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  1. AmericanAndy


    Sounds good I'm looking through some startup and co-founder sites for networking.
  2. AmericanAndy


    I already have a notebook filled with ideas. A team of people brainstorming should be better than just one person theorizing. Also you're being disrespectful.
  3. AmericanAndy


    I've seen documentaries of software companies like "id" and "valve" that are started with a team of people with little to no money. "Bootstrapping" with a team of people you get work done much more quickly than doing everything alone. I don't need to pay a team of employees when the company is a...
  4. AmericanAndy

    How to build a social circle from zero, gain status, and become a leader in a community (and maybe even get laid)

    Here's my suggestion. You create meetings that are deliberate about matchmaking. Facilitate conversations similar to speed dating sessions. People can state their intents such as friend, sexual, swinger, or bdsm related activities. Rounds about how they express love. Also rounds about their...
  5. AmericanAndy


    Has anyone here built a successful business that includes a team? I'm interested in learning what it takes to build a team and where you find the kind of people willing to work. Mostly a bootstrapped startup. I don't have money for employees but I could create a employee-owned company. On top of...
  6. AmericanAndy


    There are countless scammers cramming fake profiles on tinder and I see online dating becoming more and more useless as they create more fake accounts that seem real. The past few months I havent had a single date using Tinder yet I've had some dates cold approaching so I'm moving on. I've had...
  7. AmericanAndy

    Music Playlists

    Feel free to share some music playlists. I find it motivates me in the gym.
  8. AmericanAndy


    This is what I use AI for Accelerate my learning experience Combine or suggest ideas I'm unaware of Instruct me in a field I have little experience in Solving problems faster Solving unusual problems by combining multiple fields Automate boring tasks People would be better off only automating...
  9. AmericanAndy


    There's a lot better ideas for photos like you doing your favorite hobbies. Then you might actually find someone interested in the same things as you instead of gold-diggers.
  10. AmericanAndy

    Styling a nice guy into a sexy man

    Here you go I've done a reverse image search for you...
  11. AmericanAndy

    Styling a nice guy into a sexy man

    How much do you like those clothes personally? I think if you like it then your mood will be great when you go out. Another idea is you could wear clothes in similar category of the women you're looking for. For example I'm thinking of wearing punk/rebel looking clothes to attract goth chicks...
  12. AmericanAndy


    Well this got me thinking of a few of my own ideas such as using a color light for photography. I have one that can switch to any color and it would add to some photos. The other idea is a bit ambitious but it would train AI to recognize the women you are attracted to, including preferences...
  13. AmericanAndy

    Where to find local wings?

    What I do is make a profile on Bumble BFF mode. Which is for making new friends. I put in the profile I'm looking for a gym bro who also wants to go out and meet women. Bumble works really well for making new friends I recommend it.
  14. AmericanAndy

    Cold Approach Log: Journey to Abundance

    I've had to move to another city because of a new job. This city is much better than what I've had and I'm feeling better about the nightlife around here and activities to do. I'm seeing someone that I've met from BDSM munches and also have some dates lined up. I feel better about doing cold...
  15. AmericanAndy

    Can You Get Erections Without Direct Contact? (Eg, from Kissing)

    Tips for no contact: Feel as if you have all the time you want. Expecting to get hard quick just causes anxiety. Get her to face you with her legs spread and play with herself. Imagining your favorite positions with her. Do you often need direct contact (hand stimulation or blowjob) to get an...
  16. AmericanAndy

    Dating App Photos+Feedback

    Try looking for a fashion photographer google maps. Usually that style of photography is pretty close to tinder photos.
  17. AmericanAndy

    Cold Approach Log: Journey to Abundance

    I will be going on a cold approach boot camp with Scotty from GLL. Probably sometime in June or July. I'm looking forward to it. Most likely in Atlanta. Scotty seems like a really good guy. I loved talking about past experiences with cold approach with him.
  18. AmericanAndy

    Should You Use Enhancers For Approach Anxiaty

    These substances are nowhere near damaging as alcohol. Yet alcohol is widely accepted for nightlife. If you feel very anxious it may help you. You'll get desensitized with our without using the substances. But it certainly helps if your anxiety is so bad it's stopping you from going out and...
  19. AmericanAndy

    Places to Meet Women During the Day?

    nobody is really watching you and the effect is opposite they'll think you're popular for talking to so many people. What are you thinking when you see other people talking to each other? You calling them creeps? Dont think so. It's all in your head.
  20. AmericanAndy

    Organdroid's Tinder Crusade

    GLL has way more style guides.