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    New daygame lay, sexual questions opener, etc.

    Hi, I'm from Buenos Aires and I'm looking for IRL partners. If you are from around here or you travel here, don't hesitate to let me know so we can get together some day. Keep moving Forward! Mighty
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    Rate/Select my Tinder Pics

    Hey man, my favorite photos are #13 #5 #11. Anyway I can give you certain suggestions for the future. Disclaimer, I don't mean to be mean but these are my tips: - I think like everyone, your style would be greatly improved if you put some accessories (piercings, necklace, hat, bracelet). - Be...
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    I'm not sure about my hair

    If your hair grows longer than in the picture you showed which is quite short, I would give it a try. Because if you don't, your receding hairline will be visible and it won't look good. There are treatments to grow more hair if u want. Anyway, it looks good bald.
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    Spider’s Progress Log 🕷 DAY 366: Continuation Log Link ⛓️

    Hi man, sorry to bother you. I have a question, how do you change the title of your log? Is it by changing the subject? Can you see if mine appears as I put it "Day 37 📅 - Day 7 AAP🏮 - University Dude 😎👩🏻🎓" or just "Mighty - Daily Log". Thank you in advance Mighty.
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    New Photo feedback

    I'm no expert, just a guy giving advice as he saw fit. The photos of you cooking look very "acted", the food you are cooking is not visible, it would be nice to look more natural, more relaxed. The same when you drink, I don't know if I find it a very interesting photo, it's like, if I drink...
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    Jamgoth's Progress Log

    I think that for gym and fitness, unless you go all-in, it's giving it time. It would be good that as long as you can keep the habit of going to the gym, you can add approach's, meet people or create a tinder. That way you will see progress in other areas. Good luck and keep at it
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    Matias's AA Log

    Day 2 I will DO THE DRILL as it is written and leave. What I did: Signed the petition Listened to audios Learned to execute This is something that everyone who starts our AA program will sign on Day 2 of Week 1. - My goal and only goal for the next 3+ months is to beat approach anxiety. -...
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    Matias's AA Log

    Day 1 4/2/2022 Well, I'm rebooting this, I pressured myself to start this program and I was uncomfortable after time my expectations/pressure on myself lowered and now I wanting to take action and start this program! Trying to respect as much as possible the drills. Notes for the day: - Am I...
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    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    Thanks dude! English is not my main language so maybe somethings I would write are totally nonsense. This is the second time I entered the forum because I've reading the blogs of andy and started to approach my anxiety at first. Today I'm starting the AA program, but IDK how to start in this...