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  1. JurcekThePurcek

    Start of my tinder journey

    Hey everyone, I'n the meantime, I've been on 2 dates from cold approach, 1 tinder date. My first cold approach date was a "insta date" one. The girl was sitting down, and was actually waiting for her tinder date lol... and i open with "sorry, im late to our tinder date". And then thought I was...
  2. JurcekThePurcek

    Start of my tinder journey

    Hey, did 3 cold approaches on 20\6\ - no numbers, very positive reactions though. 2 cold approaches on 22\6\ - 1 number, sent her a text today we'l see, other approach also went positively, but she had a boyfriend for 2 years. To this I will always reply "so it's not that serious". think I...
  3. JurcekThePurcek

    Start of my tinder journey

    Hey everyone, a little update on what's going on. Im still seeing the girl from my previous posts. We had a convo about me seeing other girls, she told me she would like to be friends with me. I told her I cant see us ever being just friends, it has to be romantic and explained to her how i...
  4. JurcekThePurcek

    Start of my tinder journey

    Mindset I'l elaborate a bit more how things went with this girl. 1st date - yes it was a cocktease, but I guess that was because she was on anti-slut defense on sleeping with a guy on first date 2nd date - we have sex Time goes on, we are going on dates and later to her place.. she sees a...
  5. JurcekThePurcek

    Start of my tinder journey

    Adrizzle I didn't lie to her at any point though. btw that line is golden, im stealing that one. :D what I did was something different. When she came over, I told her that I wont be seeing other girl since she said she's not that type of girl, but that she will have to stop seeing other...
  6. JurcekThePurcek

    Start of my tinder journey

    Hey guys, need help on this one: the hottie I had sex in the previous date... things were going really went until yesterday, we were seeing each other and yesterday, when I was at her place, she was a message from another girl on my phone while she was changing the song (I saw her face after...
  7. JurcekThePurcek

    Start of my tinder journey

    Hey guys, figured i'd do an update. From the 3 dates last week, I got to 1 in the end with the chick I have sex with for the past month. But that will be coming to an end since she doesn't want to suck dick. This is unacceptable since this chick isnt anything special looks wise and I feel like...
  8. JurcekThePurcek

    Start of my tinder journey

    Hey guys So this week I have 3 scheduled dates, the most interesting being tomorrow. It's the chick from my last post (super hottie). TLDR is that we have been on 1 date last friday, ended up at my place and made out, next day she reached out to me. Tomorrow we are going on a coffee date. I...
  9. JurcekThePurcek

    Start of my tinder journey

    Seemed like a good answer to me aswell . When she said she'l stay for another 10 minutes for the 6th time, and I again reply with "that's fine", she even made this face like she is surprised with my answer. This was after us making out, touching etc. I was trying to do "push-pull", but I also...
  10. JurcekThePurcek

    Start of my tinder journey

    Hey everyone, Was on a date with a new girl yesterday (from Tinder). This girl and I live like 2 minutes apart from each other, we met at a bar near both of us. The date: Started off with a usual hug. We first sat across each other for the first 20-30 minutes after which I told her to sit...
  11. JurcekThePurcek

    Start of my tinder journey

    Hey everyone, kratjeuh a much better perspective on the situation I agree. Also i definitely saw that girls are very random sometimes :D Wnyhg That's definitely what I am focusing on overall with girls these days. Felt the date went pretty good considering it was with a hotter girl so im...
  12. JurcekThePurcek

    Start of my tinder journey

    Hey everyone, just a little update on the past few days. When I was in my hometown I was supposed to meet with 2 girls (1 for the 1st time, 1 for 3rd date) and ended up with going with neither :D 1 had to step in for her sick coworker, other 1 couldn't get to town (she lives pretty far away)...
  13. JurcekThePurcek

    Start of my tinder journey

    Sup everyone, For those who have read previous posts, I didn't end up messaging that girl again, the more time has passed, the more I realized it was a TERRIBLE idea. Even though I learned to NEVER close any doors like that even again, I feel kinda good about closing her off like that. The...
  14. JurcekThePurcek

    Start of my tinder journey

    I understand, and after that I would assume its really hard to regain frame if it is even possible right. We didn't touch on the subject if she's looking for a relationship or not. but she being more on the conservative side, we could assume she is :D I'l remember this on for future...
  15. JurcekThePurcek

    Start of my tinder journey

    Thanks man, atm I'm working on my body to take a not tryhard shirtless picture when the summer hits. By tone you mean me not fully commiting to my word or being in the boyfriend zone (which I dont mind, I mean i wouldn't go into a relationship with this girl, but I wouldn't mind seeing her for...
  16. JurcekThePurcek

    Start of my tinder journey

    Tbh I wasn't even thinking about inviting her over, especially after the first time she sent the text about not coming over, also she had to go home (if this even matters :D, i guess girls will bend the rules if they wanna fuck with you). I mean at the end of the day I dont have anything to...
  17. JurcekThePurcek

    Start of my tinder journey

    Hey everyone, thanks for the feedback Hedon and filbko . I added some new photos and edited some of the old ones, the profile im currently rocking is: Been on 4 dates for the past 2 weeks, also got my first lay in that time, so this is definitely paying off, thanks...
  18. JurcekThePurcek

    Start of my tinder journey

    Hey everyone, I was briefly on this forum on the cold approach forum. I set some goals for myself which in the end I failed so I did not want to post anything (felt ashamed I guess :D) before I actually do something worthwhile. I decided its inevitable to start online dating. I bought a DSLR...
  19. JurcekThePurcek

    Cold approach log

    Hey guys, 4 approaches today, volume was shit today. No numbers but had a great convo with last chick. Talked for like 5 minutes or so. She said she is studying psychology so at the end of the conversation I said "so as a psychologist what would you say about this interaction" to which she...
  20. JurcekThePurcek

    Cold approach log

    Sup everyone, Manly Cockfellow appreciate the feedback and support. maybe I am a little cocky but I think it shouldn't take me like 300 approaches to get laid once (hopefully this doesn't backfire :D). I've always had good social intelligence, been called an extrovert, but when it came to...