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Thanks bro. A long time coming, honestly. Need a good and deep detox, and to see what comes next in my life.

Sharing here as well as in my groups:


Trauma healing isn’t a simple 1—2—3 step process. If you’ve experienced abuse, shock, loss, neglect, violation, assault, violence or witnessed any of the above, you may initially shut down the emotional memory because the intensity of the emotions are too much to “digest”.

The human brain and body learn to put these into a “deep freeze” so it can get back to functioning in day-to-day life; showing up to school, work , perform duties and tend to relationships.

However, even when stored away, the body always remembers.
Even when memories are hidden, they don’t ever completely dissipate. Most trauma survivors experience triggers which are reminders to their unconscious mind of the past.

They may have nightmares that are metaphoric to the danger experienced, or may have flashbacks of images of what happened - often, without fully understanding what it’s all about. These are the ways the body holds onto the memory- no matter how much time passes, the body remembers all experiences.

Since it’s never fully “gone” from the system, eventually there will be a time where it comes spinning back in.
Why does this happen? Because you’re safe enough now. There’s a younger part of self that is inside that holds the experiences it’s gone through. When that part notices that you’re in a stable place in your life, or for the first time you’re in a place of safety, these memories come knocking - wanting to be heard, processed and resolved."


what I am going through right now. wild. as i began to experience true abundance states and feel true glorious wellbeing. as my mind knew i am now, after so many years, safe and compotent. it began the process of gradually, slowly, releasing trauma. first, it gave me tester clues. it would raise things in my mind, from years ago, to see how i'd respond. and i did so with acceptance and stoicism. it could see i am now mature, competent, and ready to have the flood gates opened.

so i am going through a major trauma release right now. a wild life experience. and from this, will come a lot of healing.

taking the experience one day at a time. and look forward to what will come in the next chapter!
Today's flow, was good.

Morning was brutal, was having hours and hours of PTSD trauma responses.

I did the work on them, and they began to simmer down.

Felt calmer, and more balanced.

Did hours of coaching. Which was fun as hell.

Went on a useful call on a biz group I am a member of.

Did journalling for about 90m.

Processed a tonne! Feel a lot better right now. Today, was brutal in the morning and the first half of the day. Did a few hours integration work. Day then improved, and I got into flow, and felt alright.

I then journalled, a lot, and now, feel pretty decent.

I would say, today was a successful day of healing. I will bring the same commitment and intention, to tomorrow's healing, and I will keep flowing and healing. There is no timeline for this, when I no longer feel heavy and feel the pains I've had for so long, I will think about the next chapter of my life.


Reflecting further on my Dad.

The times he was physicaly violent with me and my Mum, were about 2 'serious incidents' in total. He then, actually never touched her again. The rest of his ssues with me, were quite run of the mill hard handedness, slaps, hits, but within the normal range of absolutely shit parent physical violence.

He was mostly just a nightmare to be around. I mean, he is an inept, distant, vacant, emotionally unavaible, autistic weirdo. He is not normal, yes, and I actually struggle to understand if he is aware of his poor some of his behaviour was. I say was, because he has been fine for the past 3-4 years. I wonder if there is some strange disorder he has....he is definitely somewhere they pick weird ass people on the spectrum. And to pour some petrol on that fire, adding to that delightful brain chemistry, my grandparents, also, had a relationship that was......weird. Demon of a grandmother (genuinely evil, and she hated my Mum, and was insanely abusive to her, which also broke my little heart) and my Dad had a rough childhood also, coupled with the fact that he was traumatised to the bone himself when his Dad died (he took it really badly, and he was “not right” for a year and a half, as in, he was working reduced hours and stuff). So I gotta be honest, my Dard hardly had it easy. He has huge levels of racism to deal with, and he understandably as a weird autistic fuck, was a shit parent.

Just considering the absolute fuckin joke and a mess of a family structure I grew up in, my entire life makes sense, lmao.

I do have to then, put my wounds and obvious deep inner pain, in context. The dude only beat me ass badly, twice. Other than that, he was just poor at handling his rage issues, did lash out from time to time, but they were not that bad at all. The actual problem is, when he did a bad beating on me when I was 4, that was such extreme behaviour towards a small child, that the level of psychological wounding inflicted and the shattering of how all of reality worked for a 4 year old, was like a world splintering act. He really did a number on me that day, and I was never the same after that. Bummer, man.

As bad as that was........I gotta say, the dude was a prick, but he did a tonne of good also, worked super hard, did achieve a certain level of financial success which is quite admirable, and also, did take good care of my Mum. He paid for everything, though he was not exactly glad to.

I totally forgive him, and as those who know me are aware, I actually like both of my parents, get on with them both, obv I am close with my Mum, I am not close at all with my Dad, given we only started talking a few years ago, and this weird autistic fuck does not have normal conversations anyway….So, when I say we're talking, theres still not exactly anything meaninful exchanged, and they are not, you know, conversations.....

It's just really, really hard to be mad at him. A guy who has his non-normal brain, who had a rough childhood himself, and who also had huge levels of trauma himself when his Dad died early (I was about 5 at the time, maybe 6), I can see why he was a shit parent. I don’t know how he could have been a good one, given how weird a man he is. Me and my bro talked about it, and we both agreed, we reall can’t hate or dislike him. He is an actual retard (I am genuinely being serious) and just knows how to work very hard, long hours, save all his cash, and not spend much. That is literally him in a nutshell.

I am able to forgive people, quite well, I will say that. But this one feels genuine.

I actually like the dude. He always worked, paid for everything for my Mum, helped my brother out financally with diff things, helped me here and there I won’t lie (but not much! He is a tight as fuck bastard).

The problem I have with him, is that he was really shit at being a parent, had severe anger issues, like, really bad, and he was fully under a strong trauma response for a long time, which is why I think he was so spaced out and in another world for so long. I now recognise, he was infact deep in trauma, and was stuck in the cycle of the same thoughts, same speech, and same patterns, for decades. I can now see, how he just muttured to himself all day, he was unconciously processing his trauma. Sometimes, he’d get super drunk and just cry about his Dad for hours and hours. He did that shit, for a long time – 15 years. Crazy. I I think his trauma finally, at the age of 57, started to fade. Because he began acting differently at that ime and began to speak to me......My take on the dude, is that he was an oddball, who lashed out a few times, and then got fucking destroyed by the early death of his father, who was an amazing man (my grandad was a local legend in my city) and yeah I geuss when Grandad died my Dad just disintegrated and became a fuckin nutcase. Dissociated entirely.

I think my Dad, was brutally traumatised himself, very early on, and I also recognise, I don’t mean to be disablist when I say this, but he genuinely has a non-normal brain and is a truly, truly peculiar man. I do not blame a spaz of his ilk, with behaving poorly, having persistent anger issues for decades, and also, for being a miserable and vile fuck for so long, as he was clearly a mess. With autism, there is less self awareness, and these guys are not able to fix themselves. I have self awareness, so can look into my various psychological problems, and fix them. This is why I could understand how to fix my social skills, vibe, stop being a nice guy, etc. I could conceptually grasp it and integrate into my behavious, because I have good social and emotional intelligence. My Dad, has none of those things, so it just isn't the same deal. The thing I have to say, I am truly let down by him by, is that the times he used serious levels of violence and also had fits of rage, which were really extreme, were far, far, far too traumatic for such a young boy, and I can see, now as a 32 year old man, that he was infact my age, and this makes his actions entirely inexcusable. I have small cousins, who are 5 or 6. and I am unable to fathom, searching the deepest parts of my being, how a grown man, of 32 years of age, could use his fists on a helpless and innocent child. That truly does break my heart, and my young heart was broken then, like it is now. This was truly shameful, and it did scar me very deeply.

I forgive him, entirely, and I do speak to him daily. Given his own strange life, his lack of normal calibration, and the tough circumstances he was in, I do not blame him for these incidents. He fucked up. Big time. And I can let that go now.

I will also say, he did a lot of good, too. Was infact a good care giver to my Mum, supported her through tonnes, though he is emotionally inept and clueless. For a Mr. Bean like weirdo, he did his best. Furthermore, he did earn good money throughout his life, typically worked 80-100hrs a week, was never home (good, because he was a prick) and part of why his brain was so fuckin destroyed is that he had severe workaholism and HAD to be working, hence, not much sleep,

I do not blame this guy, whatsoever. But the bad times, were very bad. The home, was a broken home. I never felt loved and treated properly, and though my Mum was great and loved me a lot, Dad sucked – mitigating factor is, he was barely home anyway as he was working, so we didn’t have to suffer the miserable weird bastard much. The environment, was one where there was real love (Mum), but we existed in a pressure cooker (Dad) and I was always stressed, on edge, and not a happy child. As such, it was just too rough and made my childhood hard. I developed mental health issues early on, had anxiety by like 4/5! And yet, I can see, though he was only physical a small handful of times, it was knowing that he can go there, and also, the constantly awful state of hyper-alertness I had to be on because he was there. That was a environment that was not safe, I certainly didn’t feel it, and I can see why I developed the way I did.

The learning for me, is that my calm, gentle presence, good energy and vibe, and positive behaviours, ways of being, and mental models for the world, are pretty good for child rearing and developing the psychological foundation of children. The chapters that follow this journey, I have not written yet. I can still dream. And at this time, I am ready to let go and trust my healing process to lead me to my highest potential in this world.

Overall, I am at peace with the past. And I am also aware that many things were also good in my life. There was bad, there was a lot of good also. Frankly, considering everything, right now, I think I am able to process this and say, alright, fine, quite well!

The thing that, I guess, is where I will need to do more work now, is on my fractured sense of self. Because honestly man, I just don’t feel huge levels of anger at my Dad. Why? Said with all due respect and not to be disablist, the fella has a screw loose, is not the full shilling, and he is a profoundly peculiar and odd character. I have spent a bit of time the past few day just walking back the guy and looking at him, and he is just as mad as a box of spiders and looking at him, all I can really draw upon is how much of a ridiculous human being this person is. He is an old man now. What is the fucking point of being mad at him. I don't care. Fuck it. It's in the past, let it be.

Searching my body and mind, right now, I don’t really fuckin care. That's good. It may come back....let's see.....

The issue, I see it, is the damage that he did on me, by launching me into pain-world, and then living in that shit for so long. That, I have to fix. Because it did a lot of bad stuff to this head.

Self image. Self worth. Core stories and beliefs about myself as being lesser than, not worthy of good things, being insignificant, and the beliefs that I don’t matter, and so on, can now be processed and worked on.

I have to work through my mind, process it all, see what is actually going on in there, challenge it, reframe it, and make the emotional and internal shifts necessary to allow these things to be accepted and broken down, lessened, and to reduce their weight upon me.

I will be OK. I am ready to heal, release my tension and pain, process my trauma more, and do the work on nurturing myself and seeing myself the right way!
Genuinely feeling a lot happier!

The NO BRAINS CREW, started a new chat, which is helping me with my detox and healing. A massively appreciated move. With the PTSD and flashbacks, it can, at times, be difficult to think. Hence, having an excellent brain trust, has been a presistently valuable mechanism for me and my growth as a person.

To ultimately enable me to empower and assist, YOU. My goal in life is to be a positive contributor and I share all the tools I discover with everyone. I have never, ever held anything back. Any help I was given, I laid out all nuggets of wisdom and pearls here.

Clearly, the past few months, my childhood trauma was awakening and my mind, has been such a stormy place, that aspects of my being have been pulled all over, there was a "drowning feeling", and clarity was all but a remote memory.

Now, my mind is clearing up - very good!

Working on IW, supporting my humans, and we are all growing together. Love this. It's an incredible time inside the group right now, seeing the change unfolding for all of us.

Today, will be a good and positive day. Each day, I grow stronger. Some days, have been profoundly challenging. Indeed, some, I would describe, as absolute brutality. Sheer, otherworldly pain. The processing of childhood trauma, requires a strong constitution. I can see why, it took me so long to do this. It took my 3 year self improvement processes, to build a man so strong, he can handle this.

Normal part of growth. It works. You do this work, consistently, you grow. Normal, simple, easy stuff. No biggie.

Anyone can do this stuff. And it makes better people. Thats why I love it :-)

So, onwards with the day:

-Sunrise (Done)
-Morning Process (Done)
-Meal Prep (Done)
-Gym: Off now!

When I return.........

-Coaching Delivery
-Healing Work
-Consult call w/ Sean (Paid consult with very experienced dude in healing, has a lot of knowledge on biology like I do, and is ahead of my by a few years in this journey, handled his own trauma and healed, left the UK for Mexico and flourished)
-Evening Process


Some accountability. I have been shit with my diet this week, and this has worsened my body composition. I am doing this, to self soothe, and ease the pain. But I am working through this. And the pain, will reduce. And I can support my flourishing and growth, and show up, able to get my diet right, and get the outcomes that will make a better and happier man.

Insane number of views on this


This will reach a million hits soon


I will ascend. This story, is a truly incredible self improvement story.

Wait until I've healed more.


When you see me do big things, which you kinda know, I will be doing...........remember these days...........the come up.....

Happy Easter ya filthy animals

I do love ya

Feeling better, working on myself daily.

Off to Turkey for a week for a family holiday, 7 days on the beach.

Then off to Mexico for 6 months I reckon. Gotta go heal. Release my trauma, my negative beliefs, and manifest the next evolution of myself.

It's time.

MakingAComeback said:
Happy Easter ya filthy animals

I do love ya

Feeling better, working on myself daily.

Off to Turkey for a week for a family holiday, 7 days on the beach.

Then off to Mexico for 6 months I reckon. Gotta go heal. Release my trauma, my negative beliefs, and manifest the next evolution of myself.

It's time.


Happy Easter brother. Enjoy your holiday, turkey is incredible now if you can somehow benefit from ramadan's atmosphere. For example you might have dinner when they break the fast, delicious food from almost every arab country. I wish i could go too. Looking forward on your updates from Mexico
Thrice said:
MakingAComeback said:
Happy Easter ya filthy animals

I do love ya

Feeling better, working on myself daily.

Off to Turkey for a week for a family holiday, 7 days on the beach.

Then off to Mexico for 6 months I reckon. Gotta go heal. Release my trauma, my negative beliefs, and manifest the next evolution of myself.

It's time.


Happy Easter brother. Enjoy your holiday, turkey is incredible now if you can somehow benefit from ramadan's atmosphere. For example you might have dinner when they break the fast, delicious food from almost every arab country. I wish i could go too. Looking forward on your updates from Mexico

Thanks brother!

Looking forward to it, a good year is ahead.

Turkey is awesome. I did my hair transplant there, and really enjoyed it. Will spend a week there, mostly kicking back on the beach and healing. Then off to Mexico!

Feels like my journey has really entered a spiritual and psychological stage.

I have build a pretty cool life overall man. I have a lot of beautiful people in my life and a great future ahead.

Weekend was cool. Was with my family Sat, and the hung out with my friend David all day Sunday. We did smoke a bit of weed, which can be funny sometimes, and spent the day wandering around the city centre and having a great laugh tbh. Was needed. Had a 2 and a half hr phone convo with Paw after. Was the first time I've spoke to him since I left Budapest.

This has been a wild life the last couple years man.

Right now, I just want to be happy, and heal myself.

A mind that has negative self beliefs, will not reach the next level. A mind that holds anger, sadness, and pain, will not get past it's current level.

My heart is called to Mexico. I have been called for years, but did not have the strength and resolve to go, and was also very much tied up with dating and having to improve myself as a man. And yet, I did improve.

My vibe, energy, and presence, is pretty good now. People just talk to me, seem to like me. I get people trying to chat with me in the gym pretty often, which is cool. The girls there see me just mingling and being a cool, confident, cheeky sort of chap, and seem to like it. I don't have that dark cloud around my head and can now see, there are plenty who do seem to like and appreciate my energy.

I think this has been the major W that came from 3 years of dating.

I am proud of what I accomplished. And I am happy to put it to bed now.

I will be celibate MAC for a while.

I will be updating my thread, helping others from a place of detachment and surrender, and in time, I think as I heal, more answers will come to me.

You have to be happy man.


And try to live in that peace.

Chasing women did not give me peace. It actually brought a lot of pain and suffering.

Lets see what happens now.

Good therapy session with Kristina

Honestly man she was a good listener and really supportive.

Will be working on core beliefs. And committing further to celibacy and a long term detox.

A lot comes up. Lessons were learned. And also, some mistakes made on my part.

There are solutions. Namely, just changing the focus of my life, and seeing things differently.

The same changes, apply to the forums.

A true self improvement forum, must embrace that. This forum presently skews towards dating. The dating culture we find ourselves in, is hardly producing the sort of outcomes I could stand behind. I would be remiss to advocate for this. I can't stand behind something that has not produced the outcomes I would like to see in the world.

A shift towards deeper, more conscious self-development, I think would be good. An ethos of focus on one's mission, doing the deeper self work, and realising one's overall vision. Dating should be downplayed a little, de-prioritised, and seen as a relatively mundane activity that is just part of life. I think this would be good, to help guys avoid the position of finding oneself thoroughly dissatisfied and questioning why they even bothered. Fortunately, I didn't end my dating journey on a negative note as that, rather, I just lament that they were, well, not anyone I wanted. That is a bad outcome, and one that I can rightfully feel bad about.

The richness and substance of life, is felt from connection to what we are looking to do in this world.

Some adjustments to the structure are important. And a cultural shift away from "getting laid". I find this to be a quite negative northstar, and have seen it destroy a few men. This, is unethical, and only heartless bastard could perpetuate such a culture that creates harm to other beings.

I think if people have the goals they're working on, and prioritise themselves, their overall wellbeing and development, and are properly building projects which are not dating related, they will get somewhere. The idea of "taking care" of the woman stuff, I am now starting to see as a bit of a con. That feeling, of having "taken care" of this stuff, does not come for all. What if you're low SMV and it is a persistent uphill battle to get attraction and you obtain, consistently, sub par outcomes you're not happy with? The thought that this can be "taken care of" leads to a perpetual hamster wheel, as it was based on a fatal flaw and unsound assumptions.

For some, it can be "taken care" of and they can move on. You'll notice, many don't - perpetual players. A subset of people with their own unique and neurotic head issues. I avoid them.

For those who are in the kind of "wild card" camp I was, where you can kinda make it happen, sometimes, with some questionable ass women.................You have to ask yourself, truly, how long can you endure that, because it is entirely unsatisfying, and when it just hurts to continue, I think that's where you have to be honest with yourself.

I will be OK and my life will flow from here into other cool things.

I am trying to figure out how I can stop others from falling into this trap, and hopefully encourage a healthier and more positive future for the other men and forum users who will come here in time.

Perhaps we need to actually give people a more realistic and honest take? So they don't get too invested in chasing a fairy tale, which will save them a lot of pain to be honest

Quite torn about this.

The IronWill Project: Tues 2nd April 2024


(1) Money:
-Coaching Delivery

(2) Muscles:
-Nutrition: Hit kcals & maros

(3) Mindset:
-Healing work: 2hrs, journalling, questioning core beliefs.




Improving myself in every way possible.

Let's see what happens next.

The IronWill Project: Tues 2nd April 2024


(1) Money:

(2) Muscles:
-Hit Kcals & Macros
-KoT & McKenzie

(3) Mindset:
-Admin: Plan Mexico, Turkey hotel, Message coach Adam, start catching up with those I’ve not been able to contact for a while (Timmy, Thebastard , Carl, and the many, many others)
-Healing Work: 2hrs, core beliefs journalling


Feeling a little better. More focused, calm, clear.

Having a mission and being able to truly serve others, helps me a lot. I really enjoy going through all my coaching delivery each day, it’s super fun.

All of my knowledge and skill in healing, is really coming to the fore for me right now. It reminds me when I was on Dr Jesse Steinberg’s program back in the day, who mentored me in healing a lot. He went through major trauma release while we were still doing the program due to his divorce from his wife of many years. Jesse was f**king awesome and his program was a major life changing event for me. Worth every penny and made me a far better human. Now I am paying it back.

All will be well, because I have the skills and ability.

This was not a ideal time to go through this. I was doing SO WELL. I felt like I was on top of the world. Then, boom, major life event.

And I will use it to grow.


Sending you all strength
Feeling a lot better, man, and some of my warrior spirit MAY be coming back....

The stuff with my childhood, was bad man, processing that, really was so painful.

Did the right things, found great help, and glad to say, it has helped A LOT!

I knew Kristina from my time in various healing groups when I was also learning how to do this inner work. These tools will be useful as hell right now.

I will post my check-in shortly. But did want to know, I am feeling better now.

Things in my mindset, will shift. I will push forward with the 6 months of healing, inner game, and just working on energy and how to deeply and authentically connect with people. Exploring creating deeper friendships, connections, stuff like that. Less dating and sex, for a while. More humanity, love, and genuine connection/bonding with people.

I am on a mission to become the best version of myself.

I will do the work on healing, and processing my childhood. I will thrive.

The best is yet to come.

Back to work..............

The IronWill Project: Money, Muscles, Mindset

Thursday 04/04/2024


(1) Money:

(2) Muscles:
-Nutition & Kcals

(3) Mindset:
-Healing Work: 1hr journalling done, reflecting on core beliefs, questioning them, healing.



Today, I will move things forward in life.

I am quite pissed off about the long, unravelling trauma process unwnding in my brain. Very frustrating. I would like to focus on my biz and push ahead in life. Having to deal with these things unfolding in one’s brain, for many months now, is a lot, and causes a lot of issues.

The one that frustrates me, is how hard it was to focus on the tasks of life, and maintain relationships and friendships. Regretably, I wasn’t able to keep on top of the many messages I do get, and I can see, some of my good friends are understandably offended.

I do not know what the solution to this is. I will just have to accept it, apologise when I am ready, and do the work to heal and be better.

Clearly, there is a lot I have to process and deal with, whilst also getting my life to where I want it. You want to know what kinda spurs me on about that? The challenge of it. It’s, frankly, a lot, and will require me to go to war again like I did for The Phoenix Project.

It may be time to bring that version of myself back.


I had a convo with my Dad the other day.

I am absolutely done with being cucked.


He is not a bad dude. Not at all, man. He has a lot of good to me. He is, however, absolutely FUCKED in the head dude. He is really weird and he has issues himself. I am DONE being mad at this guy.

Yes, he destroyed my brain. He was not ready to be a Dad in the first place but because he was, I am here, and for that, I am fucking grateful.

There is a way for me to build an exceptional life. It will be my fucking savage determination and drive that will get me there and brutal work ethic.

I am glad I grappled with this shit over the past few weeks, and confronted it head on. It allowed me to process it and deal with it.

There is a long way to go for me man. I am not going to stay at this level. Yeah I am running a fucking great biz, get laid, but this is not what I want.

I want to be a lot, lot, lot better than this.

This is honestly living small, man, and way below my potential. I could serve a lot more, create a lot more, produce a lot more, and become a lot better.

Essentially, I am not going hard enough. Because when I got out of pain, which was a few months ago, and began to feel like a successful person, my absolutely horrible background and the fact that I come from a bad background of abuse came crashing down upon me and made me feel like, damn Ravi, who are you kidding, you think you are this and that, don't you know you are a kid who is from nothing, you are nothing at all, who are you trying to fool.

When the outer world has gotten better, the inner world can savagely resist it.

This is called FEAR OF SUCCESS.

Because how can an inner identity, which was molded in hell, which was cloaked in pain, remain stable when you are now getting somewhere in life?

I am DONE feeling sorry for myself, DONE with being fucked cucked by my Dad, DONE with making excuses for myself to stay at this level because I do not believe this is the end of the road for me.

What it is, however, is the end of my own bullshit, thinking I am too broken inside to get to the top of this world, thinking people will not want to work with a childhood abuse survivor, I am done with being ashamed of my past and thinking I am a lesser being because those things were done to me. FUCK IT.

The worst thing a guy like me can do, is say, alright, well I guess I will play small, because who am I to push further ahead from this point.

That not only lets me down, but also, every other survivor who has been through that, which is what really upsets me.

No more of this shit man. I have had enough. It is selfish to wallow, when guys like me should instead, become successful, and show others that it CAN BE DONE even with a fucking dire as hell hand.

It's time to turn this shit into strength and go harder than I ever have.

I will find a way.

Mexico for a bit, build rock solid inner game. Get my money up, hardcore. Go to NYC, finish what I said I will finish. Grind for a while. Get where I need to be.

And then go higher in this world.

This will take a monstrous work ethic and I have cucked myself psychologically the past 2-3 months I'd say so I think it will have to be a case of going to war again like I did in The Phoenix Project.

So let it start today.........

Will do my check-in, in a bit, going to do some movement and body work for a bit, back is niggly as fuck right now, gotta consider if I go train or wait until Monday. I haven't taken any time off training for quite a while so this may be a useful reset this weekend.

I will WORK this weekend because I have to bring my warrior spirit back.

The one thing that has gotten me to this place today, is warrior spirit. As soon as I got out of pain (towards the end of Budapest) this just starred to abate. I was no longer the savage MAC I have been for years. I was a bit different.

I think I had to have the internal realisations this experience has brought me. I am now, no longer playing to get out of pain..........



Back shortly...........grinding season commences...................been fucked up psychologically for months man and that ends today.

Final comment: massive shoutout to Dante who called me yesterday to check in on me after not hearing from me for a while. He slapped me with some hard truths, which I will not share here, I'll keep those to myself, but I needed to hear it.

Today's focus will be mindset & admin.

-Morning Process
-Meal Prep
-Gym: KoT
-Posture: McKenzie
-Admin: Mexico, Biz Admin for Group Call, Turkey Admin
-Coaching: Preparing for next week's coaching, going to address some client questions in long form video format, anonymous obv.
-Design weekly plan: WIll hustle next week, then off to Turkey for a week, where I will still work, but will do a Minimum Effective Dose. In Mexico, I will be working 100% and going fucking ham. Hours of biz, hours of inner work, and will dedicate every ounce of energy I have to becoming a better man.
-Healing Work
-Evening Process
The IronWill Project: Money, Muscles, Mindset

Monday 08/04/2024


(1) Money:

(2) Muscles:
-Kcals & Macros

(3) Mindset:

-Admin: (1) Finalise Mexico, flight booked, get AirBNB w/ september , (2) iPhone repair


Healing work past weeks has been extremely, extremely positive. I cannot speak highly enough of it.

I am now feeling like classic MAC again.

I will not stop the healing work, and will in fact, double down.

It's time to go to WAR again. And work harder than I have ever fucking worked before.


Biz Daily & Weekly Goals

Goals For This Week

(1) Produce 1st draft of Consistent Performance Formula.
(2) Set up April’s Mini Workshop
(3) Develop IronWill Scorecard
(4) Finish reading Fanatical Prospecting

Daily Targets

-Day A & Day B: Day A = Gym Days (Mon, Wed, Thur, Sun) and Day B = Rest Days (Tue, Fri)
-Weekend: Networking, Healing, Mindset Development Only

Day A Goals:
-Sales 8 Hours: (A) 1st Draft Consistent Performance Formula doc, (B) Mini Workshop Dev, (C) ScoreCard Dev, (D) Read Fanatical Prospecting.
-Coaching Delivery.
-Admin Tasks

Day B Goals:
-Sales 8 Hours: As Above.
-Content 4 Hours: I’ll spend one day writing a killer article, and then the other Day B, will be turning that into long form, short form, and social media posts.
-Admin Tasks
The IronWill Project: Money, Muscles, Mindset

Tuesday 09/04/2024


(1) Money:
-Coaching Delivery & Monthly Group Call
-Sales: 8hrs
-Content: 4hrs

(2) Muscles:
-Rest Day
-Nutrition: Hit Kcals & Macros
-Posture Work

(3) Mindset:


The IronWill Project: Money, Muscles, Mindset

Wednesday 10/04/2024


(1) Money:
-Coaching Delivery: Calls, One on One, Group, Value Post.
-Sales: Consistent Performance Formula Draft 1, Mini Workshop Magic, ScoreCard, Book Call w/ Dino.
-Content: With permission, upload calls. Upload podcast with Ashwin.
-Learning: Read Fanatical Prospecting

(2) Muscles:
-Coaching call w/ my recomp coach
-Nutition: Nail all meals and follow plan, without deviation.

(3) Mindset:
-Healing Journalling
-Confirm for call w/ Kristina tomorrow

-Admin: Turkey, Mexico, Winner Within transition.


Stillness, ease, flow.

Effortless and joyful productivity.

That is how we activate our genius.

The tech team, are on the last steps with the forum transition.

That means, I'll make an announcement soon of some forum maintenance that will take place. This will be clearly stated, will in advance. You'll all have notice.

There will be a few days (if that?) when the forum is offline to allow us to make the changes.

And then, we're back up, new URL, new forum software, new structure. A few new mods, and a technical team will be in place.

We will then push this place to the max.

pancakemouse said:
MakingAComeback said:
There will be a few days (if that?) when the forum is offline to allow us to make the changes.

Not at all. Maybe a few hours.

Perfect. :-)

Looking forward to the transition, and to seeing all the men have a better forum experience, and grow as humans.
