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  1. ninjaboynaru

    Photoshoot Feedback - Should Be Better Now?

    Thanks, man. I'll definitely try for another gym shoot some time without pockets. I was in a rush and a bit embarrassed about the whole thing lol.
  2. ninjaboynaru

    Photoshoot Feedback - Should Be Better Now?

    My 5th and 6th photo shoots Took some new photos with advice from previous posts and my own learning. One is a cool guy street-type shoot, the other is a gym shoot. Please let me know what you think, if any of them are profile ready, and if you have any photography or shooting advice...
  3. ninjaboynaru

    Updated Profile - BDSM photo Y/N?

    I'm a bit late to the party but I just wanted to say that a lot of your photos are really good. Amazing work dude. Also, congrats on the physique. I too have issues with over or underexposed shots when shooting. One thing I discovered is "bracketing" where your camera will take 3 consecutive...
  4. ninjaboynaru

    Rate Ninja's Photos - Ninja Shoot

    What I'm gathering is that each photo should have a specific goal. To communicate something about myself and therefore give off a "Guy who fucks" type of vibe or whatever vibe I chose. And ideally, all my photos would come together to contribute to that vibe. I'll try that out for my next shoot.
  5. ninjaboynaru

    Rate Ninja's Photos - Ninja Shoot

    Ninjas Photo shoot #2 It's hard to judge my own photos after I've been looking at them for so long. Please tell me what you think and which ones I should put on Tinder. NOTE: I know the lighting is bad in some of them. I can edit that later. Thank you
  6. ninjaboynaru

    Noself’s AA Program Log Day 46: Milestone Day

    Wow, man. I'm so happy for you. I really am. Reading your post kind of makes me feel a sense of shame for slacking off in my drills but also inspires me a bit. Thank You
  7. ninjaboynaru

    Day 9 - AA Program

    Fucking proud of you man! Knocking out progress one baby step at a time, day by day. Though I would recommend trying to get multiple sets and reps in at a time when you can, so you can take advantage of the momentum.
  8. ninjaboynaru

    Day 9 - AA Program

    Crimson Welcome back man. I'm only a few days ahead of you. Wasn't to long ago I was on D8. Send one of us your number and we'll add you to the WhatsApp group
  9. ninjaboynaru

    Should You Use Enhancers For Approach Anxiaty

    bonzo34 I never have either, just heard of it
  10. ninjaboynaru

    Should You Use Enhancers For Approach Anxiaty

    Agreed. While using state enchanters occasionally is fine, the vast majority of this needs to be done sober.
  11. ninjaboynaru

    Should You Use Enhancers For Approach Anxiaty

    Regarding approach anxiety and the approach anxiety challenge, would it hurt your progress to use anti-anxiety drugs and supplements during the drills? I'm thinking that your body has to experience anxiety during the AA drills in order for the drills/exposure therapy to work. I'm thinking about...
  12. ninjaboynaru

    Ninja Conquers Approach Anxiety

    All content move to private members-only forum
  13. ninjaboynaru

    Noself’s AA Program Log Day 46: Milestone Day

    Holy fuck man, you're on a roll. I'm happy for you. I'm struggling with Day 14 High Five and looked back at your FR for that day to give me a bit of inspiration. Keep it up.
  14. ninjaboynaru

    Tinder Profile Rating

    My humble opinion (NOTE, I'm just starting out) 1. Every photo should add value. A single photo that is "meh" can ruin the whole profile. I'm talking about the one in the top right and bottom left 2. From my understanding, having a decent photo with at least two other attactive women in it is a...
  15. ninjaboynaru

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    Welcome to the community Amir. Start small, slow, and humble, and keep momentum. We look forward to seeing your progress.