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SIGMA_1234 said:
Lonely_Rottweiler said:
Hello everyone, I'm a 24 years old guy from the Philippines

Holy fuck. Another dude from the Philippines?? Hey man, I'm also from the Philippines. If you need any guidance or just any accountability partner, DM me. Happy to link up.

Eyyy I knew I was about to find another Filipino! Cheers SIGMA_1234 :lol:
Hey, I'm Ali
I, Ali, commit to working on my goals and taking myself serious

I'm 23 years old. Living in Berlin, Germany (as a student) . I want to share my short term goals with you:

- getting entry level software job
- finishing all necessary classes from uni for next 2 semesters
- drop to 65 kg (from 69) then gain weight with muscle as much as I can (I'm 1.80cm BTW)
- save at least 3k €

If has Berliners here, lemme know. I'm very welkome to listen your story and share mines 👌.
I, Cal aka RelentlessCal, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

31 from the UK (London).
4 Lays at the time of writing

- I want to sleep with 100 women.
- Reach 30 lays by the end of 2022
- Get a job making over £50k by the end of 2022.
- Reach 150lbs at 12% body fat by the end of 2022.
- I've gone from 165 lbs, 25-30% body fat, to 143lbs still at around 20% in 2 months.
I, Chris, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I got involved in some light PUA stuff around several years ago and it did help me with women but the lack of 'inner work' was lacking so it all felt superficial. I approached women and got laid - and I still did up until the beer bug changed society.

I'd say I'm above average in looks, earnings, build, but I have Aspergers/social anxiety (diagnosed) so a lot of human interaction doesn't come easy or natural to me - I gotta work at it hard or approach it another way for it to click in my head. I was a late bloomer with women for sure.

I'm currently traveling the US in a camper after quitting my job recently. While this may sound awesome, it's tough to meet women! Instead of staying in campgrounds in the middle of nowhere I'm trying to attend nomad events and hang around in cities more. I've dated/been with a wide variety of women but I've fallen off in recent years, as well as becoming a bit resentful towards women honestly. I'm rusty with women and looking to get back into the swing of things.

In my recent travels I get IOIs in coffee shops/gyms but my anxiety kicks in and I mostly don't approach and instead have regret. This at least gives me encouragement that I'm attractive and well-dressed, but it's the inner work I need to develop so that I can confidently approach. I'm in my head too much so taking action is key.

I joined to get accountability towards my goals as well as help out others along the path of self-improvement.

Goals for 2022
-Lay 25 quality women
-Lifts for 1RMs: deadlift 405, OHP 150, bench 225, and squat 315. Currently at ~90% of these targets.
-Attend various Toastmaster chapters at least 3x/month as I travel
-Attend various BJJ academies at least 2x/week as I travel
-Build up personal business ventures to $3,000/month
-Finalize MX residency
Whats up fellass
Im Omar

I, Omar, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I usually dont like to share my goals with people since they usually dont understand or laugh it off but with this community I wanna be open and honest as possible so everyone here can know me better and we can help eachother with our goals. I recently completed a program called "75 hard" By Andy Frisella and I learned alot from the program of myself even after failing it about 6/7 times. It thought me that I can achieve what I put my mind into and that success is motonaous af. My weakness in life has always been my social aspect and with girls, thats why I wanna complete the AA program as one of my goals

Current short term goals:
Finish AA program
Get 3 F buddies this year
Invest & build stock portfolio to $25K this year
Getting 180 pounds lean muscle before June

Long term goals:
Moving out of parents house to my own place
Having 3 somes
Traveling different countries
Financial freedom (Leaving job)
I, whiteknite321, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

19 years old and living near Washington DC. Lots of potential in this area.
My overall goal is to have girls available to hit up whenever I want.
I want to focus on approaching, but I'll use tinder also
Current short term goals
- Achieve ottermode physique (close, but not quite there yet)
- Maintain at least 1/2/3/4 strength while at 10%bf
- Get laid within the next month
- Bang a black girl
I, Sam, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

This year...
I want to crush my classes and develop a plan for what I will do after college.
I want to sustain a diet, training, and sleep schedule that allows me to get and stay lean and aesthetic whilst having good energy, mood, and health.
I want to develop close and genuine relationships with guys and girls. I have isolated myself from people in the past and worked on myself, especially last year, and its not a good feeling going through life alone.
I want to lose my virginity to someone I am attracted to.
I, NotChicken, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

From Australia. Found this community through GLL and found GLL from watching Derek from MPMD on youtube. Always had confidence issues growing up and sometimes get mild anxiety when out in public alone. Only last year have I been pushing myself to take action after lurking through PUA communities/channels for a year or so. Only been on a few dates with a couple girls met through cold approaching, which led to nothing.

This year goals:
- Complete the AA program on GLL
- Go on first dates with 10 different girls (5 from cold approach, 5 from online)
- Develop social confidence, get out of my shell, get rid of social anxiety, stop fearing of being judged
- Graduate, leave state to work for graduate job and move out of parents house
I, Pluto, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

29 y/o, USA. 4 lays at the time of writing.

I’ll share my full story in another post but the truth is I am not too unfamiliar with forums like these dedicated to getting laid and improving yourself with women. I wasted a good bit of my twenties on these sorts of forums but after lurking, saw something different here. I was on the GLL forum many many years ago but didn’t make good use of the golden info I had in front of me then. What I did was mentally masturbate a lot and even wrote some fictional tales about getting laid, yeah, its humiliating to admit but I want to come clean and I want this time to be different.

I looked back at the guys on the Good Looking Loser forum who took it all seriously and improved themselves, to think that it could have been me if my head was in a better place then. We will see what comes of this but it is a different me.

The way I see it, this can be the community where I do get to share my positive change in life. If not, then this becomes like other pickup communities I have been a part of where guys are out for an argument, I argue back, and then I get banned for being disruptive. So far, upon lurking, I have found this community to be quite supportive and positive for men trying to chase their goals and I have seen a few success stories so I thought it worthwhile to give it a go and join.

Right now, I am in a tough family situation and back home for a bit so my focus is on losing fat and weight. When I do return to the city in a month or so, I am going to slowly focus more on getting back into the dating game.

This is kind of my last go at an internet community for self-improvement so I do want it to work out.

Here are my goals and what I would like to improve about myself.

1. Cut down to 170 lbs. Currently at 196 lbs and gained this weight due to work stress.

2. Make at least $500 from online income someway and somehow, hoping affiliate marketing through my blog.

3. Get a lay from nightgame cold approach.

4. Get a lay from daygame cold approach.

5. Sleep with at least 20 different women this year (goal is to eventually get to 200).

6. Fix my ED and anxiety I get when I have a woman nude alone with me in bed.

Also as it relates to women, my one final goal.

Get good at approaching and closing women who are my "type".

I have a lot of limiting beliefs about women who are my "type" and often feel that it is ultimately me being my own worst enemy. I want to get out of my own head and approach a lot of women who are my "type" instead of living in my own head and stereotyping them as a group.

Long ways to go guys but I feel that I have a good community around me.
Hey all,

I have been a follower of Andy's youtube channel for a while and know this is a part of my life that I need to conquer. I am a soccer fan and love playing as much as possible. Divorced father having only slept with one woman so a lot of experience to gain.

My goals for 2022:
- get 10 lays
- become confident approaching women
- replace my job with freelance copywriting
- gain 20 pounds of muscle (currently 158 lbs)
-get comfortable going out alone
- build a network of friends in my city (currently moved back home to a growing city)
- learn and play chess regularly
I, BlazinX (Marius), commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Like most guys on here, I came from my first relationship which lasted about 6mths, I'm 27 now and I dumped her because of the crazy shit behaviour I let her undo on me. Way to passive in the relationship and hence blame myself. (Will make another Story) I felt lost for a awhile and I found Andy's reddit thread after searching for ways to up your Tinder game. I have had little success on tinder, few likes but have made the most out of them leading to dates.

Looking to meet like minded guys and people to help me crush my goals. I think getting on here rather than smashing the video games was the right decision and I look to read, improve and ask questions.

Here are my goals and what I would like to improve about myself.

Short Terms Goals
- Up my photography game and photo editing skills!
- Perfect my gym routine
- Read 1 book a month (Progress)
- Be consistent with my diet
- Approach high quality women and get numbers/dates which lead to lays
- Have a better dating profile

Long Term Goals
- Obtain my Dream Physique (Look at close to Ryan Terry as genetically possible)
- Kill it at my work (Reach a senior position)
- Get lays on demand (Be like Andy)
- Build a fucking awesome group of lifelong friends to crush goals with
I, oopswrongtimeline, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

- Lose fat & gain muscle
- Improve social skills
- Gain self-confidence
- Improve physical appearance
I, oopswrongtimeline, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

- Lose fat & gain muscle
- Improve social skills
- Gain self-confidence
- Improve physical appearance
"I, Eternity, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."


  • Get good at online game
    Put on more muscle
    Get a good Instagram presence

Goals: Move out, earn more money, Beat social/approach anxiety, Get laid, Get strong.

I, Rob, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
I, Dmitriy / RussianSlimGuy, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Hello everyone on here.

I am Dmitriy, currently living in Moscow, Russia.
About me:
- 25 years old
- Height 169cm (5.5ft).
- Got some sex experience (been with 11 girls atm), but almost all of it in the last 6 months. Previously been in 2 relationships.
- Working remote as Software Engineer

Found KYIL site 1 year ago and followed Andy's dating advice for about a month. This got me into photography, better profile photos and ultimately to a couple of dates and 1 lay from Tinder. Then I got complacent and switched attention back to my then-girlfriend.

3 months ago I broke up and dedicated myself fully to self-improvement, started listening to podcasts and re-reading articles here.
What I accomplished in these 3 months:
- Started 365 project with photography (68 day atm)- almost entirely based on Andy's project, with the additional min. requirement of writing something about the result.
- Started doing daily/weekly/monthly reviews (by myself).
- Got 2 unique lays/girls from Tinder, 1 of them is current FWB
- Applied Slight Edge principles, started paying attention to "small choices" and established a list of daily tasks (reading books, tinder, journal, etc...), some of which I follow for about 60 days already.
- Going to gym 3 times a week - 3 months reliably (Previously I could skip some days and wasn't as motivated)
Created a clearly-defined workout program. Kept track of my weight & bodyfat. Counted calories/proteins and stuck to a diet plan.

My short term / 2022 year goals:
- Get to 10% bodyfat (currently about 12%). After that bulk myself to 70kg (estimated after current cutting ~61kg) while progressing weights and keeping below 15% BF.
- 30 lays (new different girls) (1 atm)
- Start and finish AA program
- Be able to start talking with strangers and make acquaintances/friends (MUST for travelling)
- Get 5 lays from cold approach.
- Have 3 established FWB simultaneously.
- Fix my health problems - most pressing one is digestive disorder (may be related to next point).
- Do everything I can to fix problems with my face - I have chronic acne from about 19yo. I cannot set more specific goal for this because I don't know if it can be done (tried many things already for 2 years). But I will try everything I can.
- Finish my 365 project. Find a way to monetise and earn something from the experience I get from it.
- Live in 2 other countries for a month each
- Deadlift 100kg (75kg atm)

My long-term (5y) goals:
- Have sex with 200 girls
- 5000$/mo passive or self-employed income
- Live in 10 other countries for a month each, choose one of them and move there.
- Deadlift 150kg
Hey all, Johny here
I, Johny, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I’m 27
I live in Southern California

I’ve been in two long term relationships, one that ended a year ago.
My goal is to explore more casual relationships this year since I haven’t really had that before.
Johny B yo dude, a profile pic of yourself is required to post on here (can be cropped or blurred)

please rectify or i have to ban your account
Updated, I thought I had done it when I signed up but it looks like it didn’t go through the first time.
Johny B all good man

I restored your first thread. Deleted it just as a precaution cause sometimes guys go make a ton of posts and have no intention of following this rule