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  1. Olafsmash

    Ed's Tinder and Stuff - February Abundance

    your test levels are pretty low. a 70 year old man can have 350ng/dl total t. "normal" free levels are 50-200 pg/ml, so technically your within normal on both your levels. Thats what doctors will tell you anway. I think they are wrong. A young man should have high testorerone levels, not those...
  2. Olafsmash

    Help with Tinder pics: Need your opinon and advice

    Im no expert but i can mention a few things. 1. Lose some fat, you have quite a lot. 2. need a pic with some friends and a girl 3. include some pics where you do your hobbys. 4. too many dogpics 5. no cool pics of you with cool/edy clothes. atm it's avarage clothes. if you dont have any hobbys...
  3. Olafsmash

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    Go read a bunch of articles on GLL. Chris lays it out exactly what you need to do. Read this from part 1. Find "killer instict" articles.
  4. Olafsmash

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    "Really wish there was a "Physical Contact Anxiety Program" There is some of this in the AA program. Gll also has its own program for bars which teaches you to touch/devolop "killer instict" (ala being more aggresive)
  5. Olafsmash

    How to get ahold of old gll approach vids?

    you should give some examples and tell us in what ways have RSD and todd's content helped you get laid and how much you get laid using it compared a more gll "style". increase in lays after implementing rsd/todd content? ppl who arent consistantly banging chicks and seeing an increase in lay...
  6. Olafsmash

    Logistic issues and goals

    exactly same height as ne and right behind ya on the bench, lets fucking go and get strong as fuck
  7. Olafsmash

    Logistic issues and goals

    looking juicy bro. lift numbers? height? HyperR
  8. Olafsmash

    Logistic issues and goals

    It's not like its impossible to live here and date a few girls 2 hours away, get a girlfriend or whatever but i guess if i want a rich dating life with abundance I have to live in the city. Also gonna be a pain to find the right girl to wife up while i live here i guess. Next spring i'll be done...
  9. Olafsmash

    Logistic issues and goals

    I would really appreciate some help/advice/pointers on a issue i will be facing in my online dating. My dream in life is to have a homestead in bumfuck nowhere but still relativly close to my family and cities. I currently live on that homestead on the perfect spot, and i intend to buy it once i...
  10. Olafsmash

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    Hello My goal is to become the best version of myself. My goal is to become confident in myself, to the point where i can talk to anyone, specially women without any issues. My first goals to focus on is: Lifting consistently Eating properly Good sleep scheduele Working consistantly on my...