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  1. Hankins

    Ethan’s Progress Log

    Ethan, Hey, welcome to the forums and the community. You have a lot going for you, you may just not know it yet. You know you have improvements to make and are doing something about it. You’re not lurking and are putting yourself out there. You’re training in muay thai. Dude, that’s...
  2. Hankins

    Would appreciate some hair advice

    Do an image search for David Ghandy. He's a male model, a bit older than most, and women of all ages think he's hot. Your hair's close enough to his that his style(s) would work for you.
  3. Hankins


    I've done it. I find the nicotine tabs are not a game changer but something to add to my nootropic stack when it's time for "deep work mode." Use it recreationally just to get a charge and you can develop an addiction, fast. I purchase the 4mg tablets and used a pill cutter to cut them into...
  4. Hankins

    DAY 8 : Gonna be off a few days | Ovnidos Log, from the deep to the everest (5'5'' bastard)

    The idea is solid. The execution is where you fucked up. Good news: there's an easy fix. Hire a professional and let them know what you're going for (if they're professional, they'll immediately understand "cool, attractive guy on a motorcycle"). I cannot image this photoshoot costing more...
  5. Hankins


    You'll be doing this with your dress shirts as well.
  6. Hankins


    Your problem-challenge is understood by fit guys everywhere, especially guys that are both tall and fit: if it fits you in the length, it'll be way to big in the body. This is because your upper body gets more V-shaped as you get more athletic, and clothing is designed in the classic...
  7. Hankins

    iPhone Necessary? Apple-ist dating market?

    Carried over from an old forum. The moderator-creator had it set up like that. Easy on the eyes for old school computer programmers. Apparently the black and green is easiest in a dark room for extended periods of time. It also has that "operational security, top secret, covert, yadda yadda...
  8. Hankins

    iPhone Necessary? Apple-ist dating market?

    Thanks for the heads up. iPhone 13 on the way. I promised myself I wouldn't fuck around this time. I have to go all in. I don't mind dropping the extra cash on the latest model. I just do the math and look at cost per use/day. Over time, just not an issue (for me). Another cost of doing...
  9. Hankins

    iPhone Necessary? Apple-ist dating market?

    I've seen several YouTube videos where people have basically stated that women, at least in the US dating market, are going to judge you by your phone. Apple is for the cool kids. Not really, but perception is reality and the hot girls are Apple girls. Which means they think iPhone's are cool...
  10. Hankins


    Great to hear. I posted the above before I came across your blog (I think you linked to it in these forums somewhere). Amazing site and analysis with the actual numbers. For any of you lurkers, here's Pancake Mouse's site where he mentions NYC (he also has great information on other cities as...
  11. Hankins

    What Jeans Do You Recommend?

    Addendum to the above post ^. Best option is to just go to any major store when they're having a sale and take a stack with you to the changing room. Seriously, you'll notice that several pairs with the exact same tag size have different measurements. Grab every one on the shelf in the style...
  12. Hankins


    NYC gang, Manhattan specifically, Do you guys still recommend the city? Prior to my life taking a turn (another story for another post) and pre-Covid (where all our lives took a turn), I was planning on Manhattan for two reasons. 1. It's the daygame capitol of the world (or damn close to it)...
  13. Hankins

    What Jeans Do You Recommend?

    Mav, Short Answer: Get used jeans on eBay with the exact measurements taken and photographed (not the tagged measurements). Compare the numbers with a pair that you already own and fits you well. Long Rambling Answer: Having inconsistent sizing in jeans is pretty common. Even for the high...
  14. Hankins

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    I, Hankins, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. That’s me in the avatar. Actor’s headshot. I was on the GLL forums years ago and was kicking ass with progress. Then, I fell off the wagon and life started passing me by one day at a time. All the reasons don’t really...