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  1. Bopbap1337

    Bopbap1337's log

    Update for the last few weeks I went traveling for the first time last week. Went with my ex to Melbourne and explored the city a bit. I've been thinking of moving there for the better pay and cost of living I've stopped using all dating apps for the time being. I currently have 3 FWBs who...
  2. Bopbap1337

    Bopbap1337's log

    Week 6 update Didn't really do anything related to girls this week. Took kratjeuh and Squilliam's advice and instead spent time with some friends and family. I should probably work on building a better social life. Week 7 update This week was a banger, two hookups and 1 date. All three...
  3. Bopbap1337

    Bopbap1337's log

    Week 5 update Had a date on Monday and Thursday and, hooked up with a tinder girl on Friday. I have another date planned tomorrow as well. Monday's date was terrible. The women was hardcore into wokeism and wouldn't stop talking about the patriarchy and Palestine. Kept saying how she hates...
  4. Bopbap1337

    Better late than never - PJGs progress log

    Subscribed. Cold approaching sounds horrifying. Hope you stick with it and do well
  5. Bopbap1337

    Bopbap1337's log

    Week 4 update Pretty Average week. Got another blowjob from virgin girl Saturday night and she slept over and left in the morning Had a date on Monday and Tuesday. Monday date went really well, got a quick bite to eat and then had some drinks at a local bar. Date lasted over 3 hours and we...
  6. Bopbap1337

    Bopbap1337's log

    Week 3 update Pretty good week. 3 lays Saturday: (This is last saturday) I messaged and old fwbs who i used to see over a year ago and she invited me straight over to her's late at night. Was good fun, got pretty lucky with the timing of this one Sunday: My date that I had organized decided...
  7. Bopbap1337

    Bopbap1337's log

    Week 2 update I Set up three dates. One for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Super attractive women too. Saturday girl cancels and says she's sick but I'm not too fussed. Girl I met last week has been messaging me and says she's keen to fuck some more. Cool, but tbh I'm trying to score with...
  8. Bopbap1337

    Bopbap1337's log

    Week 1 update. First week getting back into dating after breaking off a long term relationship This week went pretty well, I contacted my previous fwbs and made a bumble. My old fwbs actually thought I was trying to cheat on my partner. Funny. I tell her we're broken up now and I'm back...
  9. Bopbap1337

    Bopbap1337's log

    It's a bit hard for me to figure what exactly I want and what my goals are. In terms of dating, I'm not sure if I want to just collect a group of fwbs or If it would be better for me to find the one special person. Regardless, to successfully achieve either of these I will need to work on myself...
  10. Bopbap1337

    Pics review

    Been away from dating apps for over a year now. Broke up with my gf and so now I'm trying to get back into dating/hookups Any advice is greatly appreciated. I don't post much but I do lurk these forums and the advice here is phenomenal...
  11. Bopbap1337

    Would appreciate some hair advice

    I think my hair is way to long but I don't know how it should be cut or what to tell the barber. Any styling tips are appreciated. I have no fashion sense
  12. Bopbap1337

    Tinder pics

    Damn dude your pictures are WAY better than mine. I'm surprised you're not killing it. I'm super new to this but I'm pretty sure it's your texting game that's off. Tbh, I'm not too sure about Andy's texting template. I made 3 fwb's doing my own thing with texting. The rest of his guide is...
  13. Bopbap1337

    Pics review

    Okay guys thanks for the advice!
  14. Bopbap1337

    Pics review

    Here's some more pictures that I'm not currently using.
  15. Bopbap1337

    Pics review

    Been using tinder for a few weeks. I'm using these photos. Managed to lay two hotties so far so not too bad, may have been a fluke though. I feel like I could make my portfolio a LOT better. Any advice is greatly appreciated!
  16. Bopbap1337

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    I, Bopbap1337, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. I'm 25 I was homeschooled and mostly socially isolated growing up so I had to learn how to not be a social retard only recently🤣. Lost my virginity couple years ago. Gf and I have split up a little while ago so now I'm...