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  1. RussianSlimGuy

    Dim's Daily Progress Log

    Logs 2023 10/22 - 10/29 Overall this week-ish period was great. Not many "actionable" actions. But instead many events and steps forward - tattoo, new workout planning, organization of my environment, good work effort and a lot of gratitude and enjoyment. I may worry that I don't "do" much -...
  2. RussianSlimGuy

    Dim's Daily Progress Log

    15.10 ! Moda on - Slept for 5.5h, tired after yesterday obviously, coffee & hot shower to prop me up - Good brekkie, a bit of gratitude and mindfulness - Gym AMAZING. Listening to podcast and feeling good - Compiled a list of my current projects - Met and talked with a friend for 2 hrs - Went...
  3. RussianSlimGuy

    Dim's Daily Progress Log

    14.10 Overall - awesome day! So much effort! Im glad that I did it all today _ Planned: gym, diet review & planning, looking good and going OUT of the gouse for a couple of hours, going to a bar in the evening for half an hour ! Moda on Actions: _ Out for 2 hours: = Reflections and 1...
  4. RussianSlimGuy

    Dim's Daily Progress Log

    13.10 - Wrote last reports on forums - Went on to see a friend/fwb - Went to a meetup - Read book and focusing myself on next steps - Went to bar hangout with meetup girls crew, practiced talking (not much but had a bit of success) - Almost went with them to club to continue my efforts, but we...
  5. RussianSlimGuy

    Dim's Daily Progress Log

    Review of last days 09.10 - A lot of sleep / slow relaxed start - Inbody test. About 62kgs/11%bf. - Slowly ending my cut. Switching closer to maintenance 2000 cal - Watching dating / convos guides / approach motivation 10.10 - Crashed for the whole day today - Decided not to go to the gym...
  6. RussianSlimGuy

    Dim's Daily Progress Log

    Log 08.10 - Recovering after nighttime effort of last days - Great gym workout - Was physically exhausted but went on to meet an acquaintance - which turned into an amazing date with very important changes to my mindset Firstly, I once again saw that there are people who would want to help and...
  7. RussianSlimGuy

    Dim's Daily Progress Log

    07.10 log Main: BLEJA, - Bar stage: success Warmup + 2 convos in total (if I can call it that, I mostly had no idea what to say and be interesting) Though at the end was surrounded by 3 making out pairs and everyone was like 30cm higher than me, it was discouraging but also hilarious Got...
  8. RussianSlimGuy

    Dim's Daily Progress Log

    Likewise! Many priorities changed from the end of coaching, but I'm ready for another sprint forward. Budapest and meeting with you there in particular was the tipping point. Really appreciate that!
  9. RussianSlimGuy

    Dim's Daily Progress Log

    06.10 log Main: - The Bar/club lays project (called it BLEJA) Day 4. Bars: Went to bar, danced, eventually tried to talk with a girl who seemed receptive but I completely froze and couldn't say anything. Said I don't know what to say, she said the same and left lol. Saw two girls hanging out...
  10. RussianSlimGuy

    Dim's Daily Progress Log

    25.03 log - went out on the street for 7 hours today. No approaches, but stayed out and tried until complete exhaustion - read/listened to more content for cold approach motivation and techniques - recorded vid - adjusted diet to start eating again and regain energy tomorrow - tinder/bumble as...
  11. RussianSlimGuy

    Dim's Daily Progress Log

    24.03 log - recorded 364p vid - went out on the street approach girls for 3 hours. No approaches but stayed out there - boost tinder - went to meetup. Sat next to awesome girls there and tried to talk. Couldn't do much and got lightheaded from talking loudly. - then went out with them and some...
  12. RussianSlimGuy

    Dim's Daily Progress Log

    17.03, successes: - went to social meetup (first time in a month) for 3 hours and talked with people as much as I could - recorded 2 vids for 365p - used boost on Tinder - made this post, let go of "having to explain" all of last month
  13. RussianSlimGuy

    Dim's Daily Progress Log

    To mention the other events of last days: - Recording videos for 365p, at 2 days of buffers currently - Posted 2 articles on my blog, and worked on some drafts as well - That virgin girl that "quit" me 2 weeks ago - I am warming up to her again. I probably will see her soon, still carefully...
  14. RussianSlimGuy

    Dim's Daily Progress Log

    Feb 9-12 I have a huge update about these last days and my situation with T Lord Rey Thanks for the insight - you were totally right. I definitely wrote the last post in weird state - I was torn between wanting this girl closer in my life and my life's purpose. I was overwhelmed by...
  15. RussianSlimGuy

    Dim's Daily Progress Log

    Feb7/8 I am tired. I cannot wake up at 3:30 anymore. It seems early sleep schedules so easily break when there is nothing to look forward to next day. I am going to sleep with the thought of sleep - and not being eager to start the next day. I don't really want to wake up, at least early...
  16. RussianSlimGuy

    Dim's Daily Progress Log

    Day Review: 2023-02-06 I still feel low energy for some reason. Couldn't keep going at 3:30, slept till 8. Had some breakfast, wrote a journal. I still worry a lot about my life/dating situation - getting too obsessed with intimacy and missing it. I practice a lot of times to let go of it, it...
  17. RussianSlimGuy

    Dim's Daily Progress Log

    Feb 4-5 updates: Just list of some events for now - Went to FWB and had good sex. She loves our sex and makes so much effort to add some kinks in it, even if I don't have energy to think about it before. So grateful to her - Had a lot of thoughts about talking about relationship/sex with T...
  18. RussianSlimGuy

    Dim's Daily Progress Log

    Resuming posing, as much as I can Had a rough week. Couldn't muster to do proper review. So these are highlights, some I talked before, some are new (wrote locally, but had no energy to post): ___ Jan 27-29 - Novisad Trip Highlights - I finally went to Novisad - where I wanted to go for 7...
  19. RussianSlimGuy

    Dim's Daily Progress Log

    Day Review: 2023-01-26 (1) Mindset progress - Still feel effects of yesterday decision to "get away" from all pressure, decision making and control. Even though it is still 2 days until the weekend, when I decided that I will make this trip - the veil was lifted. I felt so light and happy...
  20. RussianSlimGuy

    Dim's Daily Progress Log

    Day Review: 2023-01-25 Today's group call was very insightful - so many things I will use in the following weeks. First of them - I am gonna have a complete break from everything this weekend - and I mean EVERYTHING this time. I have cancelled all my previous plans. I am going to go to...