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I, Wayfinder, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I am 22 from Australia and have recently excited a toxic relationship of 1.5 yrs. I am a Uni student finishing in 2 years and want to make the most of Uni life.

Sleep with hotter girls
Expand my social circle and find some cooler friends
Get shredded
Take better pictures for tinder etc.
I, Wayfinder, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I am 22 from Australia and have recently excited a toxic relationship of 1.5 yrs. I am a Uni student finishing in 2 years and want to make the most of Uni life.

Sleep with hotter girls
Expand my social circle and find some cooler friends
Get shredded
Take better pictures for tinder etc.
Warm welcome!

Please start a progress log, and lets get to work
I, Steppenwolf, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I am 26 from Canada and have always struggled with girls and socializing my entire life. I'm currently going through some life transitions and will be moving very soon. After things settle I will give it all to improve my dating life.

My goals are:
- Develop genuine connection with girls of all backgrounds and have amazing sex with them
- Being comfortable in my own skin and obtain true confidence
- Work on my business to escape 9-5 rat race
- Try out new hobbies
- Meet cool people and develop genuine friendships and brotherhood
- Continue my self improvement journey and become better everyday
I, Faded, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I am 23 from Spain, student, i had a troubled youth (bad companies and drugs) wich ended up with me slaking for several years and ending up in a bad mental state that lead me to be quite isolated and being stuck in a small town.

-Lean out (currently 80kg goal being 75), once i am lean get my gains back and bulk to 90kg, then once i am buff get back into martial arts.
-Once i looksmaxxed (bodybuilding) get into tinder.
-Finish high school and move to the UK (new country and big city) to study a career and build a new life. 🫡
I, Faded, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I am 23 from Spain, student, i had a troubled youth (bad companies and drugs) wich ended up with me slaking for several years and ending up in a bad mental state that lead me to be quite isolated and being stuck in a small town.

-Lean out (currently 80kg goal being 75), once i am lean get my gains back and bulk to 90kg, then once i am buff get back into martial arts.
-Once i looksmaxxed (bodybuilding) get into tinder.
-Finish high school and move to the UK (new country and big city) to study a career and build a new life. 🫡
Join the club my man. Many of us are former slackers who had horrendous youth.

But we've turned it around.

You will too.

Start a log, and lets go!

I, Sinusoid, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
26yo from Estonia. Been through some ups and downs but feel like it's really time to get my shit together. Hope that other people's journeys will help keep me motivated and grinding hard.

Take gym more seriously
Finish uni and enter job market
Get girls (duh)
I, Argo, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

38 from NYC, living there too. Fell into the abyss after my last relationship in mid 20's. Prior to age 18, I was overweight and felt absolutely worthless and undesireable, had a glowup, got relationships, but they all fell into my lap so I never had to learn any skills with women(hence why they all fell apart). This caused me to internalize all the prior insecurity and fell into depression/anxiety paralysis. Only recently I've begun to climb out, and I will attack life until I kill it or it kills me.

I want to have regular sex, it is ridiculous how long I've gone without sex.
I want to move out, I've lived in the same apartment with my aging, abusive mother.
I'm going to cultivate the skills of attracting a woman.
I'm going to pay all of this forward and help others who thought it wasn't possible.

Short term goals
- Get leaner, continue feeling more and more satisfied with my body
- Develop dating app profiles
- Start working(i've been unemployed during my entire depressive phase)
- Get laid as quickly as possible. It's seriously been an absurdly long time.
Hello everyone,

26 from Poland. I focus on: building a career, losing fat and taking better and better photos.

I want to build a really attractive tinder profile. Meet young girls and milfs.

Yes, I love hot moms. :D