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  1. ThelegendofJ

    100 Days, 100 Approaches

    Very good you are getting out and doing all these sets, that's already more than most people are doing! Keep on going. Consider recording your sets, so people here can give you some better feedback. I was wondering: -Do you grab their attention first before you open?
  2. ThelegendofJ

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    Yeah the first one here is way more effective than the ones from your other post.
  3. ThelegendofJ

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    Well, you don't just take a few, you take 100 shots and one will be good. You can never take too many photo's. Like with approaches, volume is key.
  4. ThelegendofJ

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    The poolshot is badass! Really love that one. The other ones feel slightly overposed. Qualitywise they are perfect tho. But the next time try to get them to feel more authentic. What you can do is for example: The barshot (pint): Have someone else sitting in front of you and start chatting...
  5. ThelegendofJ

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    Yes very good, my photography brain is telling me you should crop it a tiny bit so you are completely in the center, but that's just a tiny fix.
  6. ThelegendofJ

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    What a location, damn! Third one is good for your travelshot. (Maybe zoom in a little bit more so you take more of the screenspace, without losing to much of the view) The one on with the girl is good for IG.
  7. ThelegendofJ

    Victor's Progress Log - Might need help, time, or both

    Next time, if a set like this happens, just add: btw, what are you doing right now? If it's nothing urgent, just go to the movies together. Seemed like you two vibed very well. Now you know how the flight response feels like, you can recognize it and tell yourself, no, she likes me and I enjoy...
  8. ThelegendofJ

    Coyote_Tracks1 Progress log

    Your story reminds me alot of my daygame experiences. It's good that you figured out that once you are in your head, it's easy to snap back out by doing some basic approaches. (Complementing) Just keep in mind to switch back to being direct once you are back in the zone, or even in the set. If...
  9. ThelegendofJ

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    I think your main picture (the first one) is too friendly looking and not the best. Get someone to take you a decent headshot for that. The third one is too simular to the first one (background/setting wise), I would try to recapture that in a more busy good looking street. Lose the football...
  10. ThelegendofJ

    Thrice log. Should i try radicals how to meet girls in hostels?

    Like other said, your reaction to the flake, and to the other girl not responding are a bit worrying (from an anger point of view). Also control your impulses a bit more when you feel this angry/disencouraged. Deleting all the numbers doesn't seem like the smartest move. You might use some of...
  11. ThelegendofJ

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    They all kinda have the same general vibe, so I would add one professional headshot in a location that isn't a home. Go to a cool area and focus on a clean headshot. The camera ones are already cool to use, but they might be a bit better is they are more active (you being in the moment of...
  12. ThelegendofJ

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    Hey! Good that you are taking action into getting quality photo's. For the first one I will give some technical info you can share with who is taking your photo's. It's always better if the head is in a clear area. What I mean by this is that there is nothing surrounding your head, now it looks...
  13. ThelegendofJ

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    Hey everyone After already meeting a bunch of you in Budapest, it is finally time to get on the forums aswel. Let me introduce myself for the rest: I'm Jorim, 32 years old from Belgium (Ghent). I, Jorim, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. What should you know about me...