Noself’s AA Program Log Day 46: Milestone Day

Day 33c: MR.CLUMSY
Total: 6 girls (17/20 girls)
Came into the mall late and did 9 attempts but only 6 girls stayed long enough to allow me to do the whole drill. The drill is fucking awkward saying all these lines that make no sense, I’m getting tired of it because it’s so non-authentic and not genuine. I sound like a robot doing this drill because it’s not aligned with my personality. But, alas that is the point to just be fucking weird, just accept it I can’t run anywhere else from doing this shit. I got 1 challenge in today and got 3 more challenges to go, the reactions were neutral. Most girls just were confused, 3 of them didn’t give me enough. I missed out on a good, 5 attractive girls walking towards me, those approaches are always the hardest because they can easily just walk by you. I felt like I regressed a little today, what the fuck maybe it’s sleep, my mind doesn’t want this for me. Why, 20-something years of social programming saying that the only way to get girls, is to rely on compound interest traits (style, fitness, money, status, dominant behavior) these are all important but these drills strip that away from you, you are just a nobody out there. Fuck.. fuck… fuck… why the fuck is my mind always thinking back to what society deems is normal, when the shit doesn’t fucking hold true. I’m fucking complaining real hard right now, but fuck this is my log and I want to show you guys the journey in full. AA came back high after the last attempt where the girl walked away from me when I couldn’t finish. That messed with my mind the rest of the day and came home disappointed, I’ll finish this day tomorrow after a nice sleep and get some extra reps in.
Good shit man.
Seeing you this far in the program, dealing with anxiety, fear, and missed opportunities, but you still keep going is reassuring.
Day 33d: MR.CLUMSY
Total: 7 girls (24/20 girls)(4 challenges)
I can't remember everything that happened but I finally finished this day, was more harder than I thought but I got it done. All of the girls normally try to walk away very fast after the initial questions, which makes it very awkward. Last rep was the 3rd rep prompt and the girl walked away from me before I could get the "I have to be more careful" in, I just called it the end of day 33 there. This day went way smoother than yesterday as I would able to approach really hot girls today, so my mind was in a better place today. I think I did 10 attempts in total to try to get the challenges in and the other reps.

Total: 3 girls (3/12 girls)
Fuck this shit, fucking cocksucking piece of shit drill, it's not as bad as some of the Week 4 shit, but my fucking god is this awkward. I talked to 7 girls for this drill but only 3 let me in for the entire drill, again I can't remember everything that happen but I'm proud of myself for the first rep because I got in there and started the drill on the first girl as I sat down, walked up behind her, said excuse me then rained hell on her with the drill, she laughed and said "no I do not hear a phone ringing." Next rep was on a girl who I later found out was a store worker but I didn't know until after when I saw at a cashier, but I fucked up the verbiage and said "I think I hear your phone ringing" instead of the correct prompt, didn't count it. Next one was on a girl sitting down eating food, and I just did the first rep of the set because I forgot to compliment her, I'll just count this rep for another set, next girl was standing outside a Zara, got the correct verbiage in, then she chuckled a little. Next 4 attempts were all short-lived as the girls walked past me, god it was just so awkward, cringe-inducing, this drill is only to be done on individual girls with nobody around them. In the mall today the girls rarely shopped by themselves so it was looking for scrapes trying to find solo girls.
-test, Does anybody know how to change the title of the log? I'm trying to update it to the corresponding day I'm on.
Noself said:
-test, Does anybody know how to change the title of the log? I'm trying to update it to the corresponding day I'm on.

I don't believe there is one. If there was, the UI for it would be obvious.
You could start a new log
Total: 9 girls (12/12 girls)
Did the rest of the approaches today, started off slow as I was able to get in there but the next 2 reps were grinders. The second rep consisted of a lady that asked "what is wrong with you?" After the first three reps I took a break to eat and recharge, but when I came back from I completed the rest of the drill in 30 minutes, being selective on choosing girls by themselves. The next 6 reps were a blur but the same old, same old happened; confused, weirded out and laughing. I did multiple reps in a Target on girls that had multiple people surrounding me, the Target was quiet and I know other people were watching but I just had a fuck it mentality. The last girl, was actually receptive, she chuckled a little, but was shy looking down at her shopping cart, there were some pauses as I was trying to remember the lines but they eventually came out, again it was in front of multiple people. I feel satisfied with this day and look forward to moving onto Day 35.
Day 35: YOU MAD BRO?
Total: 20 girls (20/16 girls)(1 challenge)
Fairly aggressive day, not the easiest but not the most brutal, I found that the time question made it easier to approach compared to yesterday where you're just annoying. Most of the reactions were pretty bad, stingy looks, girls not knowing what I said, girls saying "I'm not mad", girls walking away, girls not even stopping to talk to you. Despite this I made it through, with a couple of breaks in between sets, I try to hammer through these drills but sometimes you did need a break to just meditate and catch your breath. About half of the approaches today were on girls walking past me in the mall, like face to face having to stop her to get her attention by walking in front of her. I'm starting give less of a fuck by doing that approach and there was one rep where I did it on a girl behind me riding the escalator, then when I got off the escalator I approached a girl that was walking by in clear view of the girl behind me that I just approached. On some of the reps when the girls were about to walk away I would yell "You mad bro?" and other people would've clearly heard it. Satisfied with this day as I dealt with some AA on my breaks but I still got it done.

Total: 7 girls (7/15 girls)
This day is a breeze compared to anything this week, again we have the time, which has been drilled into us the whole program but with the added compliments. Even though they are prescribed compliments, I feel more genuine compared to the rest of Week 5. The time reps are easy, to experiment I approached a girl and asked for the time clearly with my phone in my ear and watch clearly visible on my wrist, she still gave me the time as I gave her the compliment (I like your shirt). Next rep was in Zara on two girls (counting as 1 approach) where I gave the compliments (shirt, shoes). Next girl was sitting down and had a green sweater with patterns, and she was so nice as I showered her with compliments, as I left she said "aw, I'm getting all the compliments today!" Next girl, I walked with her as I asked for the time, then the compliments then the purse verbiage, even though she didn't have one, it was pretty hilarious because she looked down at her arms like "what?" 6th girl, can't remember, but the next girl was fucking hot, wearing a cropped tank top and had curly hair down to her shoulders, I did have slight AA as I circled the store once but said fuck it, went past a store worker who asked if I needed help, I said "no, I'm just looking" then I just approached the girl, then just fucking left.
Clock in and clock out is a mantra that I'm having in my mind while doing the program, all you just gotta do is show up, grind, then leave, just like the weight room.

Days I'm thinking of repeating:
Day 11, (cause I didn't totally "get in there" for the time reps)
Day 16 (skipped because of COVID, and the two hi-five days before, my reps consisted of mostly stationary girls)
Day 17 (for fun and to do the challenge)
Total: 10 girls (17/15 girls)(1 challenge)
By far, the easiest day of Week 5 so far, this is the easiest day since Week 3 probably. I was an animal today, holy fuck every attractive girl I saw I went and approached. This was a fun day too because I felt way more genuine, the previous days are so out of line with my personality and felt fake as fuck. God I felt really good complimenting the girls because they would blush or be really receptive. Holy fuck, this was an easy day, but a life-changing one as well because you’re actually making another human feel good. Most of the girls had really dope hairstyles too and when you’re paying attention you start to notice that. I don’t know how to explain it but you start to see the subtle differences in each girl, like they are unique in their own aspect. One girl, had a light pink leather jacket with a floral print shirt underneath and a blonde/black hair cut, so fucking cool. I went to the bathroom later on and saw a girl right in front of me resting on a shopping cart. Her body looked amazing from behind, holy fuck, it was like I gave myself permission to appreciate her curves and gave into my primitive instinct of being sexually attracted to her. I did the drill on her and she was really receptive, thanking me for all the compliments. I’m starting to learn it is okay to be attracted to women (sounds weird) but let me explain, all my life I’ve dealt with a father that was never really there for me and abused my mother, so I fell into ‘nice guy syndrome.’ The thinking behind this I guess is that you shouldn’t be I guess ‘direct’ with your intentions, that’s what society has told me, that’s what the girls around me would gossip about, I can hear them now, “ugh this guy approached me at the store today, that dude is so thirsty.” But this is not about getting a girl for me, (well it is) but it is about me giving myself permission to express my sexual self, which is apart of every human being. Society tells us not to do this, but I’ve felt like shit for 23 years listening to that advice. One girl, I approached from behind had a cropped laced top that was dope and had nice glasses, I made her blush. Last girl, was the challenge, I did eight compliments on her, the 4 default ones then, nice glasses, nice piercing, nice mask, nice pants, she laughed the whole time and said thank you, appreciate it, the whole time.
Total: 20 girls (20/20 girls)(0 challenges)
Wanted to return back to this day because I originally skipped it before due to my mind using COVID as an excuse and my previous hi-fives were done on mostly stationary girls anyways. This day was easy as hell, done in 15 minutes and all the girls for this day were very receptive. I wanted to originally get a challenge done on one girl that was smoking a cigarette but she threw the cigarette away before I could get to here. I "got in there" for the first rep in a bookstore, got denied and received an air-five instead. Then I started going ham, upstairs in the bookstore by just walking up to the girls gesturing for the hi-five. Everything was such a blur I can't remember everything but I approached 3 girls at once and asked for the hi-five, then one girl that was pushing her shopping cart in Target on the phone, after her I did the girl in front of her. After this the final 2 approaches were girls standing together, knocked both of them out as they began laughing when I left. The day made me reflect a lot on my growth during the program, I do regret not logging as much for the first 2 1/2 weeks, because these logs are fun to look back on. I felt like a god during this day, holy fuck.

Total: 13 girls (13/12 girls)(1 challenge)
I wanted to come back to this to challenge myself and not to do it on workers, but also because this day is funny as hell. I completed this drill in 15 minutes and felt fucking amazing, I knocked out 2 reps on girls sitting in the food court. One girl was by herself and the other was 2 girls sitting with a dude (counts as one approach), next were I believe 4 reps in the bookstore, then 1 girl that I stopped walking in the middle of the mall who was with a girl pushing a stroller. The last 5 reps were done in a Target, the reactions you get are just confusion and the girls staring into your soul. They think something is mentally wrong with you, one girl, I fucked around with her boyfriend beside her saying "I'm in 5th grade still, so I want to practice ABCs on y'all." Another approach the girls were laughing hysterically but I just left to not entertain them, the challenge was on a girl walking by the Target, I stopped her and singed the ABCs only two times before she left, her face was the most funniest thing I've seen in the program. Super fun day, I don't know why Brandon hates this day so much.
Wow man, my respect. Few men are able to do what you're doing. You'll become a master of approaching if you keep this path. My best wishes
Day 11 (4th and 5th set) REDONE: MR.NOSEY
Total: 13 girls (25/20 girls)
Went back to this day to redo the 4th and 5th set because I didn’t get totally in there for time on the first rep. Day was tedious, probably because of just shear boredom from repeating asking for the time and having bullshit dialogue with the girls. One notable rep happened when I was in an H&M and did the drill on two girls standing together, after I got done with them I moved on to a girl that was 10 feet away for the get in there time rep but the previous girls saw me do it on her. The previous girls then tried to pull their friend away from me so I couldn’t complete the rep. Slightly messed me up, but I did the drill on a girl in like 10 secs that was standing in front of the mirror. I felt really free today and met two kids dicking around in a store, I told them I was asking people for the time and I told them how so many people had an attitude when I would ask them for the time. One of the kids then said, “yeah everybody here is selfish or has an attitude around here, you can’t even ask for the time like that no more.” I told the kids about the AA Program, and they wanted to challenge themselves, so I just told them to ask for the time (I don’t know if this counts, but I wasn’t planning on meeting them and they just tagged along from afar as I did some reps). I ask for the time on one chick and her boyfriend answered for her, then the kid came after and told the chick she had an attitude, the chick then flipped out on this kid and I just heard a bunch of “FUCKS” maybe a “GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY FACE.” The kid then asked what day was the hardest so far, I said Day 26, then he said “oh fuck no I can’t do that” then I said to try the hi-five day. I can’t lie the kid is open to experiences and tried to get hi-fives from several girls but got rejected hard, I got one on tape. But this day was tedious and I don’t think I can stand to ask for the time ever again.

Random Kid

Random Kid Gets Hi-Five
Total: 20 girls (20/20 girls)
I’m at a lost for words, I didn’t feel anything during this drill compared to Days 21 and 30 this was a fucking breeze. The drill was accomplished in about 15 minutes, I did wait for about 10 minutes until I started the drill but it didn’t feel like AA, I just wanted to relax for a bit. I started the drill by getting two girls to my right at the bar, did them at the same time, the second girl was shy and glanced at me but looked away as she said thank you. Next I did a lap around the bar to get 7 girls in succession, the girls were super receptive saying thank you after each rep. I did 2 reps on girls that I’ve done previous reps on in the nighttime drills, this is the same bar/club that I went to for those 2 days. 10th girl can’t remember, next set, I did one girl that was standing next to a guy, I wasn’t sure if this was her bf, husband, I don’t know, this was a standing bar by the way that allows all sexual orientations. Next, I did a group of 6 girls all in succession, I looked in all of their eyes individually they saw me do the entire drill on their whole friend group, each girl saying thank you. I can’t remember the next two girls, but the last girl was sitting down at a table, I just walked up to her and did the drill, she then said thank you. Overall, very anti-climatic, a drill that if other guys would see, they would be scared shitless but I just fucking did that shit in 15 minutes, sober. I can’t believe it we are on Week 6 and it just hasn’t yet fully sunk in what I’ve actually been doing in this program. I will try to get all 40 girls for Day 38 tomorrow, see ya.
You don't hear anything. It's just quiet. I don't hear anything... You've dealt with these thoughts saying that "you're a fucking loser" saying that you don't deserve girls... And for the first time in my life right now, it's just quiet...

I'm not ashamed to say my eyes teared up when I heard this. I feel like this is what so many of us are striving for and it's reassuring to see you on footage say you've tasted it after putting in the work.
Day 38a: YOU'RE CUTE
Total: 14 girls (14/40 girls)
Honestly disappointed that I didn't complete the entire day today, I was at the mall for about 3.5 hours, and only managed to get in 14 girls. The first set is much easier than the next set where you have to stop them then say "wait a minute, you're cute", on the first set you're not as vulnerable because you can walk pass them then say it. My AA was pretty high, stomach was in fucking knots, throat clenching, arms tense as if they're ready to fight, and heart throbbing. I only got two neutral reactions where the girl just looked at me then walked away and then one girl at the food court who just rolled her eyes. But the positive reactions were great, many girls said thank you and smiled, one girl was in front of a store just standing there, and I cloud see in clear detail, the gradual curvature of her lips forming a smile. Another girl was in a food court sitting at a table with her friends, I just walked up to the table, then her, said the line and she squinted and her eyes got really big. I felt like I took her soul, I don't know if she surprised or not, honestly you could look at her reaction both ways. Oh, also holy fuck, girls are legit staring at me when I walk throughout the mall, I was going up the escalator and one girl kept looking up at me while she was on the ground floor, she looked up then down, then up at me again. Another girl in a Macy's I believe was staring at me through the small openings of the make-up stands, an Asian chick. Another girl that was with her boyfriend looked across my way on opposing escalators, I was going up and going down, just staring at me then whole fucking time. That wasn't a freak occurrence because I saw her multiple times throughout the mall and she still looked at me, I don't know what this is, if girls can just sense your confidence or something. Maybe the NoFap people were right, saying that girls have a radar that senses not if you've nutted or not but your confidence lol.
Day 38b: YOU’RE CUTE
Total: 12 girls (26/40 girls)
Big realization came to me today, this is supposed to be fun and it is. My AA was so minimal today, I feared this week because of the aspect of being vulnerable but I fucking love giving out compliments, compared to the rest of the program, this feels more genuine. The rest of the program was just reading from a script but this is life-changing stuff here, you can feel like you talk to any girl, any girl. The malls were pretty dead today and I was being very selective on trying to approach the most attractive girls I can find, I literally went through at least 10 stores to find more but I couldn’t get the day done. God this shit feels so good, you start to reflect back to before the program, when you would just ‘hope’ you’ll accidentally meet a girl then talk then build off of that. The mainstream normie dating advice is pure bullshit, this program is fucking amazing and worth the effort. All of the girls today were receptive as fuck and I eyed one down in an aisle but I went back from behind to approach her, we stared at each other before and I was debating if she was cute enough then I just approached, god that shit felt good. I had to approach some kiosk reps because they’re were few random attractive girls. Since COVID is still a thing some of the girls commented on the absurdity of me calling them cute when they have masks on, one said “how do you not know if my teeth aren’t fucked up.” Fuck this shit is great, I’ve told some of my ‘friends’ about the program and they’re amazed at the shit that I tell them about the drills. This program builds true confidence, no vices, you’re by yourself, with no external forces helping you except maybe your looks. I’ve always hated how the guys around me would use alcohol to get girls drunk so then they could approach them, I always thought it was fucked up and stupid. But this shit right here is the true game changer and no other way would’ve created this, I’m fucking doing this, I’m doing this.
Day 38c: YOU'RE CUTE
Total: 5 girls (31/40 girls)
Stayed locally for today's set of drills, there wasn't that many attractive girls out. AA was moderate in the beginning but remained low after the first rep. Girls either said thank you or commented how their mask was covering their face, and how absurd it is for me to say their cute with a mask on.
Day 38d: YOU'RE CUTE
Total: 10 girls (41/40 girls)
I finally finished, this day is a tipping point in the program, because now you can slowly ease your way into using the torture you've just went through for something practical. I didn't find this day that hard compared to others that I have done the program, besides Day 38a I had no real anxiety for the rest of the days. On Day 38a I noticeably had knots in my fucking stomach, and felt like I had to punch something with how tense my arms were, this day is like a gift compared to the rest of the program. It's a gift in a sense that you start to see the whole picture of why you are here, you are here to give women a good time, that's it. Yes we want to get laid but the vulnerability is the most important part that you have to express, especially in a society that says "we have to focus on our purpose first, then they'll come" but what about acknowledging and being comfortable with your desires. That moment between man and women (man and man, women and women, for my LGBTQ folks) when we acknowledge each other is just something beautiful, today I really felt that. For this day, I got one bad reaction and the rest of the girls said thank you, for the bad reaction I approached her while workers at shoe-cleaning kiosk tried to stop her as well, I just barged in there while the guy was trying to talk to her. She just gave me a brief squint and shook her head. The rest of the girls were great, one girl was on break from her job and she walked towards and I just stopped her, then she started to blush like crazy and stuttered saying thank you. I could tell she was extremely happy, another girl in a Target was in the women's section and laughed after I said the line (she was really happy). Then another girl that was walking towards after I left a Spencer's, said thank you and said "you're cute too", I fucking died holy shit that felt really fucking good. The rest of the other girls, I can't really remember because the interactions were so fucking fast. I'm still trying to comprehend what just happened.