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Zars new log - actually taking this seriously

zar04 said:
I’ve done roughly a thousand swipes - and after the first day where i got maybe 5 matches; i’ve gotten 0 matches since then. It’s quite frustrating since its basically the same as it was before; i’d hce preferred to see a measurable improvement in my results.

That sounds like you likely are actually shadowbanned if it's been 0 matches after the first couple days, because your profile/looks aren't that bad and you're trying to ban evade.

zar04 said:
I’m gonna go buy another outfit abd schedule another photoshoot. I’m also gonna get a couple photos of me doing some of my hobbies so i look more interesting. I’ll boost more and swipe more.

zar04 said:
I’m going to go out clubbing on the weekends to do some in person approaches. I have a feeling that online dating is a net negative - everything about in person approaches is better but they’re scarier - if i can get over the fear i’d never need to use this fucking app designed to make me hate myself.

Good mindset

zar04 said:
I’m starting 450mg of test a week along with AIs and I have a pct in place; as well as a training coach and a meal planning regimen. Will run for 11 weeks. Picking up vials tomorrow. I’m sure that atleast a majority of my problems arise from having low testosterone - having a higher sex drive at the very least would give me more motivation to improve my dating life not to mention the added muscle gains and confidence. My gains have largely plateued for about 12 months now; i’d say the combination of bad mental health; depression low self esteem etc. are likely low test symptoms - should be greatly aided .

zar04 said:
I’m sure that atleast a majority of my problems arise from having low testosterone

yea I'm gonna say it, 97% chance they're NOT caused by low testosterone.

In fact I give it >90% chance you do not have low testosterone at all. Most of the guys in your demographics, position etc that I've seen, got tested and have high levels lol. Being depressed and feeling like a loser doesn't mean you're low test, it just means you're depressed and feel like a loser

I'm even gonna say the reason you haven't tested your blood levels is because you already know it's likely you don't actually have low test, and it'd take away most of your justification to roid if you knew that.

Let alone that if you were fixing low test issues you'd just TRT instead of blasting

Also go look up the ACTUAL user experience reports of people on TRT/blast. Mental effects are overwhelmingly placebo, or fucking up the AI dosage so they're estrogen effects. My experience with changing blast amounts and dropping to cruise is that I feel the same as natty. The difference is purely in muscle gain.


I don't mean to write that in a patronizing way about your overall choice to blast/cruise, I have no input on that. Just pointing out areas where imo your thinking can be clarified
zar04 said:
Most of my frustrstion arises from the fact that i bought a burner phone for about 150$ and some google playstore giftcards for about 400$ but then google decided to flag my giftcards for no fucking reason so i’ve lost what should’ve been a good month-2s worth of budget money

Btw you have a money problem that is a prerequisite blocker to your dating problem.

At a baseline you can sign up for Ubereats delivery and go deliver food for 3 days on a bike downtown and be guaranteed to make your "month or 2 of budget money".

I grew up very poor (consistently the poorest kid at school/university) so I understand the stress and limitations of not having money, but ultimately it just means you have to directly solve the money problem.
zar04 said:
pancakemouse said:
Breathe, breathe. I understand how frustrating this can be, but I can guarantee you this problem is fixable and you're doing something wrong that you're not realizing.

Which photos? Post the exact ones you used here and exact order.

You're not shadowbanned. A shadowban means ZERO matches and likes.

I’ve tried; i’m beginning to think it isn’t. Like come on who fucking is a virgin after trying this much shit like if you’re a virgin despite trying its probably terminal.


I was approaching chicks twice a week at your age, consistently, and didn't give in.

I increased that to 4 times a week when I was 22. Did that for years. Didn't give in.

Tried online dating for many years, got zero matches, nothing. I would try, for years at a time.

I only gave up at 27, after trying since I was 17 years old to lose my virginity. So, I tried for 10 years.

I came on this forum, and lost my V at 30. I have banged dozens of chicks since and towards the end of my time in BP I had a rotation of 3.

I bust my ass for 3 years, spent over 50 grand on this shit, and did the craziest shit you can imagine to start getting some basic results.

200+ dates

10,000 cold approaches

It is only now, I am taking a protracted and long break, because I personally got to where I just didn't want the chicks I was attracting. That was a choice after a lot of work.

You've not done 1% of the work I've done, and you're absolutely crushing anything I did for over 10 years

I didn't get a match until I was fucking 30. Go read my log, it took 6 months of daily work on the dating apps to get my first match. I did 5 photoshoots in that time.

Point here is, it can be hard bro. I am sorry about that. But you will be OK. I got results in the end, I'm older, not attractive, low SMV, and whatever else.

It can be done :-)

Just need to solve your puzzle.

zar04 said:
I’ve tried; i’m beginning to think it isn’t. Like come on who fucking is a virgin after trying this much shit like if you’re a virgin despite trying its probably terminal.

Me, read my log if you don't believe me.

zar04 said:
I’ve posted my profile above; it’s fucking bad i know but it’s not so bad that i should be getting this. Im getting less fucking matches with better photos. The mental impact of this has been awful. I need to know what i need to do escape this hell of being a fucking virgin. This is a waste of fucking time and money. Fucking tinder i’d like to take their ceos and waterboard them.

Grow the fuck up. You're acting like an entitled hot girl, and whining like a child. I don't even know you and I don't want to fuck you after reading this. The more you think these thoughts, the more it leaks out in your behavior, the more other people pick up on it, the less attractive you become.

Your success will not come on your timetable. Let me repeat that again. Your success WILL NOT come on your timetable. Doing X does not guarantee Y happens in Z amount of time. Your timetable is irrelevant, fuck your timetable. Your conception of how long things should take is sabotaging your progress. Your need for this to have happened yesterday is blinding you to your current position and where you need to go. Let it go.

You have all these concepts of way things "should" be, and everytime they turn out not to be true, you keep arguing "but they should be, my blueprint for how this works says so". If your blueprint was correct, you'd be succeeding already.

So let these expectations and timelines go, then start again. In any grouping of 10 photos, 4 of them will be worse than the other 6. This is always true for everyone. All you can do is keep taking more photos, learn what makes photos good, and keep cycling out the worst photo for a slightly better one. Over, and over, and over, and over, and over again until it actually is good enough. If it takes you longer than most, too bad. The guys that are naturally good at this don't need to feel guilty about, but by the same token, the guys who are naturally bad at this don't get to feel bitter about it.
zar04 said:
september said:
I’m starting 450mg of test a week along with AIs and I have a pct in place; as well as a training coach and a meal planning regimen. Will run for 11 weeks. Picking up vials tomorrow. I’m sure that atleast a majority of my problems arise from having low testosterone - having a higher sex drive at the very least would give me more motivation to improve my dating life not to mention the added muscle gains and confidence. My gains have largely plateued for about 12 months now; i’d say the combination of bad mental health; depression low self esteem etc. are likely low test symptoms - should be greatly aided .

What's the long-term plan here? If its low T it's gonna be even lower in 12 weeks post cycle and you'll be back to square -1.
You could blast and cruise but you're young and might damage your fertility; which I guarantee when you realise later down the road that you can in fact get laid and have great relationships will become a concern if not literal ball-ache.
AI's are very bad health wise too, why not consider a lower dose which is better for your liver and just stay on cycle for a bit longer if you want?

Also consider how you'll protect your hair - looks like you have a great hairline right now but beware diffuse thinning.

I get the feeling you're tempted by the roids because you want to reach some sort of escape velocity and become a different person.
I did this and ran a blast of 300mg enan a week for 6 ish weeks then down to 250mg and then cruised on 150mg for a year because I didn't need that much to get the effects I wanted and my blood and liver markers were good.
Can't recommend this but I got what I wanted out of it and got lucky having 0 negatives, in part because I took as little as possible to get to the result I wanted.
It might be worth considering whether a dose so high you'll need AI's is gonna give you any more results long-term than a lower one with less sides.

I like that you've got a coach on hand if you go through with it though - the body can only take so many blasts in our lives and it will age you so it's best to maximise each one.
zar04 said:
giftcards for about 400$ but then google decided to flag my giftcards for no fucking reason so i’ve lost what should’ve been a good month-2s worth of budget money.

they did the same thing to me with 50 euros gift card, sent the pictures they asked and waited about a week. After a week i tried to redeem the card again and it worked, i didn't recieve any email saying the the verification process was over so i was worried but it worked at the end