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  1. Terminator

    Thrice log. Should i try radicals how to meet girls in hostels?

    Based on your earlier bloodwork Dr. Terminator would recommend TRT for you if only you can get an MD to prescribe it for you. I don't know how it is in your country. That being said, most people don't enjoy their first sexual experience(s), and for me it has been hit and miss for the longest...
  2. Terminator

    Thrice log. Should i try radicals how to meet girls in hostels?

    Congrats Thrice! It's been a long time coming. How many lays do you have or was this your first (non-hooker)? This made me so happy, and this is what I'm fuckin' talking about! As long as you keep putting yourself in situations where getting laid is a possibility, eventually it will happen. And...
  3. Terminator

    Thrice log. Should i try radicals how to meet girls in hostels?

    While you're both right, I have to take on Thrice's side here a bit. The only one with the power to decide if they need help is the person themselves, and trying to force it on someone is nothing more than an act of trying to control. I often do this too though, and it's very natural even when...
  4. Terminator

    Thrice log. Should i try radicals how to meet girls in hostels?

    This. Besides a lot of "normal" guys spend countless nights at clubs and bars with nothing more than the hope of getting laid, going home empty handed most nights. If they are prepared to "waste" time like that, so should I.
  5. Terminator

    Thrice log. Should i try radicals how to meet girls in hostels?

    In regards to the frustration and anger about women; I don't know what it is that finally clicked with me recently, but it was a combination of videos I watched from Andy, books I read (How To Text A Girl and Blackdragon's Ultimate Online Dating Manual) that made me able to understand women a...
  6. Terminator

    Thrice log. Should i try radicals how to meet girls in hostels?

    (Cropped the quotes.) I watched a video from Andy a few days ago about being in a rush to complete your goals, but I can't find it now. That one was tangential to this topic as well. I don't believe fear is a good motivator unless you haven't started working on your goals yet. But since we are...
  7. Terminator

    Crimson‘s Journey to Self-Love

    Depression sucks as it tends to prevent its own curing. For me the best help has been variety. New experiences. Trying new things, especially ones that make me anxious. Facing fears. The least depressed phases in my life have been: - When I first did the AA program and approached girls in a...
  8. Terminator

    How would you go about dating girls from another city?

    I would often do it back in the GLL days. I live in a country where the cities are just not that big, and it was easy to simply run out of girls to swipe on. Some of those trips were the best memories I have from that time, seeing different places etc. I would always just drive to meet the girls...
  9. Terminator

    Weed/Edibles Can Help You Have Some of the Best Sex of Your Life

    Probably so... I think I will try it when I get a a hold of it. I can report back.
  10. Terminator

    Weed/Edibles Can Help You Have Some of the Best Sex of Your Life

    I used to love weed, but since I can't use it anymore, I'm wondering if anyone has tried CBD if it has the same effect without the intoxication?
  11. Terminator

    Gold Posts on Texting

    Is there an explanation on some of the terminology used? Ideally I'd like some examples to get it. Where can I learn this stuff? - Clickbait opener - spike - DHV - qualification - bait
  12. Terminator

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    I, Terminator, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. I used to go by the same name on the old GLL forums. Those who were there at the same time will remember me. It was around 8-10 years ago. I did the Approach Anxiety program at the time, lost my virginity, got laid with...