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drifter said:
Hey man,

Thanks for the comment in the introduction thread. I first saw you on Andy's podcast and was very impressed with your attitude and will to change (it rubbed off on me). I am convinced you'll get laid with a real woman any time soon at the speed you're progressing.

Keep it up.

Thank you! Ah really, that's amazing, I'm happy to hear that.

Of course, it will come: in the mean time, you'll see a guy here posting every day, fighting for his damn life.

One day, I will be victorious.

Until then, I will grind.

MakingAComeback said:
TimmyTurner said:
Jheeze, amazing job. Looking to emulate tonight. I haven’t been out solo in so long my body is itching to go.

Did you go out? I hit 20 approaches last night solo/sober.

I'll be in London on the 21st, am going to try to see if one of my leads I matched with there comes through for a date, but either way, will do some approaches in the day and night. I'll message you a few days before, come through, we can approach together if ya want but would be good to meet you at any rate.

Keep hammering,

I did. Ran into a model friend who for some reason was near my house :? and tried to warm up around the city but that was a shit show.

Ended up going to a Be at One when more friends came out. Mainly just vibed and focused on having fun with the boys but managed to get some approaches in (2 number out of about 7 approaches). Tried to go home with some Asian girl that was all over me but her friend was a major cock-block & my friends were being pussies to try help me. Need you in the city ASAP, Radical too.
TimmyTurner said:
MakingAComeback said:
Did you go out? I hit 20 approaches last night solo/sober.

I'll be in London on the 21st, am going to try to see if one of my leads I matched with there comes through for a date, but either way, will do some approaches in the day and night. I'll message you a few days before, come through, we can approach together if ya want but would be good to meet you at any rate.

Keep hammering,

I did. Ran into a model friend who for some reason was near my house :? and tried to warm up around the city but that was a shit show.

Ended up going to a Be at One when more friends came out. Mainly just vibed and focused on having fun with the boys but managed to get some approaches in (2 number out of about 7 approaches). Tried to go home with some Asian girl that was all over me but her friend was a major cock-block & my friends were being pussies to try help me. Need you in the city ASAP, Radical too.

Coming over in Oct g, we will win.

And make a boatload of cash in the process.

TimmyTurner No shame in having nights were you just enjoy it with friends. That was this weekend of nights out for me which was basically a treat for all the work ive been doing

Still have a video on headwork to edit and upload, then the vlog from this week.

Last night got in at 5am, was in the haze for 2 hrs in bed, got up at 7am and started attacking as per.

Went for a 3hr walk, just did some self reflection. Negative emotions were dialed up due to lack of sleep. But I thought about the things in my past that I overcame. And now I am here, fighting for a better life. That's a great feeling.

I will get there.

Got my Oura ring, will have it on tonight, I expect my score will be shit lol.

Hired a physique coach, one of the guys from the Become A Winner Group, we will go to war on my physique transformation and we will be successful.

Keep hammering,
It looks like you are making steps in multiple parts of your life so thats really good. I have been reading your last few pages, you have an interesting log. Have been looking here before, but will follow it more. Keep up the grind.
Relentless said:
It looks like you are making steps in multiple parts of your life so thats really good. I have been reading your last few pages, you have an interesting log. Have been looking here before, but will follow it more. Keep up the grind.

Thank you Relentless truly truly appreciate it. You are doing well too, keep hammering.

Hired a physique coach from the private group, think I mentioned it, but we are working on the progress, he will provide oversight on everything training and nutrition etc, all that is his job now, it's my job to listen and execute everything he says.

MON 09/08/2021

-Gym (DONE)
-Core (DONE)
-Movement & Stretching (DONE)
-Cold Approach (DONE, out for 1hr, 0 approaches)
-Digital Marketing (FAILED)
-Video Work (DONE, testimonial done for Radical)

Working with the aforementioned coach, diet and training has changed a bit, he has bumped my calories up for a while to see how my body responds, he thinks I am losing too much muscle on my crazy ass restrictive approach, so he says we need to put on more muscle and try to lose just fat. Recompositioning if you like. It’ll come together. Check ins with him and morning and night.

A low volume city for cold approach makes it so hard to get good, there was 1 nice girl in the hour I was out, and by the time I saw her, it was tricky, bottled saying anything at all. It’s OK, it’s not going to be great in this city and I am here until Oct, but I will grind it out and when I’m in London, I will work even harder…

I will savour Friday and Saturday nights, where I can finally be among women, and I will keep hammering at-least an hour of cold approach in the day 5x a week, it will strengthen my mind and it will help me get closer to the starting line.

Back tomorrow, and I will grind.

MakingAComeback said:
A low volume city for cold approach makes it so hard to get good, there was 1 nice girl in the hour I was out, and by the time I saw her, it was tricky, bottled saying anything at all.

Do you know why you didn't say anything to her? Not trying to be critical by any means, because I pass up opportunities all the time too. If you do it enough, you can catch yourself hesitating before you approach and then just realize in the moment you're making a bad excuse and approach anyway.
SamJ_ said:
MakingAComeback said:
A low volume city for cold approach makes it so hard to get good, there was 1 nice girl in the hour I was out, and by the time I saw her, it was tricky, bottled saying anything at all.

Do you know why you didn't say anything to her? Not trying to be critical by any means, because I pass up opportunities all the time too. If you do it enough, you can catch yourself hesitating before you approach and then just realize in the moment you're making a bad excuse and approach anyway.

Yeah man I was super tired and feeling stressed the fuck out, saw her stroll by, she was super pretty, and I was just in a shitty headspace so kept moving.

Will be back at it today.

Was feeling absolutely terible today, just went to the gym, did core work, followed my diet, and then went for a long walk to clear my head. Was feeling really negative about things and just angry at how hard this is for me. The feelings are not a problem, they don't matter either way, but the mind is a powerful thing and I know when I have been really working hard, there are some days which I must turn into 'strategic recharge' days. Today was one. It had to be one, because I was feeling super angry / pissed off.

So I simmered down and now I feel OK.

I am going to my first therapy session in an hour!!

That's some crazy fat loss in such a short time. Looks like you've kept all your muscle, too. Your face is really starting to lean out, can see a clear difference in the before and after. I don't think you are far off seeing your abs. Very motivating results.
drifter said:
That's some crazy fat loss in such a short time. Looks like you've kept all your muscle, too. Your face is really starting to lean out, can see a clear difference in the before and after. I don't think you are far off seeing your abs. Very motivating results.

Thank you man, no one works harder than a desperate man fighting for his life!

I will get shredded, and then I will built an elite physique, which will be a 5 year process tbh! We'll get there.

I have a day of resetting the mind. Had a great first therapy session.

Have a backlog of videos to upload now, lol...here is another one from last week. What's cool I have lost a few lbs since this and I can tell.


Keep hammering,
Cold Approach: Out for an hour, saw very few girls, mostly very older women.

I am currently going to approach in the city centre of the wack ass city I am currently working in. It's not a nice, or major city, and is quite run down tbh with few if any nice girls.

I will now stop approaching in the city centre, and instead, find other spots. I may try the big shopping arenas, or high streets.

When I'm in London, this problem will be solved, but I am still here for another month so time to do some problem solving and switch locations.

WED 11/08/2021


-Movement & Stretching (DONE)
-Cold Approach (DONE, 0 approaches)
-Digital Marketing (FAILED)
-Video Work (Edit and upload vlog from past weekend) (DONE)
-Follow meal plan (DONE)


Day was not good overall, felt fine, but it kind of got away from me. Missed DM study. Must be better tomorrow, fucked up today.

Booked/sent enquiries for further healing work: Got another therapist in the mix, booked a cranial sacrial therapy session (body work basically) and looking at booking acupuncture and aromatherapy massage sessions. Looking at finding a float tank for a 2hr+ session.

All healing work will have videos made about it :)

Tomorrow WILL be better. I am driving to another city on Friday to cold approach here, my city is shit for approach and girls in general don't love me here or in this area in general LOL. OLD is hard for me here. Clubs are hard for me here. But I am not a tree, I will move where the girls are more into me, and I will get my needs met.

Keep hammering,
THUR 12/08/2021


-Movement & Stretching
-Cardio: 10k Steps
-Digital Marketing (3hrs)
-Video Work (Edit and upload 2 videos)
-Follow meal plan

Notes: I have a call with someone who practices traditional counselling, and will start to work with her. I am hoping to have 1 session with my Person-Centred Therapist a week, and one with this lady on a weekly basis also.

In terms of healing work, I have booked a Cranial Sacral adjustment tomorrow, in a different, and far nicer city about an hour and a half drive from where I am. It's tomorrow, and I will leave early for the gym, get that stuff out the way, and head down for it 10:45am. I will get the session done, then check into a hotel, do a cold approach session where I will try to approach 20 girls in the day time, relax in the hotel, and then I will go out in that city for night time approaches. I want to see what a difference a different, and slightly more affluent city, makes to the responses and reactions I get. Hell, I may even get a bit of traction/success.

Hinge is going OK for me, several girls who respond, and in my phone right now, I have 3 girls who are actually receptive and down to let me take them out. I may actually have a date this Saturday. It'll be a fair drive, but it's part of the process for me. Need to build myself up.

Keep hammering,
MakingAComeback said:
Hinge is going OK for me, several girls who respond, and in my phone right now, I have 3 girls who are actually receptive and down to let me take them out. I may actually have a date this Saturday. It'll be a fair drive, but it's part of the process for me. Need to build myself up.

Good stuff! When you say fair drive, how far is this away from Coventry (assuming you're still there)?