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  1. C

    Totally blind, paid opportunity: help me find a dating photographer in Seattle (and a kink photo for my profile)

    Hello! It's been a while, time flies! A lot of my photos are 2+ years out of date, and I was born totally blind which makes taking new ones (especially that'd look good on a dating app) a challenge. I'd like to find a photographer to help update my collection, but evaluating their work is, once...
  2. C

    I'm totally blind, how do I look?

    I'm going to have to give that one some thought. Maybe should get a few opinions. Yep, that seems the going rate around here (high cost-of-living US city). Makes a lot of sense, and thanks for giving me a roadmap! I'll aim to provide an update (and updated photos) within a few months.
  3. C

    I'm totally blind, how do I look?

    Duly noted, thanks! As for the haircut, should I explicitly mention to the barber that people have commented on my looking young and I'd like a less boyish style? Also, now that I've graduated, moved to a new city, the pandemic is ending and all that, do you think it's worth trying the dating...
  4. C

    I'm totally blind, how do I look?

    As for dating, a few random thoughts: At least for me (and the other blind people I've talked to), a lot of our attraction is voice based. I'm really into girls with giggly, higher-pitched, sort of shy sounding voices and submissive personalities. On that note, the voice prompt feature on...
  5. C

    I'm totally blind, how do I look?

    It sure is! It's hard to assess knowledge by myself... if I could, I wouldn't need them! I often wear Aftershokz when out so that I can hear my phone's VoiceOver reading at ~650 words a minute without the voice blabbing to the outside world if I get a message or something. I like the idea of...
  6. C

    I'm totally blind, how do I look?

    How do I look in something like these?
  7. C

    I'm totally blind, how do I look?

    If my eyes open, it certainly isn't on demand.
  8. C

    I'm totally blind, how do I look?

    166 cm/5 ft 5 in. Something I can definitely look into as I feel I could definitely use improvement there! I regularly jump on a mini trampoline to de-stress, so my leg strength is fairly good, but I could definitely use work on my upper body (I'm a software guy in big tech so spend a lot of...
  9. C

    I'm totally blind, how do I look?

    Hello, I'm totally blind, so having an accurate gauge of how I look and how to improve is... difficult, to say the least. Thought some people here might be able to provide feedback. I don't have lots of control over my eye closure, so my eyes probably look closed and/or odd in these photos. A...
  10. C

    Using Andy's Tinder guide when totally blind?

    Andy's Tinder guides make a lot of sense to me! However, I'm totally blind, and as you can imagine, the picture-centricity of the dating apps poses some serious issues for me. Physical attractiveness is heavily based on voice for me, so I heavily rely on the "see who likes you" feature and I'm...
  11. C

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    I, cactohelado, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. I'm a 22-year-old, just out of undergrad, totally blind software engineer at a big name tech company you've almost definitely heard of. I'm here after stumbling upon one of Andy's videos on YouTube about whether girls...