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  1. Manly Cockfellow

    Brandon Builds - #38 Poly Girl

    Nice summary and good work! I'm starting therapy next week with one of the facilitators from the ideal parents subreddit, so thanks again for bringing it to my attention! I feel like this a lot of the time with new girls. I really like your idea of using your imagination to create positive...
  2. Manly Cockfellow

    Sewerdog's log

    I love that we are getting to watch you literally create a business from scratch! Keep it up boss and good luck!
  3. Manly Cockfellow

    Brandon Builds - #38 Poly Girl

    Thank you for this fantastic post as well:
  4. Manly Cockfellow

    Brandon Builds - #38 Poly Girl

    Thank you for this, Bman: Definitely one of my favorite posts of all time on KYIL I had a similar recent break up, but she was the one being kind while breaking up with me, and though it was sad it was also sweet and one of the most beautiful things I've ever experienced, and I'm so grateful...
  5. Manly Cockfellow

    Vic's Progress Log - What’s wrong with my Hinge profile?

    Rather than critique your current routine if after a month or two you aren't happy with your physique/progress I recommend you do this one: because it really is the best I've come across, especially for upper body
  6. Manly Cockfellow

    Sewerdog's log

    You're a beast!
  7. Manly Cockfellow

    Brandon Builds - #38 Poly Girl

    Thanks for this reminder and for the reddit link! I've been doing IFS therapy for the last month or two, but kept feeling stuck and like something was holding me back... This video perfectly explained the problem: And I found it through the...
  8. Manly Cockfellow

    Vic's Progress Log - What’s wrong with my Hinge profile?

    Just sharing to make sure you saw this: which is just a post about how this 👇 is the best workout I've ever found for optimizing your physique And your...
  9. Manly Cockfellow

    BEST OF: PHYSIQUE DEVELOPMENT POSTS That's 👆 the Good-Looking Loser muscle building workout that Chris recommends, and probably my favorite of all the routines I've tried. Also it's the workout I was doing when I had probably my best overall physique: And...
  10. Manly Cockfellow

    Brandon’s 365 Days of Masculine, Self-affirming Action: Days 278-283

    Thanks again, Bman, for making and sharing this Sex God yoga flow video: Just did it and my lower back is toast but feeling nice and relaxed at the same time, which tells me it's exactly what I needed! And as usual, I'm extremely impressed by...
  11. Manly Cockfellow

    Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

    Just popping in to say I love how clearly and openly you share your experiences and your feelings and your thoughts. Also love the discussions your posts often inspire, and feel like they are some of the deepest and most valuable around, especially when people respectfully disagree. And for...
  12. Manly Cockfellow

    Brandon Builds - #38 Poly Girl

    Love it! If you like the ideal parent protocol, you'll probably love, and be well prepared for IFS (it's all about you becoming the parent to your overwhelmed and wounded parts that are stuck in the past, usually due to trauma, including attachment trauma) And maybe you've heard of it, but a...
  13. Manly Cockfellow

    Brandon Builds - #38 Poly Girl

    Love this! Bman, you're at a level where you can start taking some more risks and telling girls exactly what you need, with no thought to whether or not they will be into it. Same thing with doing what you feel like you need on dates. If you feel the need to kiss her on first sight, respect...
  14. Manly Cockfellow

    Weed/Edibles Can Help You Have Some of the Best Sex of Your Life

    I noticed recently that I feel a little bit worse after I smoke and the weed wears off, almost like a mini-version of Ritalin rebound (which is when you feel depressed and anxious and angry all at once after the Ritalin wears off) I swear to God my favorite drug of choice lately has been...
  15. Manly Cockfellow

    Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

    Oh man, you just reminded me of a great example of a beautiful young woman that got ten times sexier when she asked me, a few minutes into our first date, if I had experience with psychedelics. Up until then I thought she was some inexperienced, uptight, prudish Catholic girl, but as soon as...
  16. Manly Cockfellow

    Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

    More amazing advice from Antonio44 The two hottest women I've ever dated also had qualities I liked in them more than any other woman. For one, I absolutely loved how much she made me laugh, and she lit up much more when I talked about how funny and charming she was than how hot and gorgeous...
  17. Manly Cockfellow

    Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

    +1 for Slaying Your Fear At 42:25 he does the perfect partner exercise live with someone in this video Whole video is another great introduction and fairly deep dive into attachment
  18. Manly Cockfellow

    Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

    Beautiful post. Thank you for sharing 🙏
  19. Manly Cockfellow

    Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

    Thought of a simple way to say it Fixing your attachment takes you from 1. Only caring about what's best for her and not trusting yourself (anxious attachment) 2. Only caring about what's best for you and not trusting her (avoidant attachment) 3. Bouncing back and forth between both extremes...
  20. Manly Cockfellow

    Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

    Antonio44, Zug, jakeD, Brother_Tucker and jackBruh all knocked it out of the park with their advice. If you want a serious long-term relationship that you can feel loved, and appreciated and accepted in while just being yourself (because why would you want a relationship with someone you can't...