

Random variation, to be fair.

These little patches, don't matter. Really. You need the stoicism to be OK with 500 dates to nowhere, if you believe you have the mettle to be elite, imo.

In any endeavour, the Universe will test your commitment.

One of the first tests, is a losing streak, for a while perhaps. Hell, I had a dry spell for 10 freakin months, from Nov 2022 to Nov 2023, due to moving back to England, which, as far as women goes, is an incredibly difficult market for myself, at my SMV, which I'd say is around a 3 or 4 in the UK. Properly grim stuff, so less said about that, the better!

That said, there are lessons in all such experiences

Accurate Thinking:
-Why so I draw in mostly non sexual, non-sensual women? Why are most of my leads, poorly qualified, and of a bad fitment? Online leads, for myself, are prone to being badly qualified, due to my current profile lacking in polarisation and edge. It lacks real "bad ass" factor, and as such, is not sufficiently sexual, to draw in those leads who would be open to intimacy, and is instead drawing in women who find me interesting, for my intellect, skill, and competence in life. This, is not a wise move at low SMV - without sufficient attraction, and without the base of pre-selection/societal value, you will be used for your attention and validation, an awful, awful lot. The old adage in marketing, speaks particularly true of low SMV: if you appeal to all, you appeal to none. Better to be truly polarising.

-Testing 3 new pictures (advice from Rags2Bitches): To shoot new pics in Jan, with view towards trialing 3 new pics, and seeing what happens. Pancake did highlight, that one of my pics (the one in the Dior) may be sending provider vibes. Possibly.
-Image adjustment: I am wanting to craft an edgier look for myself. I have began wearing leahers, and heavier accessories. This, I believe, has helped somewhat.
-Hair changes; I am doing a slick back look, right now. I will trial this for a bit longer, and use this for my upcoming pics. Thereafter, I am going to experiment with buzzing this down.

My current pic, is attached:

Business - 12 to 13 hours per day

I am applying myself to business, with my ongoing commitment to the gym, and loving this. I enjoy a longer working day. I get pleasure from properly using my brain and abilities. A few hours a day, is not enough to make me feel satisfied. I am enjoying this, for the time being, and pushing on.

I have stopped my Tinder and Hinge subscription. Leads, have been slow indeed in Budapest overall. Quality. often left a lot to be desired. I expect I will be here until March 1st, and thereafter, back to the UK for a month, before my next jaunt....somewhere. In this time, I think the right move, may be to work very hard on business, and improve my body and looks, to the best of my ability. An estimated timeline to start to obtain a tick higher in quality, I'd expect, would be a further year of training in the gym. Fortuitously, I do not have Pancakemouse or September genetics, so instead of my body resisting any form of muscle gain, tooth and nail, I am able to gain size and strength like a regular human being, who is prepared to pay the price in the pain of strength training.

With proper, well - somewhat hardcore focus on business, this will put me in good stead to also start saving for the necessary cosmetic surgeries and procedures I am planning on getting, to help me ascend further.

I'd put my SMV around a 5 at the present moment. This, is a damn sight better than the 2 I started at! I am of the opinion, that with a full year of hardcore strength training, tattooing, skincare, botox, rhinoplasty, fillers, and other necessary procedures, I could look at getting into the range of about a 6. I am unsure if I am able to get much beyond that, to be frank. This, will be enough for me, and gives me a perfectly solid chance to obtain my goal, which is a LTR with a woman I find attractive (6).

Realistic and achievable outcome, imo.

Reminds me, I better post a physique update.....This, will come. Stay tuned!


Other life stuff. A girl I slept with, asked me to hang out for a coffee this morning. This was quite nice. We chatted for an hour, and then I got to work. I settled down in another coffee shop, the one where I got the number of one of the baristas - I do chat to her, daily, and on her texts, she invests an awful lot. In person, however, her vibe is quite....odd. I don't feel any sexual tension, or otherwise, any attraction, really. But for whatever reason, she found me on IG, and followed me. And then liked me on Tinder, which led me to match (this was prior to cancelling the subcription).

I have scoped out the schedule of the barista, to see if she is available this weekend. And the only other remaining lead, is the most bizarre texter, ever, I got off Hinge. A very odd Dutch girl. I was, and still am, convinced she is a scammer of some sort. She asked me to exchange numbers to talk on WhatsApp, and then removed me from Hinge. Usually, the numbers which belong to scammers, will do this, to stop you reporting after the fact. Notwithstanding, she (if it is a girl, that is, and not one of my Indian brethren pulling a fast one on me in some contact centre, somewhere....) and appears to be open to, maybe, going for a drink on Saturday. All very odd.....

Given the recent cuckoldry, part of me wants to be a devil and go a little bit of night game this weekend. Hell, it's worth a go.

Hope all are well and we're applying ourselves, truly and fully.

These little patches, don't matter. Really. You need the stoicism to be OK with 500 dates to nowhere, if you believe you have the mettle to be elite, imo.

Has it actually been 500 dates or is that hyberbole? I am just curious.

There is no way you are below a 6 at this point. Even in the UK a 3-4 makes no sense to me. As I said before, its more just that you aren’t the 8 that most women pine for that you are lacking options and successes. You would NEVER have gotten those 8 recent lays if you were a 5, I am sure you know that.

By the way, out of all the lays you got this year how many were from cold approach? And what are the stats for cold approach for this year (approaches, dates, lays etc)? Depending on that, perhaps unsubbing to OLD might not be the worst decision.
Thebastard said:
There is no way you are below a 6 at this point. Even in the UK a 3-4 makes no sense to me. As I said before, its more just that you aren’t the 8 that most women pine for that you are lacking options and successes. You would NEVER have gotten those 8 recent lays if you were a 5, I am sure you know that.

Just to be clear in the nyc daygamer and wheatwaffles and incel and other upstanding members of society communities, the scale is basically -2 to the normie scale. Which I think is the cause of your confusion rn because you're using the normie scale

Ravi being a 5 by our scale makes him a 7 by the normie scale. He's fuckable, and I personally find him attractive af. He can gain a point and be an 8 and really be seen as a hot guy socially.
Thebastard said:
These little patches, don't matter. Really. You need the stoicism to be OK with 500 dates to nowhere, if you believe you have the mettle to be elite, imo.

Has it actually been 500 dates or is that hyberbole? I am just curious.

There is no way you are below a 6 at this point. Even in the UK a 3-4 makes no sense to me. As I said before, its more just that you aren’t the 8 that most women pine for that you are lacking options and successes. You would NEVER have gotten those 8 recent lays if you were a 5, I am sure you know that.

By the way, out of all the lays you got this year how many were from cold approach? And what are the stats for cold approach for this year (approaches, dates, lays etc)? Depending on that, perhaps unsubbing to OLD might not be the worst decision.

Nah bro, ~200 dates.

I know you have a solid sense of SMV, right up there with the very best in the world, and I don't wish to push back agaisnt a vastly more experienced and knowledgeable man such as yourself.

But, I will have to highlight, in my own opinion, I'd put myself objectively at a 4.5.

This is composed of:

-Receptivity (considering over 7,000 approaches)
-Dates (~200, mostly, cuck, and I have made it clear on my own dating chat, most of these women, are not exactly happy to see me or be on a date. Sucks)
-Online dating (For the most part, my dating profile is just crickets, in many different locations, getting a match is akin to pulling teeth. Match quality, is also persistently shit)
-Retention, Investment: Date, Ghost. Date, Bang, Ghost. Cycle repeats, for years.
-Objective rating from women: I did an anonymous post on Reddit, and another forum, asking women to rate my looks. Most responses were in the rage of 4 (some 2s, some 3s) and the odd 5. This was a face post, full body post, etc.

In general, we find out where we stack up, when we do the work, for years.

This is approaching year 3 for me.

I have understood, dating is an area where I just lack the physical product, which is 90% of the game IMO. I, of course, try my ass off. But, it's not sensible to devote a lot of time and focus towards something that you have a distinct physical disadvantage in. If you're 5ft1, it's not a good idea to try to play in the NBA. Equally, unattractive and undesirable men, should manage expectations in the SMP.

Moving my brain power, to focus almost exclusively on business, for 12-13 hrs a day, did a hell of a lot for my mental, physical and spiritual health.

I could build a real movement, and create something spectacular in the world, and this is perfectly realistic and reasonable.

Dating, I don't expect much interesting to come from. I just play the numbers game, get what I can here and there, and be done with it. I no longer want a family or a wife and kids. You need the underlying attraction for any sort of proper investment. Without that, you're asking for misery.

None of this, I have any issue with. I accept it and devote very little time and energy to this.

Life, gets better, when we are deeply pushing forward our mission. You can still get dates, lays, and whatnot, regardless, just making the lifestyle choice to live the player lifestyle (what I chose) and enjoy the odd night of intimacy and companionship, and then just get back to the mission.

Alright I went through my forum notifications and am back to inbox zero.

The issue was, because I had almost 200 notifications, when someone would tag me, within a short period of time, I'd lose access to the post because 50 other notifcations came through. FML!

Notifications come through for likes, DMs, and stuff like that.

So lurkers reading and liking my old log posts and stuff, as they work their way through this voyage, gives me notifcation on notifcation, and then when I circle back to deal with forum users tagging me, geuss what, that notifcation is gone and I can't load it. Forum lets me load like 10 at a time.

I say this because both foducossy42 and Bman tagged me in something, which looked like it was a really high quality post that should be added to a sticky, and now I don't know what it was.

Can you boys get in touch and let me know what this was about? In this case, feel free to drop it here, and I'll sort it out.

Thanks bros,
MakingAComeback said:
Thebastard said:
These little patches, don't matter. Really. You need the stoicism to be OK with 500 dates to nowhere, if you believe you have the mettle to be elite, imo.

Has it actually been 500 dates or is that hyberbole? I am just curious.

There is no way you are below a 6 at this point. Even in the UK a 3-4 makes no sense to me. As I said before, its more just that you aren’t the 8 that most women pine for that you are lacking options and successes. You would NEVER have gotten those 8 recent lays if you were a 5, I am sure you know that.

By the way, out of all the lays you got this year how many were from cold approach? And what are the stats for cold approach for this year (approaches, dates, lays etc)? Depending on that, perhaps unsubbing to OLD might not be the worst decision.

Nah bro, ~200 dates.

I know you have a solid sense of SMV, right up there with the very best in the world, and I don't wish to push back agaisnt a vastly more experienced and knowledgeable man such as yourself.

But, I will have to highlight, in my own opinion, I'd put myself objectively at a 4.5.

This is composed of:

-Receptivity (considering over 7,000 approaches)
-Dates (~200, mostly, cuck, and I have made it clear on my own dating chat, most of these women, are not exactly happy to see me or be on a date. Sucks)
-Online dating (For the most part, my dating profile is just crickets, in many different locations, getting a match is akin to pulling teeth. Match quality, is also persistently shit)
-Retention, Investment: Date, Ghost. Date, Bang, Ghost. Cycle repeats, for years.
-Objective rating from women: I did an anonymous post on Reddit, and another forum, asking women to rate my looks. Most responses were in the rage of 4 (some 2s, some 3s) and the odd 5. This was a face post, full body post, etc.

In general, we find out where we stack up, when we do the work, for years.

This is approaching year 3 for me.

I have understood, dating is an area where I just lack the physical product, which is 90% of the game IMO. I, of course, try my ass off. But, it's not sensible to devote a lot of time and focus towards something that you have a distinct physical disadvantage in. If you're 5ft1, it's not a good idea to try to play in the NBA. Equally, unattractive and undesirable men, should manage expectations in the SMP.

Moving my brain power, to focus almost exclusively on business, for 12-13 hrs a day, did a hell of a lot for my mental, physical and spiritual health.

I could build a real movement, and create something spectacular in the world, and this is perfectly realistic and reasonable.

Dating, I don't expect much interesting to come from. I just play the numbers game, get what I can here and there, and be done with it. I no longer want a family or a wife and kids. You need the underlying attraction for any sort of proper investment. Without that, you're asking for misery.

None of this, I have any issue with. I accept it and devote very little time and energy to this.

Life, gets better, when we are deeply pushing forward our mission. You can still get dates, lays, and whatnot, regardless, just making the lifestyle choice to live the player lifestyle (what I chose) and enjoy the odd night of intimacy and companionship, and then just get back to the mission.


^ I will add, I have no problem with this.

Unlike other bullshitting individuals, I'll tell the raw & honest truth.

If you don't fit the mould, you have:
-Numbers Game (A lifestyle choice)
-Self Improvement & Game

That's it.

I literally play the numbers game, daily. With the law of large numbers, you will strike luck, here and there. But it is just here and there. And that's how it works.

I am cool with it, and just do my processes, and put all the rest of day's focus and energy, into things that are tangible and are a more level playing field.

Adjusting expectations, is not something we talk about enough. And it keeps many men, in fantasy land.

Common sense and conventional wisdom, is by definition, based on average and common experience. Which is shit.

If you can accept shit, go with conventional wisdom.

If you don't want that, then you may have to embrace hardcore and possibly slightly extreme ideas.

And learn to develop your consciousness beyond your current paradigms.

And be totally, totally, totally OK with this.

I want to discuss mostly business and self improvement in this log, so want to start moving away from dating subject matter being discussed here. You know my views, and focus on consistency and massive action to produce outcomes.

MakingAComeback said:
I'd put myself objectively at a 4.5.

I think you're closer to a -1. Truly, a horrible (not even human) being that it shall never get laid.

MakingAComeback said:
-Receptivity (considering over 7,000 approaches)

Once again counting the approaches you did while under the influence of RSD and the shitty ones Paw told us about. Kk

MakingAComeback said:
-Retention, Investment: Date, Ghost. Date, Bang, Ghost. Cycle repeats, for years.

You've been going on dates, banging, and getting ghosted for years? And here I was thinking you were a virgin just 2 years ago

MakingAComeback said:
-Objective rating from women: I did an anonymous post on Reddit, and another forum, asking women to rate my looks. Most responses were in the rage of 4 (some 2s, some 3s) and the odd 5. This was a face post, full body post, etc

Let's rely on the opinion of faceless, random women (or bored Redditors) to counter one of the guys who inspired us. Seems legit

MakingAComeback said:
This is approaching year 3 for me

Of self-improvement, not focusing just on dating. You're probably in month 9.

MakingAComeback said:
You know my views, and focus on consistency and massive action to produce outcomes.

We do, which is why we all find it bizarre that the minute you started having consistent success with girls, you decided to focus on biz and not want a wife and kids.

Disagreeable Crisis is now leaving the chat
Look brah

These hoes been ghosting like nobodies biz

You know the leads I get on these apps, cuck city, women who are just a little curious to chat, and see what I am about

Physical attraction?


Having to purely rely on game, is a losing strategy, because real attraction, that causes them to invest, is biological

I am doing the rating and analysis to understand:
-What is so wrong with my looks? I need to understand what the flaw(s) are, and if they can be fixed. I get that I am funny looking dude, but I need to understand, what exactly is killing my attractiveness?
-Objectively where I can possibly ascend to, with the right measures.

It is not all doom and gloom, for a serious motherfucker, you will still get leads through sheer hustle, and you can still close them. I did. It is just that, it'll be ghost city, and you will also get very few matches and leads in general man. The quality, it must also be said, leaves a lot to be desired!

I am wanting to figure this out and get to the next level.

My issue is a LOOKS problem. IMO.

A looks problem, cannot be solved via game. I have tried. You can lower your standards a lot, but the issue just is, if you can't get what you seek, and it is like that for 3 years....that is when you have to resort to more hardcore measures. End of the day, I have 2 more years I am willing to try my ass off ans see.

I am trying to figure out if it is at all possible to escape low SMV death, get decent quality, get retention, and see if it can be done.

So far, I have just relied on sheer grinding, keeping standards low, and flipping every stone.

This isn't sustainable and the problem of ghosting (again, 100% of the time!) is concerning......

I have already written a lot about why I dropped the dream of starting a family. It is a bad idea when you have poor investment from chicks and prone to discardability. It's not fair on kids, and is a very selfish act, if you try to create a family and know you are an undesirable man who is prone to women tossing him away. It is one thing to go through this as an individual, but to subject others to the negative consequence of this, is truly a sickening and pathetic act. I am not so ignorant a man, to do this to precious children, who are one thing in this world, I truly love.

I did submit the looks analysis and look forward to the feedback. If I will need a lot of surgery and stuff, I have no choice but to focus on biz, that shit is expensive.

And if nothing else is going to improve quality and stop this bullshit, time to swallow the pill and f**king commit...Attached pics I have sent!

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Let’s get things into perspective here.

You said you did 7000 approaches, from which 200 dates were derived (or were those mostly from online dating??? I am presuming yes).

But what portion of those 7000 were you a ‘4.5.’ For sure you were a 4.5 for SOME part of those. When you are almost 300lbs for example.

But last year you started getting laid. With one even being a solid ‘7.5.’ In order for the average man to get laid with a 5 he would have to be a 7 typically (unless we are talking about social circle game instead of meat market cold approach/OLD). So let’s be charitable and say you were a 6 last year seeing as you still had to put in MAD effort and dates. That is why you got those 9 lays in the first place. If you were a 5 or less you probably wouldn’t even have gotten 1 lay. Except maybe with a 4 once a year or something.

This year you are even MORE attractive. And you got 8 lays within a FAR shorter time period and in a city which is BRUTALLY competitive, xenophobic and harsh. This is NOT something a 4.5 would be capable of. I think even a male ‘7’ would have as many bunk trips as successful trips. Most places you need to be a solid EIGHT to get regular, consistent results.

You are getting shitty results from OLD, Ok I get that. That is because probably only the top 5% of men are getting all the matches because the algorithm ensures girls are only shown chads who most girls swipe right on. It might be an exaggeration, but you could theoretically be in the top 10% and STILL GET NOTHING!

I want to ask you again because unless I missed it, I did not see in your answers. How many approaches did you did this year? And how many dates from those approaches? And how many lays?

By the way, that anonymous post on reddit – forget that shit. I am sure if I posted my best photos there they’d rate me a 3 as well. It isn’t real life. And even if it was, it wouldn’t be any different than if you were a 6. Because unless you penetrate a specific niche, a 6 is invisible to most women anyway. Even if he is objectively above average, he is still too generic to be noticed by any girls unless he is super lucky and one odd woman finds him to be super attractive.

Wait until you have maxxed yourself out for real before making sweeping declarations like not having kids or a family. Wait until you have truly reached your peak (which you aren’t even close to) when you have real abundance and outcome independence first.

By all means focus on business and money. But at the same time keep working on your SMV, you’ve got ways to go yet. But you are not below average looking, not by a long-shot. You wouldn’t have an almost 20 notch count if that was the case. I rest my case.


Alright bro, that's fair enough.

Guess I will just maxxx out what I can physically. Gain more size, lose some fat, I have facial fat still which ain't ideal.

The game is the game, and it is not easy in Budapest for my brown ass let me tell ya haha.

Still produced outcomes, still created results, still worked with what few leads I had, and got lays galore since arriving back from NYC.

So.......FUCK IT. I won't stress it, I will work hard, and then dude, I will fucking move locations (lol).

We will chat today on Zoom, I have premium now so no silly limits.

Will text you now & we'll find a time today.

MakingAComeback said:
3: Ukrainian Chick: I went on this date, because I thought she was Polish. I usually get on well with Polish women. She had a Polish number, but she was….Ukranian. Heart sank when I first greeted her and I heard her thick EE accent. We agreed to meet for coffee, and upon meeting me, she decided “Ve get coffee and ve valk”….FUUUUUU. She is trying to control the frame off the bat. Not happening. I say, no, lets get a coffee and sit inside. I have already purchased mine, so she buys hers. After the awful date before, I decided to not pay for drinks, and now get to the dates early, buy my own drink, pay for it, and wait for the gal to get her own, and pay for her own. We chatted for a while, she was not receptive to any minute touch, at all. Draw back at all attempts.
Lmao, no wonder this started off bad, you like Polish women so you KNOW how EE women have this idea in there head that the man need to provide i.e. pay for everything, if not.. then there is no respect for you. LITTERALLY I heared many of them say "a man is the provider and protector, the easiest thing he can so is pay"
The oldschool women strategy and now mostly for EE women: Get the man invested 3 dates before sex, first date maybe a kiss and breadcrumb him until sex happens. Poking him, testing him, can he handle teasing and is he willing to wait for touching. This does not mean you need to stop trying because then in her mind it means you don't like her.

But actually you do not like her from the start, so I think why continue? For practice you say, what has this shit helped with practice? Conclusion is that there was no connection, no practice needed.

MakingAComeback said:
5: Mentally Ill Uggo: Shes way fatter than her pics, and has severe mental illness. Diagnosed BPD. Has auditory and visual hallucinations. She is a truly sick fuck, who sees demons and has to stay in a psyche ward a few times a year. Again, I use it as practice. She pulls, after some debate and back and fourth. She refuses all escalation and awkwardly so. I do not like this and I just don’t want her there. She tells me she’ll leave, waits a bit for he bus, and then dips. I wish her well, send a nice message on Tinder (she didn’t exchange), and then remove her in the morning. This chick, openly talked about how she bangs drug dealers for free drugs all the time, and has never paid for coke or weed, though she does drugs a hell of a lot. Such a mess of a human.
Dude.. WHY THE F.. "I use it as practice" I can not comprehence why this is useful. Practice how to deal with crackcocaine ho's on a coffee date? Stop wasting time my man.

MakingAComeback said:
6: Coffee, pull to mine, escalate. Kissing. She tells me she is on a solo trip with her son and has a no sex rule. She tells me a few times “I have to go”, but I roll with it, chill, flow, and bring her back. She makes out hard and heavy and gets steamy, and then declares “I have to go” a few times. I give up after 5 rounds of this and she insists she is going to leave to buy her son some socks. She texts me a few hrs later asking me to come meet her for a mulled wine. She then calls me, she’s out and clearly a little tipsy. .......... She texts a few hrs later again, telling me she regrets her no sex on vacation rule, and how next time she will make it up to me. She was in Budapest for 2 days, so again, girl talk for, thanks for the validation and attention, I will never see you again.
Again you are missing out, next time some girl say she has a rule of some kind say "rules are meant to be broken". Her "rule" is just a strategy to not sleep with the wrong men, only men with standards, assertiveness, the man that can see through her BS rule and awaken he desire.. It's a nice fantasy but in her mind she was clearly hinting at saying she "can't" have sex while actually meaning the opposite, she tried 5 times to hint this at you, 5 times you had the chance to give her a line that will break that rule.

As you have seen her behaviour afterwards, she keeps handing out other options after the date and you still don't see it, but you see this as "thanks for the validation and attention" while actually she is saying "to bad you didn't poked through my stupid logic rule"
Thebastard said:
But what portion of those 7000 were you a ‘4.5.’ For sure you were a 4.5 for SOME part of those. When you are almost 300lbs for example.

I can tell you something, the first 3000 approaches probably shouldn’t even be counted. I’ve never seen a worst 90’’ in my modest career.

MakingAComeback you don’t have a looks problem. At least you are not at yours max that I can agree.
Tering Jantje said:
Lmao, no wonder this started off bad, you like Polish women so you KNOW how EE women have this idea in there head that the man need to provide i.e. pay for everything, if not.. then there is no respect for you. LITTERALLY I heared many of them say "a man is the provider and protector, the easiest thing he can so is pay"
The oldschool women strategy and now mostly for EE women: Get the man invested 3 dates before sex, first date

I’ve been living in Poland for 3 months on and off every year (almost) for the last 12 years.
There are some girls like that in Ukraine/Belarus but Pol d these days is pretty much like Germany/uk.
AskTheDom said:
I can tell you something, the first 3000 approaches probably shouldn’t even be counted. I’ve never seen a worst 90’’ in my modest career.

You're being kind, so let me be the a-hole again.

In his last 1,000 approaches, Ravi graced us with openers like "Hey...! I was just walking and I saw you... and I thought you looked really pretty... and..." and my all-time favorite:

What's your name?
Zilla? Like Godzilla?

To give a gym analogy:

It's like saying that you've been squatting 400 lbs for multiple reps yet you still have small quads... but what you're actually doing is quasi deadlifts.

To give a biz analogy:

It's like saying that you've been pumping content for years yet you still struggle to pay the bills... but your audience is full of people from 3rd world countries.

Just cause you had volume, doesn't mean you were doing things the right way.
Got the rating back: 4/10.

Reason I got this, was to understand where my areas for development are.

It appears, whatever is going on with my eye area, is the major issue in my physical attractiveness.

I am not willing to do the riskier surgeries to correct that.

So, that's out.

Have already done the hair transplant, so that's out.

These are your best features:
1) Equal facial thirds
2) Straight mandible
3) Good facial definition and low bf%
4) Compact midface
5) Good eyebrow thickness and shape
6) Mostly clear skin

These are your worst features in order of importance:
1) Upper and lower eyelid exposure
2) Large eye orbits
3) Low set cheekbones
4) These last 2 flaws are also causing eye bags beneath your eyes
5) Large eye-eyebrow length
6) Oversized forehead
7) Balding, although balding doesn’t directly impact your facial
attractiveness it still will affect massively how women treat you.
8) Slight facial asymmetry
9) Thin lips

10) Gonion isn’t sharp enough – it’s too rounded
11) Thin neck - don't underestimate this
12) Forehead wrinkles
13) Bulging nose

These are my short-term looksmaxxing recommendations:
1) Get on minoxidil/finasteride to reduce effects of balding
2) Start training your neck, your neck is too thin at the moment and
isn’t masculine
3) Style looks very good, you clearly know how to dress well, no
changes need to be made here
4) I’d shave all of your hair off if you aren’t going to get a hair
transplant, it usually looks better to have a completely clean shaven
head rather than saving what’s left
5) It appears you have good beard growing genetics, grow your
beard out more and make sure it is well groomed. If you are able to
shape it the right way you’ll be able to give the illusion of a sharper
gonion angle – which is ideal
6) Usually I’d write 7-8 points on looksmaxxing here but I honestly
don’t have anymore looksmaxxing advice for you – seems you’ve
done most of it already, well done & keep it up.

These are my mid/long-term looksmaxxing recommendations:
1) Surgery wise, I’d consider looking into a blepharoplasty as you
currently have upper and lower eyelid exposure. Blepharoplasty will
fix this

2) Other surgery wise, I’d strongly recommend a hair transplant. This
is one of the most consistent surgeries and you’re at the point now
where you still have a decent amount of hair on your head, but
clearly your hairline is receding. So the potential is there to get a
good hairline.

Best of luck man, I don’t think you’ll have issues long term, there are
clear paths for you to take. You can reach atleast 5 if you looksmaxx


Upper potential = 5/10.

Even as a 4, guess what? I have been able to get 16 women to sleep with me (lol).

I did suspect my looks were still pretty bad, I could tell from the kind of matches I get, the sort of women who come on dates with me, and general treatment from them.

I am using fin and min. I am already doing a lot of these things.


I will post my physique and pics tomorrow, maybe with a lot of work on that, I can get some traction.

This has been useful, because it helps me understand what is "wrong" with my face, so to speak, and probably why I don't get matches and don't really get the positive treatment/experiences we seek in the dating game.

I can't really blame myself for these flaws and imperfections, but even with all image based problems, which are significant and I totally understand that, this will not stop me from taking action and suceeding in my life dude.

I already deleted the dating apps, the barista girl told me she's sick so she's outtie.

Frankly, I just have not done enough work on myself yet.

It is not an easy task for unattractive people to find a partner, it is a tough game for people of this sort. This does not mean one should throw in the towel. Despite my own appearance, I was able to get some women to be treat me in a positive way.

And this, will also be the case in the future.

More gym, and then perhaps experimenting with different looks, styles, stuff like that, may help.

I think one thing I may have to accept, is the nature of my dating life for this season: sporadic, low investment, low commitment, sketchy quality. I think that is the way it tends to go for more unattractive folks, and I suppose this is just human nature. It is good to "do the work" regardless, but I may have to reduce my expectations of being able to date women I at least find physically attractive. That, may come, but I don't think it is my time yet, so to speak.

Perhaps I may need to learn to "put the blinders on" for some time, and simply develop my physique like a man possessed.

This would also coincide with a business focus.

I will not make any hasty decisions. I will chill for a few weeks.

I deadset cannot believe people are paying some British twink to “rate their facial aesthetics”

I’ll just be rude now.

This has got to be the most faggotry female shit I have EVER ever seen. He’s a youtuber not a plastic surgeon, what this expertise comes from reading a few books? Why in the world would anyone care how another man perceives them hahahaha it’s actually kinda funny. “Yeah man Bill said I was a 9/10 imma go crush it with girls!”

Female behaviour
Great chat for a few hrs w/ The Bastard.

We're not fussed about the above rating, which is bullshit tbh.

The insight I wanted, was to see if WW could help me understand, what is so unattractive about my face.

I get it, the face, is meh. Fine. All good. Many of the women I date, also don't look like physical Goddesses. Guess what? I still enjoy them, and of the recent rampage, 2 of them, I'd say, were cute!

So, let it be, man.

As you can see in my log, my looks, or lack thereof, have been on my mind a lot recently, dude. I have found that this tends to happen, when a guy is in a really tough market. You can start to tell yourself the wrong stories in your mind, and these just cause unnecessary suffering.

Budapest, is what it is. The fact I was able to get anyting here, at all, is fucking legendary.

Just to be clear, I am not on the apps now. I did use them since returning, and it was very slow, dude. I'd get one lead a week, sometimes. Often, none. I had maybe 10 dates, this time around, and I banged 6 of them, with 2 others going most, but not all the way.

This was great!

That lead supply, got really slow a few weeks ago. And I had some really tough ghosting/rejections. The message the Norwegian gal sent, I think was more psychologically painful than I wanted to accept, because I have randomly thought about it since. Obv, it bothered me.

I have got some Ws, but I also, have had quite a streak of weird ass experiences lately.

That, for better or worse, is this game!

The lower one is in looks, the more tough they have to be psychologically.

However, it is possible. And it can be done. I do it, and just march toward, take the hits, endure some suffering here and there, dust off, and continue.

How you win, is that in these times, when it is lonely and feels bleak, you actually have to stick to the game plan and go off faith. When you are taking Ls, rather than saying fuck it I can't do it anymore, you stay with the process, find the lessons, take learnings, and get better.

Some learnings:

The Law of Large Numbers

If in ~200 dates I was not able to find a worthwhile gal, then we can 10 x this timeline, man, and that may put us in the ballpark of what it may take.

It may take, 2000 dates. This could go on, for another 10 years!


A straight line approach is when we say, this is where we are, position A, and to get to position B, I will have to grind out 10,000 more approaches, 2,0000 more dates, pay the price in the gym in pain and suffering, and just stay on this path for an unreasonable level of time.

A person like that, who is that serious, is a dangerous motherfucker. And I feel sorry for their competition man.

Motivation To Go High In Life

It took The Bastard, ten f**king years of grinding to find ONE quality gal for a relationship.

But he found her.

That was from, thousands of approaches, 500 dates, and living this lifestyle for 10 f**king years.

And yet, he won. And the guy who talked to me on the call today, was balanced, centred, mature, and dammit, he seemed fulfilled inside and happy with the next chapter of his life.

My time, just has not yet come, man, but it will.

These times, when you question things - why is my quality like this? Why do they all ghost? Why is my reception and investment so weird?

Part of you knows, inside, man. Fuck, they are just not investing. There just isn't an attraction there. Bummer.

That cycle, as it repeats, can feel uncomfortable but it can't actually knock you off the path man. I think when one's mind is truly right, you literally see this as screening. These weren't favourable prospects, so let them keep moving.

Practical Looks Development

Firstly, despite what situation people find themselves in the SMP. There is ALWAYS grinding. ALWAYS.

If you do enough total grinding, you will produce outcomes.

My recently slew of like 7 lays straight, came after 10 month of rejection, rejection, rejection, rejection.

No matches, trying in city after city.

Came back to Budapest, and this summer was a living hell.

Remember Tattoo girl? Remember these many horrible experiences that sent me reeling psychologically.

500 cold approaches this summer, and some bad times out there man......

This went on like this, and it looked like it was OVER.

Went to NYC, got lay 10, and then, found more success. Improved my Game, and made useful adjustments.

Came back. Handled bizz.

All good.

Started to get Ws.

It helped me, a lot, and contributed to some real healing.....

But, I was quite bothered by some of the quality, and I was bothered by how they all ghosted. And then, I had no leads. It felt, quite uncomfortable tbh.

And yet, that's progress.

There is a cost you must pay to ascend.

I am speaking to the truly low SMV, which I don't tend to see many of. Here and there, I see them. The true warriors of self improvement. But they are f**king rate. These, are the 1% of guys, who have the unbreakable spirit and grit, and can take Ls and not get what they seek, for years, and still keep going.......

I have a lot of respect for these people, and I try to learn aspects of the mental game from them. How they dealt with the process, and accepting it.

Otherwise, my game absolutely improved this year. I went on about 15 dates in Budapest this year, and that was over 5 months. 3 months, were Pre NYC bootcamp, where I closed 0. I then got about 10 in the Post NYC bootcamp era, and closed 6, with 2 more going almost all the way - solid solid f**king progress dude.

Consider my red shirt year in London, where I went on ~97 dates, and closed 9!

That, is progress.

I am feeling happy with my progress overall this year.

And I am glad, I have been humbled towards the end, despite a good streak recently, the Universe took it all away, almost instantly, and left me with no leads again.

It tested me, and made me reflect.

Are you the man you need to be yet, Ravi?

Did you raise you SMV, or not?


Then keep f**king working........... ;-)

I will do that.

Adrizzle said:
I deadset cannot believe people are paying some British twink to “rate their facial aesthetics”

I’ll just be rude now.

This has got to be the most faggotry female shit I have EVER ever seen. He’s a youtuber not a plastic surgeon, what this expertise comes from reading a few books? Why in the world would anyone care how another man perceives them hahahaha it’s actually kinda funny. “Yeah man Bill said I was a 9/10 imma go crush it with girls!”

Female behaviour

Yeah man I don't believe the guy's rating, but I did want to know if he could point me in the direction of areas for development where I could make gains

In reality, there was not much he could contribute and I don't think the guy has a clue tbh

I just do not believe that a dude getting jacked, getting tatted up, changing archetype/style, and improving in every area of life means his upper potential is capped at a 5 LUL

This makes no sense

Anyway, it will be fun content for my channel.

And also, despite the attractiveness rating, I am still always going to produce outcomes, thru sheer persistence and determination.

That is an intangible these people do not consider.

And it is how many many many people in life, win
