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  1. Fineokay

    Fineokay's fine, OKAY?

    Hey man, sorry I saw this just now. Honestly, I have no idea of a job that I could like, that I could make a career of and doesn't involve technology. Unfortunately tech is a powerful tool that increase by many folds human productivity, therefore is used almost everywhere.... Still i...
  2. Fineokay

    Fineokay's fine, OKAY?

  3. Fineokay

    Fineokay's fine, OKAY?

    Hey, I tried several times but i'm having trouble with the image size. Also, when i try to resize it with online tools, it loses its original proportions. I'm working on it.
  4. Fineokay

    Fineokay's fine, OKAY?

    Hey, i'm gonna look into it for sure! It's a self restriction though. It's gonna be easy to set it up... and to set it off too. Moreover I work on a pc and with my phone so my temptation is perpetual. Thanks for the suggestion though.
  5. Fineokay

    Fineokay's fine, OKAY?

    Hey, I stopped posting and left my topic here like a keyboard jokey. damn. Anyway, i'm back here but i changed my goals. Right now i have a girlfriend so i don't really care about the whole "getting laid" stuff. As i said, a lot happened in my life. I changed my job from the above average paid...
  6. Fineokay

    Fineokay's fine, OKAY?

    Christmas eve update. I had 3 open games, all 3 coming from Hinge. 1) Girl from saudi arabia 2) Girl from India 3) Girl from the US but raised in switzerland? I had a date set with girl 1 but she got covid. I went on a date with girl 2 and could not fuck here cause she was on her period. She...
  7. Fineokay

    Fineokay's fine, OKAY?

    Yeah i guess that's a bit extreme but... why not. One of the purposes of this log is to share my experience raw and unfiltered. This is an all-in. I got a very similar picture on my dating apps that i took the same day but i can't use because i'm not the only person in the picture, and all i...
  8. Fineokay

    Fineokay's fine, OKAY?

    Hello everyone. God i suck so bad at writing it took me 20 minutes just to get this sentence down. My name is Fineokay. I live in Milan right now but i used to be a bartender a new york for a couple years. I guess my story is not the typical story you can hear on this forum. In fact, i was...
  9. Fineokay

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    I, Fineokay, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. My Goals for 2022 are: - Geting laid with 12 new girls. - Having 2 fuck-buddies at the same time. - Reach 80KG (currently fluctuating between 73 and 75). - Meditate for 365 days in a row. - Do Kegels for 365 days in a row...