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  1. oopswrongtimeline

    Need help on frame selection

    I wrote about this in my ah log but no one responded so I figured this was a good place to put this. Currently working on revamping my fashion and looks. One of the key things there is picking out some new glasses that fits my face really well, I'm also fairly new to all this, and I've never...
  2. oopswrongtimeline

    Should I keep trying ta bulk or cut?

    So I've been focusing on bulking recently, trying to gain more muscle. For reference, I'm 5' 7, about 140 lbs. I've been lifting 4x a week following the GZCLP program (buncha full body workouts with shit like squats n bench press and all that good stuff). I've been wondering though if I should...
  3. oopswrongtimeline

    How do my clothes and my appearance look?

    I'm still fairly new to this whole thing, but right now I'm trying to fix my clothing and my appearance. So on that front, went out took a couple pictures, and I'm wondering if y'all have any advice or insight on how I look right now, especially with the clothes, haircut, and facial hair. I...
  4. oopswrongtimeline

    Looking for haircut/hair style advice

    I've looked into fades a bit, and I think maybe I want to try a low taper fade or something along those lines, nothing too crazy yet, I think it could work. Thanks for the help man!
  5. oopswrongtimeline

    Looking for haircut/hair style advice

    Bumping this, still looking for any opinions or advice, thanks!
  6. oopswrongtimeline

    Looking for haircut/hair style advice

    This is something I honestly have little clue about. I've just been kind of growing it out but I figure this doesn't really work and am looking for any advice on what kind of haircut I should get, or potentially styling my hair a different way. If you need any details or have any questions I'd...
  7. oopswrongtimeline


    Hey Radical, I checked out your basic style guide (good stuff) and I was wondering if you had any wardrobe ideas that revolved around shirts that aren't slim fit. My body is basically skinnyfat with some stomach fat (which i am trying to rectify) and I find slim fit shirts very tight and...
  8. oopswrongtimeline

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    I, oopswrongtimeline, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. Goals: - Lose fat & gain muscle - Improve social skills - Gain self-confidence - Improve physical appearance
  9. oopswrongtimeline

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    I, oopswrongtimeline, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. Goals: - Lose fat & gain muscle - Improve social skills - Gain self-confidence - Improve physical appearance