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  • Users: TKO
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  1. TKO

    Maestro mastering Tinder

    I am not a photo expert, but I think this: - First photo of suit with a friend looks interesting. It looks weird and natural. For mi ok. - Photo with 3 guys with suit looks like you have jumped in. I prefer the first one. For me nope. - Photo with the guitar looks weird. Like you are not really...
  2. TKO

    Maestro mastering Tinder

    Ey @pancakemouse, when you say his photos are too low quality, you mean low definition or that they are not appropiate?
  3. TKO

    How to get a maxed out Dick?

    Mmm... I am about 17-18cm (I think it depends on the level of fat). So my first advice would be to lose fat. That alone can increase 1cm. On internet people are obsessed with dicks size. But I think I am in the limit of big size. Is it possible to be too big, and having a huge dick (not my...
  4. TKO

    Afraid of getting herpes

    Lol, I remember that time I have like sex without condon several times with a chinese prostitute (she was like a porn acctress or something, too much to resist) . I got obssesed with getting AIDS (didnt get it). I will research this thing of herpes.
  5. TKO

    Best advice for boosting sex drive?

    I guess you could try maximizing good things and minimizing bad things: good things: -Cardio (walking some kilometers every day is a start) -Lifting (I like having kettlebels and swing them like if they were some kind of medieval weapon) -talking with sexy girls, even if they are only friends...
  6. TKO

    Her orgasm

    I think it is very interesting to learn to do back massages and apply the technique to having sex. Basically, in a back massage, you never break contact, you never break the rythm. It is like a constant motion. Having sex, it is like keeping a "grinder" approach, and you dont break the rythm...
  7. TKO

    Avanar or other fat loss steroids

    Hi! Ive tried Anavar for 1 month. I got it from a chinese broker, that gets it from a lab. I dont know how much purity it had. Probably something like 80%. The other 20% probably is just unreactive material in the cooking. I didnt send it to a lab. I did a home test to check if it was...
  8. TKO

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    Hi! I, TKO, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. I want to commit to make the best possible version of my Tinder profile (I prefer to take over challenges 1 by 1) ;)