Wednesday 16th October
(1) Work
- Figure out my trip to Canada [Done]
- Land fixes to tupperware container [Done]
- Create the excel sheet for tracking [Done]
- Deploy the bind module [Delayed]
(2) Inner work:
- Meditation 30min [Done]
- Schedule my monthly Inner game session with Ravi [Done for Sunday]
(3) Dating:
- Messaging leads for 15-30min [Done]
- Swipping on hinge [Done]
- Create a list of 10 lines for vibing, sexualizing and polerizing [Done] Created document but need to brainstorm
- Schedule my coaching call with Ravi [Done for Sunday]
(4) Health:
- Good diet [Done]
- Good Hydration [Done]
- Go to the gym [Skipped]
I haven't been posting as much as I want to. I find it hard to come back from a long day of work and post after. Not sure what to do about that, I hope I will just grow into it. Writing takes a good bit of effort at the moment.
To everyone who reads my blogs, I have been doing the work. I took one day off on Wednesday, rested, and been on the grind ever since.
- More matches on dating apps, date on Monday
- Did DG today some sticking points, one Instagram
- Inner game progress with my therapist
- Decided to taper off my antidepressant in December
- Slow progress but reading 48 laws of power
I have been having more success on dating apps, I am in a good habit of messaging and swiping every morning. Because I put new pictures in and dedicated more time, my number of matches has grown a lot and I found myself having to message 16 different women this morning. This took me 30 minutes and made me late for work. I need to wake up earlier to get it out of the way but good progress in that area
I have a date on Monday with a girl from Hinge, she seemed super compliant over text and we live in the same area so it was easy to get her out
I went DG with Dennis today, I was focusing on doing strong approaches and keeping girls in set as long as possible. My hesitation with approaching has gone down tremendously so I can go in and get in set often.
The problem now is my vibe isn't right and I am not strong enough. A lot of sets today blew me out with a smile and this is bullshit, I don't feel like these girls respect me at all and some anger is starting to build up about that.
I wonder what I am missing to get them to stop more often, better callouts? more masculinity? Be more dominant? Not sure yet but I will figure it out. I am happy I did the work tho. Total sets 6
I got one Instagram from it. Haven't gotten a number in a long time since I am not gaming as often anymore. Messaged her but I doubt she will reply
Inner game:
I saw my therapist today, I wanted to stop my sessions with him initially but today's session was really good so might continue for a bit more.
We went over some of the anxieties I have at the moment: I feel like since Ravi left I have been slightly more anxious. This is because growing up my safe space was around close friends and without them, I feel vulnerable.
I told my therapist "With Ravi around, I was in control" and he answered by saying "It sounds like you are in control without him too". This may sound stupid but that made everything click inside my head.
Growing up I was looking for safety around friends but I did well without that safety too.
Going without my close friends around didn't kill me but made me grow more. My friends will always be there for me but I don't need them around me all the time. Realizing and internalizing this was a big success and some of that anxiety went away.
I've been meditating before going out for day game, it helps me remove all anxieties from work and reset my state of mind. I found it to be especially helpful with being more mindful of my state of mind and finding inner game sticking points better.
I also decided that when day game season is over (December), I will taper off my medication. Mirtazapine has run its course, It has made me less anxious, sleep better and numbed my ibs. But it has come with many disadvantages, waking up in the morning is challenging because of how sedating it is and it has numbed my emotions. At a time when understanding my emotions is key, this is not helpful.
I am waiting for day game season to be over so I can prevent the withdrawal from affecting my progress. Also in December I should be on vacation for a good amount of time which will help me deal with the inevitable insomnia
I've been slowly absorbing the content of the book that was recommended for me: 48 laws of power
So far it has been good, the progress is slow because it takes me some time to absorb the material. This is not an area I am super knowledgeable in.