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  1. Sparkles

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    Yeah, sadly I don't have many better pics at the moment, working on it. Not anymore, I was there last year. There are many great things about Vietnam but I found dating super hard there. Not many girls are interested in casual stuff there, it's super traditional and they don't seem to be super...
  2. Sparkles

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    I found some more (shirtless) photos of me taken while I was in Vietnam. Some of them are a bit goofy. Are any of these worth using?
  3. Sparkles

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    @Lord Rey @Bman appreciate the feedback. I see my photos are lacking "edge". I went through my files and found a bunch of potential photos. Can you please let me know if you see any standouts here that would be worth considering...
  4. Sparkles

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    Would appreciate some feedback on my current profile. It did me just fine while travelling around Asia/LatAm, but now that I'm back home, I'm not getting any bites. Go on boys, tear me a new one. Bio is currently: --------- Been travelling the world for the last year, back home visiting...
  5. Sparkles

    Weed/Edibles Can Help You Have Some of the Best Sex of Your Life

    Haha, I've had sex on weed and it certainly didn't "feel like you are cumming the entire time". If only. Seems like it affects everyone differently - might also depend on the strain, etc. Nonetheless, I do enjoy it and it kind of turns me into a fuck animal. I normally like pretty rough sex but...
  6. Sparkles

    Tinder hack to save money

    Anecdotally, it's been working great for me. I'm not sure if the ELO thing is a myth, no longer true, or just the sheer swiping numbers overcomes any ELO hit you take. Don't think I'm allowed to promote stuff like that here but I'll PM you.
  7. Sparkles

    Tinder hack to save money

    To add my 2c, I don't bother with boosts anymore, I just use an "auto-swiper" that I can set in the background and it will swipe 1000 profiles for me. It seems to get me a bunch of matches anyway, since I think the number of chicks you are shown to is (roughly) proportional to your activity on...
  8. Sparkles

    Tinder hack to save money

    Bumble subscriptions are dirt cheap in Turkey. Like Bumble Premium is $3 a month. Cheapest I've seen anywhere. I've also found a Chrome extension that allows you to change your location on dating apps (among other things). Unfortunately it costs money, but it's worth it in terms of saving on...
  9. Sparkles

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    I don't think there's any need to stick to these "sets", I would just use the best pics overall for your profile and not worry about whether they're "nice guy" or "bad boy". My personal opinion on each pic (take with large grain of salt): 1A: great portrait shot of you smiling, can't go too...
  10. Sparkles

    Tinder hack to save money

    You have to go through the web interface on or If you do it via the app, it will still get your country from your Apple/Google Play account and charge you based on that.
  11. Sparkles

    Tinder hack to save money

    Nice hack, although 2FA is pretty common these days (verify with SMS code), so that cost might add up pretty quickly.
  12. Sparkles

    Tinder hack to save money

    Thought you fellas might be interested in this little hack I've discovered to get cheaper Tinder subscriptions. Tinder is cheaper in third-world countries because those countries have lower average incomes. Tinder prices subscriptions based on the phone number you use when you create your...
  13. Sparkles

    [Foducossy42] Date Logs

    I've been thinking about this too, cause I've also had quite a few dates like this. One thing I thought of (which I haven't tried yet) is doing a 5-10 minute video call before you ask them out in-person. That should be enough time to reveal whether you "vibe" together, but also much more...
  14. Sparkles


  15. Sparkles

    STDs - when is rawdog okay?

    Gentlemen: What's your risk tolerance when it comes to STDs? What safe sex measures do you personally take? How do you decide whether or not to fuck a girl raw (if ever)? We all know raw sex feels so much better. Common sense suggests that if you go rawdog with hundreds of skanks, you're bound...
  16. Sparkles

    Crimson’s Progress Log - accidental date with a trans😂

    Hey mate, have you had any experiences with Tadalafil/Cialis since? I'd recommend reducing your dose even further if possible. Personally I'm on 2.5mg which still works great. I'm still getting minor headaches so I'm thinking of reducing my dose even further. Or switching to Viagra/Levitra...
  17. Sparkles

    Can You Get Erections Without Direct Contact? (Eg, from Kissing)

    ...substance you take. The MED is the smallest dose which generates the desired outcome. Above the MED, there are diminishing returns - you may get a *slightly* better outcome but you'll get an even greater increase in unwanted side effects. More is not always better. E.g. for Cialis, your...
  18. Sparkles

    Anyone in South East Asia in 2023?

    Hey fellas, I'm going to be travelling throughout South East Asia for the rest of 2023. I'll be in Bali in June, then travelling the mainland from July onwards (Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam) If anyone else is in the region (either living there or travelling through), send me a private...
  19. Sparkles

    luniacs tinder photo log

    Good stuff dude. Have you seen any of these chicks again? IMO that's the easiest way to get laid - with a chick you've already banged. Then you can spend less time on "hunting" and more time on other pursuits in your life.
  20. Sparkles

    Dating App Photos+Feedback

    Personally not a fan of #1, your pose looks kind of awkward / forced / unnatural to me. And I don't know what's going on with your shirt - looks kinda weird IMO. Just my 2c. #2 is okay but the lighting is not great (overcast is generally better for photos vs direct sunlight). I think #3 is the...