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Hello everyone,

I, Spencer, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
I want to focus on getting laid more in general, attracting hotter girls, taking better pictures for online dating, get some tattoos, as well as getting my own place ASAP.
I, Neo_Primal, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously

1. Build location independent career/business that will make me financially independent/wealthy
2. Become competent/frequent/frugal world traveler
3. Get lay count to 100
4. Have first threesome
5. Learn fluent Spanish
6. Move out of Commiefornia
7. Write and record rock and roll album
8. Be able to kick flip as consistently as I can pop-shuvit.

Sup dudes! I'm an x-ray tech that skates, plays music, and wants to reach my full potential as a man in this crazy world. Glad to be here!
I, Mafia, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Hi Everyone,

A little bit about myself. I am most likely one of the earliest Good Looking Loser member that stayed in the shadows without posting. It´s been 10 years and I went from being a god to sidetracking and I don´t like my current mental position.

LAYS: 86

I married the most gorgeous woman in history of humanity and we stayed together for 4 years, that is when I changed for the worst. And now it is time to COME BACK harder than ever.

I just moved to Alicante, Spain a few days ago. I am here solo. And don´t know anybody here. I see people lack English strongly, so learning Spanish is on the priority list.

I live in a terraced corner Penthouse on the main party street. (God Logistics Check).

My Goals Are:
- Get Big and Shredded (Currently on Day 10 of cypionate cycle that will last 90 days)
- Same Night Lays minimum 1 per week (since finally god logistics are met)
- Get funded by FTMO for the $400,000 account
- Buy Mercedes G55
- Buy the Penthouse I live in now
- Restart Bathmate Journey (I gained 4cm in length and 0.7cm girth in 5 years without bathmate)
- Reach Scotty´s level once again (I used to perform on his level, I could do just about anything. Now I feel discomfort and I don´t like it)
- Stop biting nails permanently
- Approach minimum 3 girls a day
- Learn Spanish

I recently quick smoking Nicotine (6 weeks) and Weed (3 weeks).
I, Raph, Commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously

Hello everyone, I'm a 24 years old guy from the Philippines

My goals for the rest of the days of 2020 to the next year are:
Important goals
-Have a stronger mindset and boundaries
-Become the best Architect that I can be
-Not trying to commit suicide again

-Finish my Thesis
-Continue reading/listening to self-improvement books
-Have friends and friends-with-benefits with quality people
-Build an aesthetic body
-Have a strong presence and charisma
-Find, Date, and Marry a high-quality woman

Something Cool to have/do
-Play 30 songs on the guitar
-Have an online business that can earn me at least $100 a month

I'm happy to be a part of this community, Thank you.
Lonely_Rottweiler said:
Hello Bro, Do we need to do the log here in the forums or in a notebook?
Try it out here in the forums, but as always privacy is your discretion. Check out the progress logs section for ideas on what it looks like.
Lonely_Rottweiler said:
Hello Bro, Do we need to do the log here in the forums or in a notebook?

Hey man. You can do this in the forum. You have the option to create a private log, or you can create one on the public forum.

The best way to achieve greatness is by using the logs, being consistent, and having hardcore accountability - tell the truth about yourself no matter how bad it looks. You will improve over time.

I, Fineokay, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

My Goals for 2022 are:

- Geting laid with 12 new girls.
- Having 2 fuck-buddies at the same time.
- Reach 80KG (currently fluctuating between 73 and 75).
- Meditate for 365 days in a row.
- Do Kegels for 365 days in a row.
- Lean to play the guitar (I know, it's kinda vague but i still have to start and to figure out a more precise way to put this down)
Fineokay said:
I, Fineokay, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

My Goals for 2022 are:

- Geting laid with 12 new girls.
- Having 2 fuck-buddies at the same time.
- Reach 80KG (currently fluctuating between 73 and 75).
- Meditate for 365 days in a row.
- Do Kegels for 365 days in a row.
- Lean to play the guitar (I know, it's kinda vague but i still have to start and to figure out a more precise way to put this down)

your fucking avatar HAHAHAHAHA!!
I, TacoLover, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I'm looking to improve on my online dating and getting laid as much as I can this 2022.
Hey, you're sexy. I'm Aku. Watcha up to?

I, Aku, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

About me
27, from Canada. I have wasted most of my 20s avoiding social interactions and avoiding any contact with girls because of my very low self-esteem. Now I'm aware of my potential and i'm way more confident, but i'm seeing my 30s approaching and i'm freaking out. This is the time to take action and live my prime before I turn into granpa.
I just started my online dating journey this summer and i'm joining you guys because I want to find people serious about self-improvement related to having lotsa sex with hot girls. I know that i'm very far away from my full potential and I can go way harder.

2021 so far
-Went to 25 dates
-Had sex with 9 girls (+1 BJ, idk if that counts)
-Had 3 girls on rotation at some point
-I knew that in theory, sex was normal and girls wanted sex too, but I got to experience it IRL and it was a big revelation for me. Now I can proudly say to anyone that I just want casual sex without feeling like its a bad thing. And now I know that anywhere I go there are girls around that would be down to have sex with me. It's all about marketing myself and playing the numbers game.

Main goals
-I want to have sex with 25 new girls in 2022
-I want to have sex with 100+ girls by 2025
-I want to keep raising my standards (hotter girls)

Secondary goals
-Invest 50%+ of my income
-Fix my sleep and efficient time management
-Meet new people, live new experiences, make new memories and enjoy life!

Shout out to Andy's tinder guide, it truly is the best tinder guide on the internet (by far).
Hi all! Been lurking around here for a few weeks now, wanted to introduce myself properly.

I, LetsGetThisPartyStarted, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

About me:
Working an ok day job.
Setting up my own youtube channel.

Get to a lifetime total of 50+ lays. Now at 4. (+ twice super close).
Lose the fat. Get down to 88kg. Now at 95kg.
Improve my online dating picture quality and overall style. Fuck higher quality girls.
Grow and improve friend circle to more positive people. Less negativity.
Posting new videos regularly for the coming 2 years. Start monthly, work up to weekly. Then maybe more.

Shaved my balding head last week.
Started hitting the gym twice a week. Literally started by going and leaving after 5 mins. building up now.
Started counting calories. 2600/day.
Bought new clothes and accessories.
Did my first photoshoot. Working on the second one.
Pulled 15 numbers last three weeks, 1 lay, 1 almost.

I really like the openness of this community. I hope I can help you just as you are helping me. I wish you all the best on your journeys.

I, Mike, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I've had a decent amount of dating success in real life, but I've always struggled with online. I'm done making excuses, and I'm going to figure it out.
I, DiiiieInnerLoser (Andre), commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

About me
35 y/o, 5' 7", living in the UK. I'm here because I've browsed this website and seen that Andy has made himself vulnerable many times, which makes me think that he's not full of BS like a lot of pickup artists on the Internet.

What I've accomplished so far
  • Financially stable
  • Emotionally stable, relatively speaking (I've only ever been complimented on my maturity, never my looks...)
  • Competent in 2 instruments, across several genres of music
  • Been in two long-term relationships, each lasting 3 years
  • Reconnected with a girl I met and fell in love with in high school after 12 years, took her to bed, went on a long roadtrip
  • Hooked up with a long-time friend, and then a really wonderful girl 9 years my junior who already had a well-established career
  • Went from morbidly obese (126 kg @ 5' 7"), to borderline obese (88kg @ 5' 7")
  • Started lifting free weights over a year ago
  • Built a home gym during COVID lockdown
  • Realized how fucking important sleep is for EVERYTHING

What I need to accomplish
  • Increase my extremely low lay count of 5
  • Get laid with higher quality girls
  • Stop being a fat slob, and reach a healthy bodyweight
  • Once healthy bodyweight is attained, get abs for Tinder success
  • Stop fucking stuffing my face
I, Stef, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
Sup dudes, I'm Stef, mechanical engineer, 22, Netherlands.
What i have already done
  • Down to 8% body fat 8-) & good exercise habbit
  • Got a long term girlfriend
  • Read the slight edge
  • Build a homegym

What i want to work on in 2022
  • Build my carreer as a mechanical engineer
  • Further improve my clothing style
  • Further improve my workout routine
  • Build a bigger group of motivated friends
  • Learn new skills like playing guitar
  • Daily progress log on this website
  • More clearly define my goals
I, Squilliam Fancyson, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Quick disclaimer, I wouldn't have chosen such a stupid username if I knew I had to upload a real picture of myself.

So a little bit of backstory. I'm 21, I've been quite a loser for most of my life. Mostly a social outcast. In the past few years of college, I've made a lot of progress on personal development. I started going out on dates, I finally got laid. But it hasn't been until recently that I've really gotten on the right track. A few months ago, I quit drinking, and my mental health has improved immensely as a result. Recently, I found myself in a situation where I was talking to a cute stranger, and I worked up the courage to ask her for her Snapchat. We went on a date that went nowhere, but that was a huge accomplishment for me regardless.

So far, I've gone out on probably about two dozen dates, I've been laid 3 times, and I've made out with a few more than that. However, as of lately online dating is not working well for me, and getting laid is quite sporadic and infrequent.

My career and financial progress (I'm becoming a software engineer), is going well, and I don't think there is much more work to be done there (at least right now). I want to prioritize my social life.

So I guess I'll just list out all of my goals, I'll split them up into two categories, near-term (before 2022 ends), or long-term (Really any amount of time but I don't expect to achieve any of these any time in the near future.)

Near-term (most of these will be ongoing goals that I never stop working on, but I will start working on them in the near term):
  • Improve fashion and sense of style
  • Continue working on bouldering, and start lifting weights. (Ensure that diet, sleep and exercise are optimal for muscle gain)
  • Have at least one hookup by the end of summer.
  • Take new pictures and go on some dates/get some hookups
  • Make some new friends
  • Climb a V5 in bouldering
  • Start writing book about idea I had
  • Improve my in-person social skills in general, especially with women I am not familiar with.

Longer term (once again, really no set time limit, it could be 10 days from now, or 10 years):
  • Be able to get laid on a regular basis. Not really a fan of aiming for a number.
  • Have an MFF threesome
  • Get a girlfriend?
  • Become a millionaire
  • Climb V8?

Not sure how much I can accomplish in 6 months. I'd like to get the pictures done by the end of my school semester so that I can hopefully get lucky at least once during the summer.

I'm not going to put down stuff related to cold approaching because it's still way too daunting for me. I don't want to promise something I'm not sure I will follow up on. I want to be serious and completely honest. Right now I have been gradually exposing myself to social situations that I would've once said were too intense for me to handle.

The problem is that without pressure, without some fear or other person adding pressure to me, it's too easy to just tap out when the nerves get too intense.

Anyways, sorry for my ramble. I am happy to be here and I hope I can kill my inner loser. This site seems different than other men's self-improvement spaces. In a good way, lol.