Noself’s AA Program Log Day 46: Milestone Day

Total: 16 girls (16/40 girls)
After a bit of a halt to the program because of my car I came back today to do some drills. Felt a littleeeee rusty but once I got in there everything started to comeback in motion, today you have to introduce yourself. similar to a cold approach. Since you're saying your name many girls will think it is a cold approach but you have to leave which is honestly the worst part of the drill because it feels like you're leading girls on and you are. First rep was on a chick that sat down with her friend while I was eating at the food court, I told myself after I eat I will start drills and alas I did that. She just said thank you, uhhhh..... can't remember a lot of the girls but one girl was at a self-checkout and I got behind the wall that divides it from the rest of the store, had to wave and said "excuse me" then said the line. She just died inside and said that I made her day, she had the cutest glasses on too. For the funny reaction today there was a girl that was walking behind me at the entrance of a store, I had turned around to do the drill and she just said thank you while she was on the phone. Then since I was planning to go into the store to do drills I basically followed her inside and she got creeped and start to speed-walk towards the bathroom while talking on her phone. Did feel a slight bit of AA after but still got more reps in the store. Why did that bother me a little?, fuck. For the second set which is harder, it is the beginning of a cold approach introduction, saying your name then leaving. Some girls said there names, some just left, one girl offered me a handshake and out of instinct I complied but I just left afterwards, I broke her heart she was so excited to talk to me but fuck the drill is the drill. Main things for today, are-- yes this is creepy, this is what Week 4 was trying to prepare you for, just sulk it in. Missed a good 3 or 4 girls that I felt like I should've approached, sleep matters-- didn't get a good sleep last night.
Total: 26 girls (42/40 girls)
Made it hard on myself and said that I was not going to return home without completing this day today. After 2 days of suffering the worst migraines of my life I went back to drills. The day was slow in the beginning my AA really high, the rust was showing but I managed to push through even after I sat down a couple of times, contemplating quitting. Fuck this is the only time in the program I’ve thought that, it was a slight train of thought but I can’t fucking quit, I’m so close. I don’t know I’m still struggling a little with accepting this new aspect of myself, I was saying why does a man have to go out and search for girls, why doesn’t he just let things happen “naturally”. But I told myself that, this is a fantasy, you have to prove to yourself that you can do this because you’ve downplayed your value since your past failings. Every time you talk to a girl your subconscious is going to say no you can’t do this, because x or z chick rejected you. Fuck man, I’m just tired of being sexually repressed, there is this notion that we can’t see this side of ourselves that great shames comes from admitting to another stranger that they’re attractive, where did I get this idea? Why can’t we see that we’re animals, gods with anuses, I felt a great deal of shame from telling people that I was doing this program in my personal life. I didn’t possibly want people to see this log and make fun of me, this all arose after attending a sexual harassment briefing, I felt shame but why? Why?
Onto the actual day, fun day especially when girls are receptive 1 amazing reaction outweighs 20 bad reactions. It just feels fucking good to be seen, seen by another female and acknowledged after I acknowledge her. One girl said you “look really good yourself”, others have the high-pitch thank you’s that just fucking melt your heart man. One funny occurrence happened when I approached a girl whose husband was walking in an aisle to my left, tried to do drill on her but didn’t get my name as she put up her hand showing her ring, I smiled at her husband and just waved lol. Another one was when I walked into a store and did the drill on a worker but there was a girl that was walking behind me who’d I already did the drill on, walking with her bf or husband, I could hear them talking about me saying something like “that guy called me…… he’s doing it on everybody.” It is tricky to stop the girls and to keep their attention so you can say your name, so that is the difficult aspect of the drill. But overall good day after 2 days off, we’re almost there.
It's crazy how this thread isn't given more credit.

You're almost there man. Big congrats and very inspiring log.
Total: 11 girls (11/40 girls)
Just watch the fucking video.
Total: 32 girls (43/40 girls)
Approached probably 40+ girls today but only counted 32 proper reps, I felt like a god today. Still the first rep took a long fucking time, 20 minutes, fuck….. the first rep is always the hardest. But once I got the first rep in bam… I started to get rolling. A lot of girls would either walk away or say they were engaged before I could get the whole drill in. Hi-fives don’t phase me since I did a shit ton of hi-fives from those previous days. I approach more now in the center aisle of the malls instead of going to individual stores which is weird because you would think that would be harder since you have to stop a girl walking towards you. I’m frustrated with my ‘get in there’ time maybe I’ll do some of the first few days over again to train that ability more. As for the day, jeez where do we start, a lot of good reactions shit man you feel like you can control the world and talk to anybody. Notable good reactions, one girl chased me down and found me seating down after I did the drill on her, then she gave me her IG and number without me asking, technically I didn’t ask for it so……. yeah. Another girl was so fucking happy that I approached and wanted to continue the conversation but I had to leave, fuck man it’s so hard not getting their numbers. It’s just more motivation to finish, another girl was the same way but again I left. There were a lot of good reactions but I can’t remember them all, one bad reaction I got when approached a girl that was being sold a product by a kiosk worker, I barged right in and she just stared at me the whole time, a death stare. The guy said something but I can’t remember. Another instance happened like this at another mall when I tried to approach one girl but she didn’t stay for the whole drill, there were guys behind me that saw it and one of them said “my man.” The pure god mode moment that I had was when I approached one girl with her friend, did the drill and hi-five, then literally 3 secs I stopped this girl walking by, touching her arm then said the you’re cute/my name is line. This was right in front of the previous girls, just a IDGAF moment that I’m proud of, and this girl was probably the most attractive girl that I approached today, I just felt like I commanded this shit. I have a sense of entitlement now, like people have no idea what I’ve been through or where my confidence comes from but best believe that I grinned for this shit man and it’s almost mines. I’m still a little geeked on approaching in all-girls stores, gotta fix that.
Total: 1 girl (1/20 girls)
While I was shopping at Walmart I stopped a girl in the middle of a checkout line that was walking towards me and just said the first rep (Hey, wait a second, you're cute), she said thank you. I got other things to do today so I will continue tomorrow.
Holy fuck man, you're on a roll.
I'm happy for you.

I'm struggling with Day 14 High Five and looked back at your FR for that day to give me a bit of inspiration. Keep it up.
Total: 25 girls (26/20 girls)
I feel entitled as fuck man, AA was so low and got into a flow state. The flow state is real when you get it, I can't explain it, everything from your past goes away and you can't think of the future. Everything for today was blur, I can't remember every girl, there were many girls who I did several reps for but couldn't get the whole drill done, hi-fives feel really fucking good, it's crazy how the hi-five days gave me so much anxiety but this shit is becoming a breeze. I am slowly working my way into approaching more girls in all-girls stores, I did one approach in one today and another in Day 40. I feel more in control of a conversation now, during the beginning you sound like a robot with no emotion because the lines that Chris gives you are not genuine and not really your self. But now in the drills I feel like I can smile more, troll more in a playful manner towards the girls, and I'm becoming aware of my body language becoming more relaxed in the situation. I approached one girl in front of a Chick-fil-A stand and just felt in complete control of the conversation, following her as she walked in line and continued to talked to her. One approach in a GARAGE, I started to troll the girl as she didn't know what time it was and I said "fuck it" pulled out my phone then continued to ask for the directions and the hi-five, a pure IDGAF moment. Just another day it seems like, it's becoming so effortless to do these drills now. What do you guys think about chasing after a girl that is far away from you? I usually leave them be because I don't feel like chasing them down and running after them but I missed an opportunity with probably the most attractive girl I saw today even though she had acne.
Total: 5 girls (5/20 girls)
AA was the highest it had been for awhile, the first hour pretty much all the girls that I approached ignored me. The first rep the girl didn’t even say anything back, other girls didn’t stay for the whole drill which is expected. Pretty much if approach from the front in busy area it is impossible to get the whole drill in. A lot of girls seem turned off by the opener, being direct asf, it is fairly direct with no opportunity for the other girl to I guess introduce herself. All the thoughts about my past came back, I would look at couples and honestly envy them, why am I this way? I kept asking myself. Am I just cursed? How the fuck did that guy meet that girl? He must’ve just been lucky. These were thoughts that were invading my mind the whole time. I had to stop to get some good for some energy because I didn’t eat much before the drills. I found that made my AA worse and literally went an hour and some change without fucking approaching. The thoughts kept coming back, is this how guys are supposed to meet girls of not? I don’t have the benefit of social circle and there no girls at work, so I have really no choice but to do this. I managed to get 4 more reps in succession, one rep being on the most attractive girl that I’ve approached in the program. Here body was the perfect mix of thickness, not too sloppy but she was surprisingly very receptive, I fucking wanted to get her number so bad man, goodddddd damnnnn I gotta finish so I can start cold approaching. I saw her in the middle of the mall but I had to catch up to her and she started walking faster, I don’t know if she noticed me or if my mind was just talking. I said “fuck it” and approached another chick that was walking towards me but she said she had to go and couldn’t stay for the whole drill. Now for the other chick, I really wanted to find her and I found her in an Urban Outfitters then made my approach, this was a nice mini-win for the shit day today. But we’ll still keep pushing tomorrow.
Total: 15 girls (20/20 girls)
Decided to go to the city for some street approaches, since it was the weekend of St. Patrick's Day, everybody was out walking. I did some other days as a redo before these drills so I definitely had social momentum prior to these sets of drills. I felt sluggish going into the city but I decided to meditate for 10 minutes prior to jumping out of my car, this just gave me a burst of energy and I felt cocky. Cocky-ness is something that I'm starting to feel, I'm starting to feel like a fuckboy because this shit is just fucking badass, this is every man's dream. Every man's dream to just go up to any hot girl and to shoot your shot, still the doubts of if this is the right thing to do kept creeping up on me. I would constantly think about how my "friends" "acquaintances" meet girls, am I just unlucky? Do I have to be an extrovert? Why can't I just be an extrovert? These were the thoughts rumbling in my head. While driving in the city, stopped at a traffic light I rolled down my window to tell a girl that she was cute. She laughed and smiled, I felt very instinctual today giving into my masculine desires which have been repressed for some time. Carl Jung has the a theory talking about how the things you hate the most in other people are actually your repressed desires, it makes sense the ego is meant to protect us and the ego is on constant surveillance to look out for threats. This is why I am doing this program because I want to see my other side, the shadow side, fuck it we all die once and I view self-improvement as a wholistic journey of the human self. Sex was just one of those deficiencies and the story of having no sex is so ingrained that I have that fucking nice guy syndrome. Onto the drills. Got to the parking lot and immediately got in there on a girl that was walking towards me below a bridge, said the opener but she walked right past me laughing. I didn't feel anything compared to yesterday, the fight-or-flight was so high yesterday. The first proper rep was on a girls within a group of her friends, walked only to her and said the opener plus the handshake, she said she had a bf but that it was nice meeting me. As I walked away my fucking shoulders were just strong as shit, I felt badass as fuck especially since I did it in front of friends. As I left her I could hear her friends screaming in an excitement tone which just gave me more confidence. Next rep, can't remember. Really was just a blur since I attempted about 25-30 girls, but notable interactions including one rep where I approached a girl who kept saying she a bf that was inside the restaurant they were at, she I didn't give a fuck and demanded a handshake and the time. "Just give me the damn time" I said being persistent as she said she had a bf about 5 fucking times. There was a rep where the girl was sitting down at an outside bar with her friends and I just lunged over the table, pointing at her saying you're cute. She laughed, along with her friends. I'm starting to love approaching groups of girls because they always get excited and gas me up, I shouldn't care about the reactions but it's just something I'm starting to notice. Another rep was pretty hilarious as walked up to a girl that was jumping out of her Uber lol, literally seconds after she jumps out the first thing she sees is me. Very receptive girl, she really wanted to talk to me but nope denied. This is an important day in the program because this felt like a formal introduction compared to the rest of Week 6 where it just felt like "cat-calling" I guess or being the gay guy best friend that tries to make friends with random girls. But a huge day for me after the terrible day of 42a.

Total: 2 girls (2/21 girls)
Managed to knock out 2 reps on girls that were screaming at each other to go to a bar and I just slid myself in there to both of them to get the reps in.
Here are some redo days.

Day 4 redone: TIME?
Total: 5 girls (5/5 girls)
Piss easy.

Day 5 redone: TIME BUT FASTER
Total: 10 girls (10/10 girls)
First set: 4 minutes
Second set: 1 minute 18 seconds

Total: 6 girls (21/15 girls)
Drill is boring at this point.

Day 28, 1 extra set: NERD GLASSES
Total: 4 girls (21/16 girls)(1 challenge)
Came back to do another set of this to omit workers, compared to the first try it was piss easy and finished this set in 5 minutes.

Day 22, 1 extra set: SUSPENDERS
Total: 5 girls (20/15 girls)(4 challenges)
Again, did another set to omit workers, boring drill at this point one group of girls walked away before I could get the whole drill and stumbled up my words.
Total: 9 girls (11/21 girls)
AA was mighty high for this day, it is pretty hard to get girls to stop after the initial ask for the hi-five. The hi-fives are getting hard to get out of them for some reason, unless I just appear weird to them. I don't fully remember everything but the notable reps were on one girl who was walking away from me and walked back my direction, I put up my hand for the hi-five, got it but just completely fucking blanked out on which rep I was on. I just froze forgetting what to say, such a god damn shame. This was written after a couple of days since the drill, so my memory is a little foggy, refer to the video for my initial reaction after the day.
Cool vlog bro, your voice is masculine as fuck bro. Props for going through this program.
Total: 0 girls (11/21 girls)
1 total attempt today, got rejected by getting an elbow bump and not getting a handshake. My AA gets extremely high in low populated places…. Fuck man…. So frustrated with myself for not approaching one chick. Fuck fuck fuck
You’ll have your bad and good days. Low volume days do suck. What I would do during those days would just give compliments to anyone I would come across (men, unattractive women) just to keep social momentum going. Then do the drill on a hot girl whenever I spotted one.
Total: 10 girls (21/21 girls)
Stayed locally for these sets of drills which is always hard because of the low volume within my town, but I wanted to try and see if I could finish it using places nearby. Got in there after 3 minutes of walking into the Walmart on 2 girls but got instantly shut down, I tried asking for the hi-five a couple of times but to no avail, the girl just stared at me then walked away. First proper rep was on an African chick who was surprisingly nice, I thought from the looks of her that she was going to respond terrible to the drill, I had to approach her from behind to properly get her attention too. 2nd rep was a girl pushing her cart in the frozen food section, the "you're cute" line is so natural now and is as simple as asking for the time. 3rd rep was a girl walking into the store with her cart, grabbed her attention and she paused for a second asking why she should give me a hi-five, but thankfully I convinced her enough to give me one. I believe I left the Walmart after this rep or after a 4th girl then went to a Five-Below to get the most notable reaction of the day on a girl who just had a great vibe thinking that she was being recorded for a prank but I convinced her to give me the hi-five and handshake, we were just both laughing at each other because of the drill, really cool girl. Next I went to the local mall and got one rep down, for this rep it was just instantaneous, I just saw the girl out the corner of my eye for one sec and had no hesitation whatsoever. There was an attempt in a Dick's Sporting Goods on a girl that had an amazing body that I had to chase down, she was on the phone but refused to give the hi-five, but I'm proud that I chased her down to get an attempt. Last 4 reps, 2 were on girls in a Target and 2 in a Wal-mart, 2 of them were workers, could not find anybody as it was about 8:30 in the evening on a weekday, but one girl in Target said that I really made her day and chuckled during the drill, same for a girl in Wal-mart that talked to an employee after the drill, presumably talking about what I just did. Overall this day was really about pulling fucking teeth for the hi-fives, I don't know if I'm just giving off a shitty vibe but it was very hard to convince girls to follow along with the drill, again this is destroying my outcome dependence because of the amount of girls that will just blow you off. Onto Day 44.
SpongeBob said:
Don't you think you have what it takes to do real approaches now ?
Yeah I do this program is slightly becoming annoying because you’ll have a lot of girls this week that are into you but you can’t get the number.
Then you should just go for it. The goal in the end is to do real approaches.

Be careful not to use this program as an excuse to not approach in the end, think it's easy to fall in the "comfort" trap to hide behind the drills.

You're doing great though